Confused about WiX Project template in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

Every WiX online tutorial - using Visual Studio - I try to follow asks a user to create a WiX Setup project as follows:
Right click on your solution folder and select Add > New Project…
Select ‘Windows Installer XML’ > ‘Setup Project’ and give your installer project a name as shown below:
But after installing Wix Toolset Visual Studio 2017 Extension from here and following their instructions to install WiX 3.11 RC2 from here, what I get in my VS2017 Community Edition is the set of Wix templates as shown below. Question: Which of the templates shown in image below should I use to create an MSI installer for a simple Winform app? Or, is there something I am missing here? If so, how can I remedy that? [Note: You can click on the image to get a larger view of it]

Yes, this is known issue and they are working on it: This is an RC and not RTM.
You should select WiX Toolset\v3\Setup Project


Impossible to load file or assembly TemplateWizardInterface when creating a Data Connector projet in VS CE 2019

Using Visual Studio Community Edition 2019, I am trying to create a Power BI Data connector with the Power Query SQK.
My VS install is fresh, nothing installed except strict minimum (I did not chose anything when Visual Studio Installer proposed).
After installing, I juste downloaded the SDK (, double clicked on the file and it installed itself.
Back in VS, I want to create a project. I select Data Connector Project:
Then, I give it a name, click "Create" and I have this error message:
It says:
Impossible to load the file or the assembly "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateWizardInterface ... or one of its dependances. The file cannot be found
How to solve this problem ?
To fix the problem, open up Visual studio Installer, modify the current VS version you have, go in the "individual components" tab, filter the search with "sdk visual studio". The SDK is (for me) at the end of the list. Install it and problem is solved.

Windows Service Template for Visual Studio 2017

The Windows Service Template no longer displays by-default for new projects in Visual Studio 2017....and the installer has no 'search' capability.
All this AZURE stuff is great, but I still gotta do normal 'on-prem' work too...and I hate maintaining 2 versions of Visual Studio.
Any thoughts here?
Just checked here. I see project "Windows Service (.NET Framework)" under the Windows Classic Desktop folder under Visual C#.
(Visual Basic has a similar entry.)
Only some templates are shown in parent folders, for more specialist templates you need to be more specific.
But also the search finds both.
NB I selected ".NET Desktop" workload on install, which I see you have not.
Check the .NET desktop development option in the installer, then click Modify.
VS2017 --> New project --> Visual Basic or Visual C# --> Windows Classic Desktop --> Windows Service
Also check out this recent post (currently dated 2017-3-30) from MS to do it without the project template:
How to: Write Services Programmatically
The key points are as follows:
Create a new project
Add "System.dll" and "System.ServiceProcess.dll" as References
Create a class inheriting from ServiceBase and create a Program.cs with Main exactly like the template project does
If you are talking Windows Template Studio Universal then You have to install the extension in Visual Studio.
Go to Tools menu >> Extensions & Updates >> Online >>then search for Windows Template Studio
OR go to

How to build cpp-templates for Cocos2d-X-3.8.1 with Visual Studio 2013?

I'm a new guy in Cocos2d-X. I download the, the newest version in official website,
Extract the zip, I successfully open and build /cocos2d-x-3.8.1/build/cocos2d-win32.sln with Visual Studio2015 community.
Then I try to open cocos2d-x-3.8.1/templates/cpp-template-default/proj.win32/HelloCpp.sln, but the VS2015 tell me there are errors when load solution.
I thought VS2015 is too new for Cocos2d-x-3.8.1, so I uninstalled the VS2015, install the Visual Studio 2013 community. But the same thing happen, build/cocos2d-win32.sln is successful, /templates/HelloCpp.sln is failed.
I follow some books, it tell me to set up a template Visual Studio template with VC++ for cocos2d-x, but I wonder why it's failed when I build the cpp template.
Is VS2013/2015 to new for cocos2d-x-3.8.1 ?
Is it a must to use Visual Studio 2012 ?
You don't just download and extract there is more to do then just that
you need to setup cocos2d-x environment variables first then run your projects
and here is a you-tube tutorial that shows you how to:
after you do all the steps in the video just open cocos2d-win32.sln and run it and it will automatically builds(takes a minute or tow) then runs.
PS: VS 2013 or 2015 both should work ... i myself using cc2d 3.8 with VS2013update5 and it all works fine.

VS 2010 Error: ...csproj Cannot Be Opened

I'm trying to launch a project created by someone else in my local environment. I'm currently using the following products:
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version 10.0.40219.1 SP1 Rel
Windows 7 Ultimate
But when I double click on the .sln file I get the following error:
C:\Users...\Desktop\ContactManager\ContactManager\ContactManager.csproj : error : The project file 'C:\Users...\Desktop\ContactManager\ContactManager\ContactManager.csproj' cannot be opened.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
Please help me load my project. :)
Thank you,
Turns out that I just needed to install MVC version 3. I guess the project that I was trying to open is using MVC3 and my machine only had 2 as you can see in my environment list above. I'm glad I was able to fix this BUT give me a better error message for crying out loud. Sheesh. ;)
I've come across this before. In my case, I had installed Microsoft SQL Server and, more importantly, BIDS. Whenever I would open a project that was created in VS2008, the VS version selector would identify this as a 2008 project and BIDS would try to open it (and this error would occur). What I did as a work-around is I would right-click on the .sln file and use the "Open With" to select VS2010. If that also works for you, you can change your defaults for what opens .sln files.
Another way to test this is to open VS2010 and then use the "Open Solution" menu option to open your solution. If this method works, you know the issue is the default program that is opening your .sln files.
In my case project needs to have MVC3 so at first i checked i have MVC3 template in Visual Studio 2010 (service pack 1 installed). I downloaded MVC3 installer frowm following link:
After installing my issue get resolved.

Webservice Contract First Visual Studio Addin 2008: did someone succeed to install?

I've tried to install this
it seems I have to download the vs2005 version first and then update with a file for vs2008.
But the addin failed to install as for me.
Did someone achieve to do so with VS 2008 ?
You're right. It looks like it is needed to have VS 2K5 before being able to use this add-in.
I guess the setup for VS 2005 tries to add a toolbar or some menu items, so it launches VS 2005, which of course fails if you don't have it.
Instead of preparing a setup program for VS 2008, the author just provides an updated .addin while for it.
Maybe it is enough to extract the files from the .msi (see the back room tech for a link) and then install the .addin file from the zip of the "2008 version".
If you succeed in doing this with the msi, put then this .addin file in a directory where VS 2008 looks for it (see the list in Tools / options / Environment / Addins Macro security).
Inside the .addin, there is the path to the add-in itself, which must be of course adapted.
