PhoneGap Build API for Node.js - Unable to load a custom build - phonegap-build

I am trying to upload a zip file containing my App into PhoneGap Build by using the API with Node.js but it doesn't work, it does if I upload the file manually from the website.
After a successfully authentication with this piece of code:
pgBuild.auth({ token: phonegapBuildToken }, authenticationResponse);
in my callback I do the following:
function authenticationResponse(e, api){
var options = {
form: {
data: {
platforms: ['android', 'ios']
file: './www/'
}; + '/build', options, function(ee, data) {
console.log('## BUILD IN PROGRESS...');
inside the option I am pointing to the file I want to load
file: './www/'
the problem is that whatever I put there it doesn't get picked up, what PhoneGap Build builds is the file always the file loaded through the website.
Can I get some help, please? :)
PS: I get no error

I have managed to solved this problem - it was a problem on how I create the zip file apparently...PhoneGap Build API don't like zip files done with gulp-zip, using archiverjs ( solves the issue :)


NativeScript Downloader plugin: Can not open zip file after downloading the file

I am working on native script 8 and using ns plugin add #triniwiz/nativescript-downloader plugin to download the zip file from the server.
I get the download response
"status": "completed",
"path": "file:///data/user/0/com.myapp.example/cache/1bbf6484-9c77-4357-9759-1c1a55011a21"
but when the plugin tries to unzip the same downloaded file it gives me this
File does not exist, invalid archive path: file:///data/user/0/com.myapp.example/cache/1bbf6484-9c77-4357-9759-1c1a55011a21
I am using #nativescript/zip for unzipping the downloaded file.
unZipFile(path, unzipPath) {
let destination = fs.path.join(this.document.path,"/assets/",unzipPath);
return Zip.unzip({
archive: path,
directory: destination,
onProgress: this.onUnZipProgress
}).then((res) => {
return destination;
}).catch((err) => {
return 'failed-----------------:'+err;
not sure if there is something wrong with the code or the plugin, can someone please help?
Check the download directory you're using. You likely should be using only the temp or documents known folders. See the [NativeScript File System][1] docs for details.
I've seen a problem similar to this where it looks like the file downloaded successfully but in fact failed due to security restrictions. This is especially true on iOS.

How to upload an PDF file with

I would like to upload a PDF file using cypress.
The idea will be to go and find the pdf file into my directory.
I didn't find some way yet.
This is the element used to upload
2022 Update
Since Cypress v9.3.0 you can use
you can find more details about it in Cypress api docs
Cypress doesn't support file upload out of the box.
cypress-file-upload is a npm package which provides a custom cypress command to upload files easily.
But, it requires the file to be present in the fixtures folder.
Sample code for uploading pdf file:
const fileName = 'myfile.pdf';
cy.fixture(fileName).then(fileContent => {
cy.get('#filesToUpload').upload({ fileContent, fileName, mimeType: 'application/pdf' }, { subjectType: 'input' });
You can also find more workarounds here:
As mentioned by #bushra you need to install the 'cypress-file-upload' package and then you can do this :)
Cypress.Commands.add("UploadFile", function () {
cy.fixture("someFile", "binary")
.then((fileContent) => {
filePath: "someFile.pdf",
fileName: "someFile.pdf",

Laravel-mix versioning when uploaded in S3 thinks in previous hash

With using webpack-s3-plugin npm package, I'm saving my laravel-mix compiled & versioned files into S3 (for cdn purposes).
Bare in mind, this was working until yesterday.
let webpackPlugins = [];
if (mix.inProduction() && process.env.UPLOAD_S3) {
webpackPlugins = [
new s3Plugin({
include: /.*\.(css|js)$/,
s3Options: {
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_KEY,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
s3UploadOptions: {
Bucket: process.env.ASSETS_S3_BUCKET,
CacheControl: 'public, max-age=31536000'
basePath: 'assets/' + process.env.APP_ENV,
directory: 'public'
mix.scripts([ // I also tried '.combine'
], 'public/js/scripts.js')
// Other bundling stuff
plugins: webpackPlugins
Now, S3's eTag doesn't match to mix-manifest.json hash. And, when I visit the page, it fetches 1 version behind, not the latest uploaded but exactly 1 previous version. However, when I check the 'updated date' on S3, it's correct. Nevertheless, it's exactly one version behind.
What I suspect is it is uploading to s3 before the bundling is completely done; however I am not sure. What am I missing here?
I used this guide if you want to know the laravel side in detail.
After diving around the S3 plugin source, I am fairly confident this is caused by the hook used to trigger the S3 upload. I don't know enough about webpack plugins to give a full description of this, but I have made an educated guess at what is causing the issue and my proposed fix seems to have sorted the issue.
The author of the plugin has accepted my pull request and the fix is currently awaiting release.
If you need a fix in the meantime, then you can do it like so (note, this is very dirty and should be treated as temporary):
Browse to your node_modules folder
Locate the folder named webpack-s3-plugin
Copy the file dist/s3_plugin.js
Paste somewhere in your project
Open the file and locate the line t.hooks.afterEmit.tapPromise
Replace with t.hooks.done.tapPromise
In your webpack.mix.js file, change the require('webpack-s3-plugin') to point to your javascript file
Just to reiterate, this is a temporary fix until the latest version of the plugin is released.

Integrate actions sdk with aws lambda

I am trying to develop a google assistant app with actions sdk. I found lot of samples online which all are using google's firebase cloud functions to deploy.
From this link( I also found that it is possible to deploy the actions sdk functions into aws lambda.
But unfortunately I did not find any sample which is showing how to write and deploy actions sdk into aws lambda.
Can anybody help me to write an application which is similar to the one shown here( and deploy it into aws lambda?
I tried the following to do the same. But it did not worked.
Created a folder and initialized it with "npm init".
Added index.js file.
Then ran the command "npm install actions-on-google". It appeared in the package.json file.
Created a zip folder of the entire source inside that folder I created.
Created a aws lambda function and uploaded the zip folder and set the "Handler" of the lambda function as "index.fulfillment".
Created an api gateway and linked it to the lambda function and deployed it.
Then took the url and editted the "actions.json" file and ran the gactions command.
Then when I started testing the app in the actions console using the simulator I am getting the error "UnparseableJsonResponse API Version 2: Failed to parse JSON response string with 'INVALID_ARGUMENT' error: "error_message: Cannot find field"
Here is the code inside index.js file
'use strict';
const {actionssdk, SimpleResponse} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = actionssdk({debug: true});
app.intent('actions.intent.MAIN', (conv) => {
app.intent('actions.intent.TEXT', async (conv, input) => {
conv.ask('You said ' + input);
exports.fulfillment = app
Here is the cloud watch logs from aws
2018-11-10T08:35:46.715Z 9dbb17f8-e4c3-11e8-bce3-730a5244a300
"errorMessage": "Cannot convert undefined or null to object",
"errorType": "TypeError",
"stackTrace": [
"Function.keys (<anonymous>)",
"Lambda.<anonymous> (/var/task/node_modules/actions-on-google/dist/framework/lambda.js:36:36)",
" (<anonymous>)",
"new Promise (<anonymous>)",
"__awaiter (/var/task/node_modules/actions-on-google/dist/framework/lambda.js:18:12)",
"omni (/var/task/node_modules/actions-on-google/dist/assistant.js:44:53)"
The code changes to host it on AWS are fairly straightforward. Instead of importing the firebase-functions library and using it, you just need to establish the lambda endpoint with the dialogflow app itself. So the code might look something like:
const { dialogflow } = require('actions-on-google')
const app = dialogflow()
// Setup intent handlers with app.intent() here
exports.factsAboutGoogle = app

Cannot open File protocol links in Resource protocol page in Firefox 41

I've made a local file (log.html) in Firefox profile and tried to open it in an add-on page (add-on folder/data/log.html and it's shown as Resource protocol in URL bar).
self.port && self.port.on('add-log-path', function(payLoad) {
function addLogPath(url) {
// url == "file:///Users/usr/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/05rhodfg.cfxo/log.html"
$('#logpath').attr('href', url);
I've also tried changing that to JS method
function addLogPath(url) {
$('#logpath').on("click", function() {;
But the error is
JavaScript error: , line 0: Error: Access to
from script denied
BTW, before Firefox version 41, it has no problem doing this.
Can you suggest other workaround to solve this? Thank you!
added add-on example to reproduce the problem
download and run the following statement in Terminal:
$ cd fileProtocolExample && cfx run
Do'filename_here') to get that path to your file.
It will look something like resource://your-extension-id/data/filename_here, then this should load fine. That resource:// in front is important, make sure you get and use that URL.
The file:// won't work, because your addon is packed in a zip. Its not extracted into the system. How did it work in Firefox 41? Was your addon unpacked at that time? This is an Addon-SDK addon right?
