IUP customizing/localizing controls - iup

Is it possible to subclass or similar IUP controls to get modification in functionality on lower level so changes can apply to whole project (all instances of controls).
For example, in my locale we don't have decimal point but decimal coma sign on numeric keyboard. It would be ideally that IUP spin accepts coma and point for decimal point.
Can that be done and how?
How to get parallel navigation with keyboard (Up/Down) on IUP dialogs like we have tab/shift+tab.
How to get value on input controls to be selected when get focus?
How to recognize mouse doubleclick on IUP matrix cell?
Sorry for mixed questions but I need those answers now.

Yes, it is possible to subclass. But it is is very low level and requires to download IUP source code. The documentation already includes information about the internal SDK. It is easier to simply create a function, for example myIupLabel() that creates a IupLabel and sets some pre-defined attributes that will be used by the application.
1) As far as I know there is no control of the decimal point in IUP spin. You have to detail more what you are using. If it is the IupSpin control, if it is a IupText control with a SPIN attribute, and if you are using the MASK attribute of a IupText. And Yes, it is possible so solve that problem, but how depends on these details.
2) This is already done for toggles and buttons.
3) You mean IupText controls? Use the GETFOCUS_CB callback and set the SELECTION attribute inside the callback.
4) The double click is used for editing. The EDITION_CB is called when a double click occur. But there is another way. You can set the BUTTON_CB callback since the IupMatrix inhertis from IupCanvas, but you will have to save the previous one and call it from inside yours.


How do I change the visibility of multiple decorations in LabVIEW programatically?

I am trying to make a number of front panel decorations hidden in LabVIEW by the use of a boolean control. I have figured out how to do this with one object fine and have made it work with multiple items however it is not very elegant to say the least (see attached image). While in this case I only have 5 elements what if I had an elaborate front panel and had many more decorations I wanted to hide? There must be a better way to do this.
Thanks in advance.
It works, just not very efficient....
As you might now you can use a for loop to iterate over array elements. What I would suggest is in the initialization code of your application put the controls of interest on to arrays, and when a user clicks a particular button iterate over those arrays to execute the visible non visible property node call on your decos and or controls of interest.

How to implement a threaded view?

I need to implement a threaded view of sorts in an old VB6 app. It should look similar to this:
So, it's like a TreeView of sorts but there are buttons on the right (for each row) that could be pressed. The view does not need to collapse - it always stays in the expanded mode. The users should be able to respond to each node (via the comment button on the far right). And, of course, users should be able to scroll through the entries.
What are some of the ways I could implement this? I am open to 3rd party controls, paid or not.
VSFlexGrid has an outline mode. You can set the indent per row via the RowOutlineLevel property. It supports word wrap, images, etc within its cells/columns so you should be able to get pretty close to what you want. It also supports owner-drawn which lets you fully customize the cell painting (for example, to get those rounded corners).
I'm sure there are other controls out there as well...

How to place a windowless control on top of a windows control?

Say, I have an Image control (which seems to be a window-less control) and I want to make sure that it is on top of a TextBox. No matter what I do, the Image control will not appear on top of the Text box.
Is there a way?
P.S. I know I can use a PictureBox, but it does not support transparency, thus I must have the Image control.
There is no way to place an image control over a normal textbox as they are drawn onto the form itself so will always be below any other windowed components.
If you have VB6 installation media there are drawn (windowless) versions of controls including a TextBox you can use that will (probably) do what you want; http://support.microsoft.com/kb/184687
A custom usercontrol of some kind if probably better .. what is it exactly you want to overlay the textbox with?
The Image Control is considered a graphical control, like shapes, so it is always inferior to text controls. If you really want a transparent image, you can use a Microsoft 2.0 Form instead(only if you have it). Images there can be on top of textboxes, and you can make it transparent by setting the Backstyle to Transparent(0).
Completely different approach to my other answer (hence the seperate Answer), but you can set AutRedraw and ClipControls on your Form to false and it will allow the Image control to render on the same layer as a windowed control. You can get some flakey redrawing in some cases but for a quick solution you could try it.
I've created a tranparent overlay control to add a kind of annotation layer on top of a VB6 app. I'll attempt to describe it from memory, and if that doesn't provide enough information then you can post back and I'll try to dig up the code.
First, add a new USerControl to you application. Give it a name like ImageEx, PictureEx, or TransparntImage. There are several properties that you will need to use. Ensure the control is Windowed, so it can sit on top of other windowed controls. Locate the MaskColor property and set it to Cyan (or whatever color you elect to use to indicate a tranparent area. There might be an addition property enable the masking behavior, just browse the properties. Set the control background color to that of the MaskColor. At this point you have an invisible control. In my control I painted on top of the surface for annotations, but you can PaintPicture or maybe even set the image property for a really simple approach.
Of course, to make this a re-usable control, you will want to code in your own properties that allow the MaskColor and image, etc to be set so that you can the drop one of these on any form you want.
Some links:
MaskColor Property
MackPicture Property
1) Remove all your textboxes , labels and ... (But memorize their name and location in the form)
2) Go to (project > components) and mark the (Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library) then click ok
3) Now you can see new controls under your default controls in your toolbox...
4) Use its textbox and label controls instead of the default controls
5) Right click on your Image Control then click (Bring To Front)

How to add a NSColorPicker to the application's main window?

I'm building an application to generate an array of colors based on a color chosen by the user.
The default on Mac OS X for color selection is to open a NSColorPanel containing multiple NSColorPickers. But, as the color selection process is the main interaction the user will have with the app, it'd be better to avoid the extra clicks and panel-popping in favor of a more straightforward way.
So, is there any way to add a NSColorPicker object to a window?
I know this is an older question, but check out NSColorWell. From the docs:
NSColorWell is an NSControl for selecting and displaying a single color value.
Interresting Question.
I strongly doubt it (but would love to be proven wrong). NSColorPickers are not NSControls (nor NSCells) so there's no clean wrapper to insert into a window.
Even if you were to instanciate an NSColorPanel and get a reference to its contentView and copy it (with all that defines the color picking controls) to your own window... there's no obvious way of obtaining the color value. NSColorPickers are plug-ins so you can't forsee the controls of a colorPicker.
The only other way I can see (and that's a stretch) would be to manually load the NSColorPickers plug-ins directly. I don't know how successfull this would be.
File a bug report and request the feature?

Custom editor in QAbstractTableModel

Does anyone have an example of using a QWidget as an editor in a QAbstractTableModel?
I have a column which when edited should create a QCombobox with the list of choices.
The docs seem to suggest I need to write a QAbstractItemDelegate and a custom paint function but that seems overkill to simply pop-up a standard QCombobox in Qt::EditRole.
Note - the combo box contents are the same for every row and it only needs to be shown when somebody clicks in the cell.
I know this should be simple but I can't get it to work. It's easy for a QTableWidget based table - but I need it for a very large data table.
The docs seem to suggest I need to write a QAbstractItemDelegate and a custom paint function but that seems overkill to simply pop-up a standard QCombobox in Qt::EditRole.
You don't need to go that far. One way is to subclass QStyledItemDelegate and then override createEditor() so that it returns your prepopulated combo box. Its setEditorData and setModelData functions will probably already suffice if you`re using basic Qt value types.
If you need something more generic that works across many different models, you can create a QItemEditorFactory that associates your editor with the correct type. This also works well with custom types.
When indicated by your view's EditTrigger, your view will get the delegate specific to the cell on which the edit is being invoked and call delegate->createEditor(...) which can then size the combo box according to the options parameter as well as set the current entry to the value specified by the model, although most of this should be handled by the QStyledItemDelegate. Thus, you won't have to worry about the Qt::EditRole directly as the view will handle that.
Did you try and have a look at the following example from Qt :
Spin Box Delegate Example
Maybe it will give you a much clearer view on the subject !
Hope it helps a bit !
