Webservice Contract First Visual Studio Addin 2008: did someone succeed to install? - visual-studio

I've tried to install this
it seems I have to download the vs2005 version first and then update with a file for vs2008.
But the addin failed to install as for me.
Did someone achieve to do so with VS 2008 ?

You're right. It looks like it is needed to have VS 2K5 before being able to use this add-in.
I guess the setup for VS 2005 tries to add a toolbar or some menu items, so it launches VS 2005, which of course fails if you don't have it.
Instead of preparing a setup program for VS 2008, the author just provides an updated .addin while for it.
Maybe it is enough to extract the files from the .msi (see the back room tech for a link) and then install the .addin file from the zip of the "2008 version".
If you succeed in doing this with the msi, put then this .addin file in a directory where VS 2008 looks for it (see the list in Tools / options / Environment / Addins Macro security).
Inside the .addin, there is the path to the add-in itself, which must be of course adapted.


Visual Studio Installer Projects product name diacritics

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Installer projects extension to create an installer for my app.
Works OK, but the problem is that the product name contains "ลก" character in it and the font used in the msi installer obviously doesn't support that character:
Anything I can do about that?
Some background info:
I initially developed the app in VS 2015 which had a free Install Shield Limited edition. Or maybe it was even VS2013, don't really remember... However, now I need to make some changes in the app. There was no problem with such a name in Install Shield back then. So I tried to open the project in VS 2022, but obviously Install shield's no longer an option. This is where VS Installer project comes in, but there's the problem with the diacritics...
This looks like an encoding issue. Try searching in the VS project properties for an option to set the encoding to Unicode. I don't use the VS projects that much, so I don't know if you have the option to change it not, but it might be there.
Also, if you are looking for a better free MSI packaging tool, try the Advanced Installer extension for Visual Studio. There is one for each version of VS.
Disclaimer. I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

Loading Visual Studio 12 project in Visual Studio 10 [duplicate]

My teacher is complaining that he can't read the VS2012 format on his VS2010 environment. I looked around in settings and so on but couldn't find anything. How can I give the project in an VS2010 readable format to my teacher?
Modifying sln manually
Backup your project folder (copy/paste to another location, like a folder called "backups")
Open sln file on wordpad
Change the "header" of opened sln to below (the first lines that matches mentioned lines below, except by version number/name):
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
I'll see if there is a way to do it in project options...
If the VS2010 installation has SP1 installed, then it should be able to read the VS2012 solution file.
Assuming this is not a terribly complex project (I'm making that assumption since there is a teacher involved), the easiest approach may be just to re-create the project in Visual Studio 2010.
Fire up VS2010, add your files, make any necessary changes to settings, and save.
You will need VS2010 no matter what approach you take. Even if you convert the project file by other means, it would be very wise to test it before handing it in again. The Express edition is free.
Another easy way to do it is to right click on the source code, open it with a program such as notepad, then save that on to a USB stick. When you go to class, copy and paste this into Visual Studio 2010 and viola.

Export Visual Studio 2012 to 2010 sln format

My teacher is complaining that he can't read the VS2012 format on his VS2010 environment. I looked around in settings and so on but couldn't find anything. How can I give the project in an VS2010 readable format to my teacher?
Modifying sln manually
Backup your project folder (copy/paste to another location, like a folder called "backups")
Open sln file on wordpad
Change the "header" of opened sln to below (the first lines that matches mentioned lines below, except by version number/name):
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
I'll see if there is a way to do it in project options...
If the VS2010 installation has SP1 installed, then it should be able to read the VS2012 solution file.
Assuming this is not a terribly complex project (I'm making that assumption since there is a teacher involved), the easiest approach may be just to re-create the project in Visual Studio 2010.
Fire up VS2010, add your files, make any necessary changes to settings, and save.
You will need VS2010 no matter what approach you take. Even if you convert the project file by other means, it would be very wise to test it before handing it in again. The Express edition is free.
Another easy way to do it is to right click on the source code, open it with a program such as notepad, then save that on to a USB stick. When you go to class, copy and paste this into Visual Studio 2010 and viola.

Error while installing Microsoft visual studio Professional 2010

I am trying to install Microsoft visual studio Professional 2010 on my Windows XP SP3 edition. I am getting the error "vs_setup.msi could not be open" :
I have seen some forums mentioning the same problem for different reasons, and mostly because of having a previous version of Microsoft visual studio installed, but this is the first time for me to install it. Any idea how to fix that ?
Note: The actual setup files are in the path "G:\Visual Studio 2010 Professional". I do not know why the setup is trying to look for vs_setup.msi inside the "G:" directly ! Of course it is not there.
Maybe this setup is from DVD image and it's hardcoded to work in root directory.
Try to move all setup files to G:\ or another drive root
It probably doesn't like the spaces in the installation folder name. Rename "Visual Studio 2010 Professional" to VS2010Pro and see if it doesn't start working.
Also look for the setup log in %temp%. Sometimes it's cryptic but you can usually get SOME idea of what went wrong. Maybe edit your question with the errors from that log. It's called dd_something*something* etc.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package.
With 7zip open and extract VSIsoShell.exe in a New Directory (there are many files inside of this .exe).
After this is done, redirect to the right path w/ the extracted files (with vs_setup.msi file).
7zip is an Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives (www.7-zip.org)

Visual Studio Add-in not going away

Ok, so I demo'd Refactor Pro and Resharper, I'm more comfortable with Resharper so that's what I bought. When I uninstalled Refactor Pro I thought everything was breezy. However, now when I open Visual Studio I get
The Add-in 'DevExpress Tools' failed to load or caused and exception, woudl you like to remove this Add in?
If you choose yes, the file it was loaded from,
'C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins\DevExpressToolsOrcas.Addin' will be renamed.
I hit yes, then get:
"Could Not rename Add-in file "C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins\DevExpressToolsOrcas.Addin"
This happens every time, I went to that location and there is not folder by that name. I searched for that file and nothing.
Anyone experience a clingy add-in?
I had the same issue with the VS.NET 2005 version and I'm not sure it is related. It was a registry problem and when i contacted the people from devexpress they send me a clean up tool.
You can try to see if there is another clean up tool for 2008 or search in the registry for the file name and remove it manually.
This page has instructions on how to manually remove a Visual Studio add-in:
