Export database dmp in sql developer - oracle

Is there any possible way to export the full database .dmp file in Oracle sql developer Version
If not and should be done by this command:
expdp EMP/EMP#db10g full=Y directory=D:\home dumpfile=emp.dmp logfile=expdpemp.log
where to use this command? and what's "#db10g" in the command? where do i get it?

View > DBA
Add a connection - we assume you have fairly high privs
Go to the data pump node
Right-click, use the Export Wizard
It will guide you through the steps to create and run a job which will run data pump to do your export.
This reminds me I should probably do a blog post on Data Pump support in SQLDev...


Export & Import in SQL DEVELOPER without datapump

I want to export below things from SQL developer
1-Only schema (tables structure)
2-Only data in excel form
3-Schema with data
after exporting this i want to import the same to the another database
So what steps should i follow for export and import?
I can not use DATA PUMP as i don't have DBA privilege
As you use Oracle 11g, I'd suggest you to forget about SQL Developer and use the original EXP and IMP utilities. Doing so, you'd avoid DBA-related-problems as these utilities don't require access to the directory (an Oracle object which points to (usually database server's) filesystem directory, and - in order to be able to use it - you'd need to have read/write privileges on it).
So - if you don't already have these, install Oracle Client which contains EXP/IMP and use them.

Oracle Database Backup in DBeaver

I am new to Oracle databases. I have installed DBeaver (never used this before too) to connect to the database.
I have created a connection (which I believe is called database) and now I am able to see the database tables and everything. How do I take the backup of the Oracle Database in DBeaver so I can use it locally for test purposes before making any change on live database?
I can't find any option to take the backup of connection/database.
To do a proper backup of your Oracle Database, you should use the oracle provided utility, Recovery Manager. It's a command line interface that's called from your DB server shell prompt via 'RMAN'
You can also use Data Pump to export all or part of a database that can be used to import to another database...not really used for recovery of an existing database.
I'm not aware of your tool having interfaces for either of these Oracle features.
You might not need a backup at all for your needs, take a look at Oracle Flashback Technology.
DBeaver does not support oracle database export import. See details here:
You need to run the sqlplus tool to create a folder where oracle is going to import/export database dumps. Login should happen as sys as sysdba and enter the password you previously entered during database server installation. Example:
sqlplus sys/[your password] as sysdba
After you successfully logged into sqlplus run the following command (don't forget to set to a different folder that you prefer to use):
create or replace directory DATA_PUMP_DIR as 'D:\Database Backups';
Once this is done exit from sqlplus and enter the following command into the command line (again no sqlplus should be used here)
expdp sys/[your password]#localhost:1521/[listener name] file=your-database-dump-file.dmp owner=[your schema]
Once this is done and finished you can zip your database dump if you would like to upload it somewhere else. (I had 9 GB dump and the zipped size was 1.6 GB)

how to import a .dmp file in oracle sql developer

How can i import a .dmp file in to sql developer. i had already created schema and i just need to insert data with these dump files. I tried imp and impdb commmands in sql command line but of no use.
You don't use SQL Developer to process data pump or legacy EXPORT dumps.
You CAN use SQL Developer to create a Data Pump job which will process your data pump export - this assumes the file is avail on a DB directory.
For a better answer, tell us exactly what kind of 'dmp' file you have.
If it's a Oracle Export dmp, the only way to import it is with the Import utility.

How to create a dump?

I'm one of the junior DBA working in IT company.In my company there are so many schemas is there.Now my question is How to create a dump file(some times i'm working at home.That time how to use that dump file ).Please suggest me
NOTE:I am using Oracle SQL Developer.
Expdp helps in exporting the database and impdp helps in importing the database. you can directly export one schema to another (in different database also) by using network link concept.
If network link concept is used then the creation of separate expdp file is not required.
For example If you have to export a schema called schema1 with password pwd1 from source database to target database then
first you need admin privileges of your target and source schema.
You can create a network link between source and target schema
USING 'server_name:port/service_name';--(put source database server_name,port and service name)
then create a directory in your target server :-
grant read,write on directory exp_dir to schema1;
After this login to your target server and from command line use the below command:
impdp dba_username/dba_pwd network_link=example_link directory=exp_dir remap_tablespace=source_tbs:target_tbs remap_schema=schema1:schema1 parallel=2
You should use the Oracle Data Pump tool. The tool allows you to export your data into a .dmp file and import it into any database. Here is a video showing how to use the data pump tool in SQLDeveloper. I think this is a relatively new feature in SQLDeveloper, so make sure you have the appropriate versions..
Video Tutorial HERE
From the command line, you can use data pump with the expdp and impdp commands like so..
Set your oracle environment by running the below command and providing your oracle SID
. oraenv
Then you can run your export command..
expdp directory=/bu1/dpdump/ dumpfile=myexport.dmp logfile=mylog.log schemas=users,products,sales
The parameters are as follows..
directory - the directory where to create the dumpfile and log
dumpfile - name of the dump file (should end in .dmp)
logfile - name of the log file (should end in .log)
schemas - comma seperated list of the schemas you want to export
NOTE: you need dba privileges to use datapump. It will prompt you for the credentials
Data Pump Documentation is here
Exporting of ORACLE database objects is controlled by parameters. To get familiar with EXPORT parameters type:
exp help=y
You will get a short description and the default settings will be shown.
The EXPORT utility may be used in three ways:
Interactive dialogue
Controlled through bypassed parameters
Parameterfile controlled
Example to the 2nd option:
exp scott/tiger file=empdept.expdat tables=(EMP,DEPT) log=empdept.log
Take a look at these links for further readings:
Original Export and Import
The ORACLE Import/Export Utilities

Import and Export Data plus schema using SQLDeveloper 3.0.04

i am newbie to oracle and i like to export database from remote database and import it on local machine. eOn both machines i have oracle 10.2.
I need to know how to export/import schema and data from oracle 10.2 using SQLDeveloper
To export from remote database, i have used export Tool-> Database Export -> export wizard.
and at the end i have got only sql file with DDL and DML statements but somewhere in file it is written
"Cannot render Table DDL for object XXX.TABLE_NAME with DBMS_METADATA attempting internal generator error.
I have ignored previously mentioned message and tried to run those DDL and DML statements but all this ended up with errors.
Is it possible that all this tied with read-only database user? More over, i dont find any table under tables but also tables under other users in SqlDeveloper.
Thanks in advance
As a test, can you select one object in the tree, and navigate to the script panel? SQLDEV also uses DBMS_METADATA to generate those scripts.
Also, as a work-around, try using DataPump to export and import your data. It will be much more efficient for moving around larger schemas.
Your note about not seeing tables under indicates your schema doesn't actually own any tables. You may be working with synonyms that allow you to query objects as if they are in your account. You could be running into a privilege issue, but your error message doesn't indicate that. Error messages often come in bunches, and the very first one is usually the most important.
If you could try using the EXPORT feature say against a very simple schema like SCOTT as a test, this should indicate whether there is a problem with your account settings or with the software.
I'm not sure with SQL Developer 3.0 but with version 3.1 you can follow this:
SQL Developer 3.1 Data Pump Wizards (expdp, impdp)
