Silverlight 3 DataGrid (w/ PagedCollectionView) RowGroupHeaderStyles not reapplied on sort - sorting

I am trying to use a DataGrid with hidden group row headers (so that there is a sort boundary). My style simply sets the visibility to collapsed (and I also am setting the SublevelIndent to 0 during the LoadingGroup event). Initial display is exactly what I want, but the data grid is sorted the appearance is unstyled, and the default indent is apparent. (When debugging the style is still present, and the sublevelindent still says 0).

I encountered this in the past also. I beleive you have to attach the LoadingRowGroup event and reset applicable properties on the e.RowGroupHeader.


SWT Table - How to change columns width using keyboard only?

I am using SWT tables in my project and there are few columns which are having longer strings which are not completely visible by default (for ex. path to a file location). Though I have tooltip to show the content and using mouse we can increase the column width to see the complete value.
Is there a way to do it with only keyboard usage?
Note: This question is more related to accessibility.
The following answer is based on my experience under windows. It can be different for other OS.
I'm afraid that there's no keyboard-only default way to adjust the size or reorder the column in a table, tree view or list view.
This is true not only with SWT but also with all other frameworks based on native win32 such as wxWidgets.
You must provide a keyboard-only way to resize and reorder columns yourself. here are a few ideas implemented by some applications:
Provide an option somewhere in the application that opens a dialog box with a checkbox list of the different columns. Ctrl+Up/Down to swap two items. Check/uncheck an item with spacebar to make the column visible or invisible.
Make the headers focusable. Use Shift+Left/Right to resize, Ctrl+Left/Right to swap two columns. Application key / Shift+10 opens a context menu where you can check/uncheck columns to show/hide and an option to open the column selection dialog box.
Some screen readers allow to do it by simulating mouse operation in some way. For example, use Jaws cursor, click lock on a header, release lock on the header to swap with.
But it's quite complicated, not always reliable, and thus very rarely actually used.
This is a very good question. I would be happy to give 100 rep to someone giving an answer being for windows and:
generic, working by default, everywhere or in most cases
Independant from screen readers (Jaws, NVDA, etc.) and techniques that simulates the mouse with keyboard (mouse keys)
Unfortunately, I don't think it exists.

What is the meaning of scrollLeftOffset jqgrid setting?

I am using jqGrid in virtual mode (i.e. paging is being done via a scrollbar). Firstly I had a problem that sometimes when scrolling by large distance (for example, from the start to the middle) no requests to server were sent and no new data appeared in the grid. But when scrolling by small distance requests were sent and data appeared in the grid. I noticed that the problem can be solved by playing with scrollLeftOffset property, but the problem is I don't actually understand how this property works. I would like to know how to caluculate this property properly, knowing total count of records and page size.
Basically scrollLeftOffset controll dynamically the appearance of the scroll dialog information when virtual scrolling is enabled and scrollPopUp is set to true
As from the Guriddo documentation it has the following meaning:
Determines the left offset of the box which appear when virtual scroll
is enabled and scrollPopUp parameter is set to true. The information
does appear when we use the mouse to scroll through the pages. The
value of 0% set the box to appear at upper left corner of the grid.
See scrollPopUp and scrollTopOffset parameters. Default value : 100%
It is available only in Guriddo jqGrid from version 4.8

Scroll SlickGrid only one line, when using keyboard navigation

I have implemented a slickgrid and activated keyboard navigation.
When the users is scrolling down using the down-arrow key and reaches the last of the currently visible rows, the grid loads a whole new section of rows and places the selection at the top.
My user tests have all included a complaint about this behaviour as they all find the jump jarring.
I would like to implement behaviour, so the grid scrolls just one line at a time, when I press the down arrow while the last visible row is selected.
I was wondering if there might be some setting, I have overlooked, or if anyone has some suggestions for how to approach the task of adding this behaviour.
(the "problem" is the same, when you scroll upwards - only reversed of course)
This is controlled by the doPaging argument in scrollRowIntoView(row, doPaging) ( There's no setting to control that behavior, but you could easily add one.
It was initially written this way to make keyboard navigation faster since continuously navigating down doesn't have to do as much work as it would have if we were updating the grid on every 'row down'.

Needing to select the item twice in the treeview before being able to activate combo box

I am drawing the GUI using GTK+ with PyGTK.
I've created a ComboBox within a TreeView. But the problem is that when I first click an item, the dropdown arrow is insensitive (grayed-out). I had to click another item and then return to the item again to for the dropdown arrow to be sensitive again.
Is this standard for ComboBox in TreeView? If you have a fix in any other language, I can accept it as well.
An example can be found here.
He is facing some other issues but his code demonstrates the problem as well.
The problem with the code you are referring to above seems to be that the ComboBox actually only has 1 element when you start editing, which makes drop-down feature useless (and hence inactive). To make it behave as I suspect you wish, all you have to do is use another signal to execute self.populate_combo. I added two lines after the treeview was created to make it work:
treeview = gtk.TreeView(liststore_hardware)
sel = treeview.get_selection()
sel.connect("changed", self.populate_combo)
That is, I made the changed selection cause population of the Combos, which implied that they had more than one element in them when control was returned to the main-loop. And hence drop-down worked.
I also commented out the previous editing-started signal since it added nothing with the current structure of the program.
window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
#self.cellrenderer_combo.connect("editing-started", self.populate_combo)
self.cellrenderer_combo.connect("edited", self.combo_changed, liststore_hardware)
On second thought, the model is a None after __init__ has been run and not 1-length per row as I wrote above, which makes the lack of dropdown-features even more reasonable.
The code you referred to and my change to it are both only rational if changing rows (or editing) causes a drastic need to rewrite the ListStore. I'm not really sure what type of scenario would demand that. If, on the other hand, the contents of the TreeView and the ComoBox' ListStore varies as a result of a search-action or filtering done else-where, then that search, rather than the change of rows should invoke populate_combo.
So an alternative solution in the scope of the code at hand, my suggested event above can also be commented out and a simple
be added as the last line of the init function.
Further, should there be a need to re-populate the combos during the run of the app, I would suggest that the current ListStore is modified rather than creating a new one each time, if the changes are not expected to be major (in which case make a new is probably fastest and simplest).

What are ways to reduce the number of columns in a table/grid?

I have a datagrid with many columns. This makes it pretty wide. Now we want to add more information to the table. Aside from removing or shortening existing columns what are some ways we might be able to add additional information without adding new columnes.
The data we want to add would be one of several values. For example:
For other cases when the value was an off/on or true/false we would change the color of the row. In this case that doesn't seem to be a good option.
Another thing we considered is using an icon to indicate the information.
Any other ways this could be done?
A solution i've seen implemented with grid components is to have a column chooser - some sort of popup dialog that lists the columns and you can select which ones you would like to see in the grid. You should be able to invoke this popup by triggering it from the grid, e.g. it might appear as an option when the user right clicks and causes the context menu to appear.
Can you group related information into tabs?
an overflow area? ie a number of fields underneath the table that populate based on the selected row.
or just only show the minimum needed info and the have full details in a popup when doble clicked or something..
1) Popup on row hover
2) Drop open inline in the grid with extra info on row click
One technique I've used in the past was to create a "container" type of class that has its own labels and textboxes, and you can arrange them however you want, then insert this class into a single grid column. You still have to do some tricks on binding multiple controls that are not native "grid column" controls, but should help you along. Then, you can actually have each row a single container control in a single grid column...
You can't add completely new data to a grid without reserving a column to display it. The best solution I've seen is to provide only the essential information in the grid displaying all records, and then create a drilldown view that shows all of the data for one row. The drilldown can either be a new view in the same form, a popup for an additional window, or perhaps a mouseover popup.
I've worked on systems that use all sorts of shortcuts to display every last bit of information on a single page, and I found that it just made everything more confusing and harder to use. "Oh, that little icon there means that <insert something totally unrelated to the icon picture>."
