A gap in IUP dropdown lists - iup

Dropdown lists in IUP for Windows contain a superfluous gap after the last element if the number of elements is sufficient to warrant a scrollbar (which is five or more).
Is this something I can change?
dropdown = DIALOG[TITLE=dropdown.led](
LIST[VALUE=3, 1=я, 2=ты, 3=оно, 4=мы, 5=вы, 6=они, DROPDOWN=YES](do_nothing),
LIST[VALUE=3, 1=ik, 2=je, 3=hij, 4=we, DROPDOWN=YES](do_nothing)
All questions that pertain to this particular example:
How do I get access to GUI elements in a IUP dialog loaded from a LED file?
How can I make Russian letters visible in a IUP dialog loaded from a LED file?
A gap in IUP dropdown lists (current)

This behavior is dependent on the VISIBLEITEMS attribute which default is 5.


SWT Table - How to change columns width using keyboard only?

I am using SWT tables in my project and there are few columns which are having longer strings which are not completely visible by default (for ex. path to a file location). Though I have tooltip to show the content and using mouse we can increase the column width to see the complete value.
Is there a way to do it with only keyboard usage?
Note: This question is more related to accessibility.
The following answer is based on my experience under windows. It can be different for other OS.
I'm afraid that there's no keyboard-only default way to adjust the size or reorder the column in a table, tree view or list view.
This is true not only with SWT but also with all other frameworks based on native win32 such as wxWidgets.
You must provide a keyboard-only way to resize and reorder columns yourself. here are a few ideas implemented by some applications:
Provide an option somewhere in the application that opens a dialog box with a checkbox list of the different columns. Ctrl+Up/Down to swap two items. Check/uncheck an item with spacebar to make the column visible or invisible.
Make the headers focusable. Use Shift+Left/Right to resize, Ctrl+Left/Right to swap two columns. Application key / Shift+10 opens a context menu where you can check/uncheck columns to show/hide and an option to open the column selection dialog box.
Some screen readers allow to do it by simulating mouse operation in some way. For example, use Jaws cursor, click lock on a header, release lock on the header to swap with.
But it's quite complicated, not always reliable, and thus very rarely actually used.
This is a very good question. I would be happy to give 100 rep to someone giving an answer being for windows and:
generic, working by default, everywhere or in most cases
Independant from screen readers (Jaws, NVDA, etc.) and techniques that simulates the mouse with keyboard (mouse keys)
Unfortunately, I don't think it exists.

IUP customizing/localizing controls

Is it possible to subclass or similar IUP controls to get modification in functionality on lower level so changes can apply to whole project (all instances of controls).
For example, in my locale we don't have decimal point but decimal coma sign on numeric keyboard. It would be ideally that IUP spin accepts coma and point for decimal point.
Can that be done and how?
How to get parallel navigation with keyboard (Up/Down) on IUP dialogs like we have tab/shift+tab.
How to get value on input controls to be selected when get focus?
How to recognize mouse doubleclick on IUP matrix cell?
Sorry for mixed questions but I need those answers now.
Yes, it is possible to subclass. But it is is very low level and requires to download IUP source code. The documentation already includes information about the internal SDK. It is easier to simply create a function, for example myIupLabel() that creates a IupLabel and sets some pre-defined attributes that will be used by the application.
1) As far as I know there is no control of the decimal point in IUP spin. You have to detail more what you are using. If it is the IupSpin control, if it is a IupText control with a SPIN attribute, and if you are using the MASK attribute of a IupText. And Yes, it is possible so solve that problem, but how depends on these details.
2) This is already done for toggles and buttons.
3) You mean IupText controls? Use the GETFOCUS_CB callback and set the SELECTION attribute inside the callback.
4) The double click is used for editing. The EDITION_CB is called when a double click occur. But there is another way. You can set the BUTTON_CB callback since the IupMatrix inhertis from IupCanvas, but you will have to save the previous one and call it from inside yours.

Ajax-like appearing/disappearing elements in Access 2010 web database project

I'm trying to have a feature to allow users choose two different methods of cost calculation: either they can enter a yearly cost breakdown on a datasheet (2010: $10,000, 2011: $12,000, etc) or they can enter a flat yearly cost multiplied by the number of years they select.
If I were developing another kind of web application, I'd have radio buttons to select two different options. One option would display the datasheet, and the other option would display two text fields to enter values into. However, I understand that you can't have radio buttons in Access 2010 web databases. Also, is it possible to make elements appear and disappear based on a combo box selection?
If not, perhaps I could have two different combo box options: "enter yearly cost breakdown"
or "enter flat yearly cost," which open the correct respective forms as pop-ups.
So, 1) can I have Ajax-like appearing and disappearing elements as triggered by a combo box (or ideally, radio buttons), and 2) if not, can anyone think of another clever way of doing it?
Sure, you get a nice effect by using a tab control. You can place controls and even a sub form on that tab control.
So, you build a screen like this:
Then, simple set the visible property of the second tab = No. This will hide the tab (don't change this until you built the page since it will hide it! (use property sheet to hide/un-hide during development).
Now, add some code to the after update event of the list box. Like this:
In the above, I have named the tabs PYear and PFlat.
The result is this (this is a animated gif I inserted):
Of course, you really probably could just dump the whole "list box" selection, and use a screen like this with the tabs (tabs are good UI, and users tend to grasp them quick):
So, you can hide a "set" of controls, and it really far less work and hassle then writing a bunch of JaveScript anyway. As noted, the "set" of controls you drop into each of the tabs can be sub forms, and also that of continues forms. So, the "hiding" as a set does work well in this case. I did have some format issues and found that I had to "start out" with the 2nd tab dispaled first (the first one being hidden). As noted, the listbox selecting is nice, but one could likly just go with using tabs in the first place.

UI icon - should it be A-Z or Z-A when the current list is sorted in ascending order?

I have a "sort by alphabet" icon in the application bar. If the list of items is currently listing:
Then should the icon show what the listing is currently sorted by (A-Z) or what it WILL be sorted by if you press the button (Z-A)?
The only example I can find on the phone is setting the volume to ring or vibrate (If it is set to ring, it shows a bell) but would like more examples / confirmation from people here.
If it's clear how the list is currently sorted by looking at it then I'd recommend displaying what the list will be changed to by pressing the button.
If the list can be sorted in any ways other than just ascending or descending alphabetical order you will probably need a button for setting each of the sort orders.
If it's not clear how the list is sorted by looking at it then this indicator should be separate.
Overall I'd question the value of having this sorting functionality. If you have a long list I'd use the LongListSelector from the Toolkit and then always have it sorted A-Z. This will simplify your UI (by not requiring a button to change the sort order) and will require less code.
If the button is closely associated visually with the list, like a column header is with a column in a grid, then I would say you could show what the current state is just like headers in columns of grids tend to do that offer this capability.
In this case, whichever way you do it, I would say the user would adapt fairly quickly by looking at the list to see how it works. There will be some who initially expect one way, and some the other I expect. Arguably there isn't a correct way to do it. It's a good idea to look at what other apps on the platform are doing, but there may not really be much to go on just yet.
The visual cue in this case is the tight visual association of the list and the button, suggesting to me that that button reflects the lists current state and that you can press to change it.
If however you had some form of a label that the button was associated visually to, then that button's text could provide the necessary context and your decision could be driven by that. For example your label could read "change sort to" or it could read "current sort is". This probably offers the most clarity, alleviating unsure users of the need to press the button a couple of times to learn how it works, but comes at the expense of valuable screen real estate.
If you walk into a hotel and your room number is 301, you want to go to the 3rd floor.
So you step inside the elevator and press the '3rd floor' button.
Therefore I think buttons should always show possible options, not the current state (i.e. ground floor).
So I think the button should show 'Z-A'.

Silverlight 3 DataGrid (w/ PagedCollectionView) RowGroupHeaderStyles not reapplied on sort

I am trying to use a DataGrid with hidden group row headers (so that there is a sort boundary). My style simply sets the visibility to collapsed (and I also am setting the SublevelIndent to 0 during the LoadingGroup event). Initial display is exactly what I want, but the data grid is sorted the appearance is unstyled, and the default indent is apparent. (When debugging the style is still present, and the sublevelindent still says 0).
I encountered this in the past also. I beleive you have to attach the LoadingRowGroup event and reset applicable properties on the e.RowGroupHeader.
