How to force SQL developer to use imp/exp command while import/export - oracle

While importing or exporting oracle data dump using SQL Developer by default it is using impdp command for import and expdp command for export. But I want to import a dump which is exported using exp command, and for that i need to force SQL developer to use imp command instead of impdp command. And same for export.
Pleas help me if anyone knows how to in-force SQL developer to use imp for import instead of impdp and exp for export instead of expdp

IMP and EXP are client side utilities like SQL Loader and SQLPlus.
The reason you can use SQL Developer with Data Pump, is because Data Pump runs in the database AND it has a PL/SQL API - with which we have built a GUI for in our DBA Panel.
If you need to use IMP and EXP - you need to get an Oracle Client of your machine, and install it.
You don't say which version of Oracle Database you'll be working with - that's important. Make sure the client you install will be compatible with the source database you want to generate an EXP dmp with.

You can't do this because there is no PL/Sql API for imp and exp. Oracle have only provided PL/Sql api for expdp and impdp, So SQL developer can only implement those API.


Export & Import in SQL DEVELOPER without datapump

I want to export below things from SQL developer
1-Only schema (tables structure)
2-Only data in excel form
3-Schema with data
after exporting this i want to import the same to the another database
So what steps should i follow for export and import?
I can not use DATA PUMP as i don't have DBA privilege
As you use Oracle 11g, I'd suggest you to forget about SQL Developer and use the original EXP and IMP utilities. Doing so, you'd avoid DBA-related-problems as these utilities don't require access to the directory (an Oracle object which points to (usually database server's) filesystem directory, and - in order to be able to use it - you'd need to have read/write privileges on it).
So - if you don't already have these, install Oracle Client which contains EXP/IMP and use them.

Oracle 12C: ORA-00406: COMPATIBLE parameter needs to be

We have a 2 current Oracle 10G( production databases, and we are planning to migrate to a new database server with Oracle 12C. Since data is for each database is only around 5GB, the best way to create a new instance and use data pump to transfer data. To achieve this, I created a database link from the Oracle 12C database to the 10G, and use that to expdp the data from the 12C database. However when I import the exported data I have around tables that have an error like this:
ORA-39083: Object type TABLE:"USER"."WH_SEARCH_ACT" failed to create with error:
ORA-00406: COMPATIBLE parameter needs to be or greater
ORA-00722: Feature "Partition Read Only"
Is there any solution to this other than adding the COMPATIBLE parameter in the production database? This is production so I can't really just update/modify the current production database. Any other solutions here, because i don't like just create the tables before importing the data pump file.
Use the version parameter in the data pump utility. For example:
expdp hr/hr TABLES=hr.employees VERSION=10.2
DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=emp10g.dmp LOGFILE=emp.log
Just make sure the version of the export utility is 10g and import utility is 12G. Hope this helps.
In the production database . you can use exp program
exp username/password buffer=64000 file=/path/to/path.dmp full=y
copy exp dump file to oracle 12c and use
imp username/password buffer=64000 file=/path/to/path.dmp full=y

how to import a .dmp file in oracle sql developer

How can i import a .dmp file in to sql developer. i had already created schema and i just need to insert data with these dump files. I tried imp and impdb commmands in sql command line but of no use.
You don't use SQL Developer to process data pump or legacy EXPORT dumps.
You CAN use SQL Developer to create a Data Pump job which will process your data pump export - this assumes the file is avail on a DB directory.
For a better answer, tell us exactly what kind of 'dmp' file you have.
If it's a Oracle Export dmp, the only way to import it is with the Import utility.

How do I export a 'database' from Oracle 11g XE and import it to Oracle 10.2?

Up to this point, I've never done anything serious with an Oracle database. I know that they are different than what I've handled, like MS SQL.
So, coming from an MS SQL perspective, I can backup a database, copy over the .bak file to another server, restore it, creating a complete copy of the database.
I'm not sure how to do the same for Oracle, much less different versions. I've seen it done mostly with command lines, so I tried this:
$exp owner/owner schemas=tkcsdb directory=dumpdir dumpfile=dBaseName logfile=dBaseLog
And then the SQL Plus returns:
Unknown Parameter Name 'Schemas'.
Failed to process parameters.
Export terminated unsuccessfully.
I've since replaced the 'schemas' with 'schema' (same error), and I wanted to try using 'tables', though I'm not sure how that would turn out. I'm not even 100% if 'tkcsdb' is the name of the database I'm looking for - I've been unable to list all the databases I have.
What I want to do (which I've done with MS SQL, MySQL, and even IBM DB2 of all things) is looking to be quite difficult to replicate in Oracle.
As with the title, how do I export a 'database' from Oracle 11g XE and import it to Oracle 10.2?
I'm using Windows 7, the target machine is a Linux Fedora of some sort.
EXP and IMP are ancient - do not use them unless you absolutely have to. They cannot handle some of the features of newer Oracle versions.
The tools of choice are EXPDP and IMPDP (short for EXP datapump and IMP datapump).
Unfortunately, using them is a little more complicated, because you can run them only on the database server (contrary to old-style EXP/IMP, which you could run from any client computer).
So, to get your schema from the 11g source DB to the 10g target DB, you'll have to:
open a terminal session on the 11g DB server
run expdp with version set to 10 (so you can import it on the 10g server)
copy the dump file fom the 11g server to the datapump directory of the 10g server (look for a directory called "dpump")
open a terminal session on the 10g DB server
run impdp with your dump file
expdp scott/tiger#db11g version=10.2 schemas=SCOTT dumpfile=SCOTT.dmp logfile=expdpSCOTT.log
impdp scott/tiger#db10g schemas=SCOTT dumpfile=SCOTT.dmp logfile=impdpSCOTT.log

Bulk export in oracle 8i

How can I export data from Oracle 8i database using command which I can run through oracle cli?
My biggest problem is, the data should be exported based in the query I use...
For ex,
select * from emp where emp_id>4
should dump the records having emp_id>4.
I don't have permission to use functions.
Please help!!
Oracle provides a set of tools that are designed for exporting data (the exp tool, for instance). These don't run via the SQL*PLUS command line (which I assume is what you mean by CLI), although they do connect via NET*8. From Oracle 8i onwards, you can use the query parameter to limit the rows exported:
exp scott/tiger tables=emp query="where deptno=10"
But you have to have the Oracle client installed and be able to connect to the database via SQL*NET.
If all you have is the ability to run queries, you're out of luck unless you can write a query that generates a CSV (tricky if you don't have the ability to call/write functions). It sounds to me like all you have access to is a web interface.
