How to read text file throuGH UART? - matrix

I have a VHDL module for a UART component which sends and receives serial data between an FPGA and PC. It currently works just fine. But how would I use this serial communication to interpret a 2-d matrix of integers in a text file sent from the PC to the FPGA?
More specifically once the text file is sent from the PC to the fpga, how would the 2-d array be stored in memory as such? I am not sure how to do this in vhdl
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity uart is
-- Default setting:
-- 19,200 baud, 8 data bis, 1 stop its, 2^2 FIFO
DBIT: integer:=8; -- # data bits
SB_TICK: integer:=16; -- # ticks for stop bits, 16/24/32
-- for 1/1.5/2 stop bits
DVSR: integer:= 326; -- baud rate divisor
-- DVSR = 100M/(16*baud rate)
DVSR_BIT: integer:=9; -- # bits of DVSR
FIFO_W: integer:=2 -- # addr bits of FIFO
-- # words in FIFO=2^FIFO_W
clk, reset: in std_logic;
rd_uart, wr_uart: in std_logic;
rx: in std_logic;
w_data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx_full, rx_empty: out std_logic;
r_data: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
tx: out std_logic
end uart;
architecture str_arch of uart is
signal tick: std_logic;
signal rx_done_tick: std_logic;
signal tx_fifo_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rx_data_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal tx_empty, tx_fifo_not_empty: std_logic;
signal tx_done_tick: std_logic;
baud_gen_unit: entity work.mod_m_counter(arch)
generic map(M=>DVSR, N=>DVSR_BIT)
port map(clk=>clk, reset=>reset,
q=>open, max_tick=>tick);
uart_rx_unit: entity work.uart_rx(arch)
generic map(DBIT=>DBIT, SB_TICK=>SB_TICK)
port map(clk=>clk, reset=>reset, rx=>rx,
s_tick=>tick, rx_done_tick=>rx_done_tick,
fifo_rx_unit: entity work.fifo(arch)
generic map(B=>DBIT, W=>FIFO_W)
port map(clk=>clk, reset=>reset, rd=>rd_uart,
wr=>rx_done_tick, w_data=>rx_data_out,
empty=>rx_empty, full=>open, r_data=>r_data);
fifo_tx_unit: entity work.fifo(arch)
generic map(B=>DBIT, W=>FIFO_W)
port map(clk=>clk, reset=>reset, rd=>tx_done_tick,
wr=>wr_uart, w_data=>w_data, empty=>tx_empty,
full=>tx_full, r_data=>tx_fifo_out);
uart_tx_unit: entity work.uart_tx(arch)
generic map(DBIT=>DBIT, SB_TICK=>SB_TICK)
port map(clk=>clk, reset=>reset,
s_tick=>tick, din=>tx_fifo_out,
tx_done_tick=> tx_done_tick, tx=>tx);
tx_fifo_not_empty <= not tx_empty;
end str_arch;

UART is just a communication protocol and as such it is totally clueless about the meaning of the received data. What you can do is interpret the data on the fly instead of doing that later, but I would still advise you do that in a separate module.
The easiest way, if applicable, is knowing a priori the matrix size and/or moving the issue software-side in various flavors.
You can hardwire the known dimensions in your design (e.g. N-by-4 matrix format, hardwire 4 columns) to simplify stuff, but the most generic way of doing things is having the PC doing the work for you (if none of the dimensions is known a priori you cannot work out the size from the number of entries).
You could, e.g., instruct the PC to send something like this
Now you can just save everything you receive in memory and you know where to look at the number of rows and columns and proceed from there.
If you cannot make the PC send anything else than the pure text file, you will have a stream of ASCII characters you have to parse locally. My advice would be to design a module that stores anything up to the separator and upon detecting a separator starts the conversion from ASCII decimal to binary of whatever it has in the buffer, then saves it in memory. Upon separator it should also increment a counter so that when a newline arrives you know the number of columns, while on newline it should increment another counter so that on EOF you know the number of rows.


How generate sine wave with vhdl?

I am a beginner in vhdl, I am trying to generate a sinus and square singal with a frequency of 50 Mhz, but first i'm trying to generate the sinus wave. I saw a lot of tutorials but it was quite complicated to understand. Here is the code I made. Thank you in advance for your help :)
library IEEE;
entity sinus is
port(clk : in std_logic;
clear : in std_logic;
sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Dataout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end sinus;
architecture Behavioral of sinus is
signal in_data : std_logic_vector(Dataout'range);
signal i : integer range 0 to 77:=0;
TYPE mem_data IS ARRAY (0 TO 255) OF integer range -128 to 127;
constant sin : mem_data := (
( 0),( 3),( 6),( 9),( 12),( 15),( 18),( 21),( 24),( 28),( 31),( 34),( 37),( 40),( 43),( 46), ( 48),( 51),( 54),( 57),( 60),( 63),( 65),( 68),( 71),( 73),( 76),( 78),( 81),( 83),( 85),( 88), ( 90),( 92),( 94),( 96),( 98),( 100),( 102),( 104),( 106),( 108),( 109),( 111),( 112),( 114),( 115),( 117), ( 118),( 119),( 120),( 121),( 122),( 123),( 124),( 124),( 125),( 126),( 126),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127), ( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 126),( 126),( 125),( 124),( 124),( 123),( 122),( 121),( 120),( 119), ( 118),( 117),( 115),( 114),( 112),( 111),( 109),( 108),( 106),( 104),( 102),( 100),( 98),( 96),( 94),( 92), ( 90),( 88),( 85),( 83),( 81),( 78),( 76),( 73),( 71),( 68),( 65),( 63),( 60),( 57),( 54),( 51), ( 48),( 46),( 43),( 40),( 37),( 34),( 31),( 28),( 24),( 21),( 18),( 15),( 12),( 9),( 6),( 3), ( 0),( -3),( -6),( -9),( -12),( -15),( -18),( -21),( -24),( -28),( -31),( -34),( -37),( -40),( -43),( -46), ( -48),( -51),( -54),( -57),( -60),( -63),( -65),( -68),( -71),( -73),( -76),( -78),( -81),( -83),( -85),( -88), ( -90),( -92),( -94),( -96),( -98),(-100),(-102),(-104),(-106),(-108),(-109),(-111),(-112),(-114),(-115),(-117), (-118),(-119),(-120),(-121),(-122),(-123),(-124),(-124),(-125),(-126),(-126),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127), (-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-126),(-126),(-125),(-124),(-124),(-123),(-122),(-121),(-120),(-119), (-118),(-117),(-115),(-114),(-112),(-111),(-109),(-108),(-106),(-104),(-102),(-100),( -98),( -96),( -94),( -92), ( -90),( -88),( -85),( -83),( -81),( -78),( -76),( -73),( -71),( -68),( -65),( -63),( -60),( -57),( -54),( -51), ( -48),( -46),( -43),( -40),( -37),( -34),( -31),( -28),( -24),( -21),( -18),( -15),( -12),( -9),( -6),( -3));
process(clk, clear) begin
if (clear='1') then
in_data <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
in_data <= in_data +1;
end if;
end process;
process (in_data(3))
if (in_data(3)'event and in_data(3)='1') then
in_data <=conv_std_logic_vector(sin(i).8);
if (i=77) then
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(in_data, sel) begin
case sel is
when "00" =>Dataout<=in_data;
when others =>Dataout<= "00000000";
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Thanks for the diagram. Because VHDL is hardware description language, the question you should ask yourself is : what do I want to implement ? where are the entity ports, the internal signals on this block diagram ?
The main issue you face is that you've no real correspondence between your design and your illustration. Moreover your VHDL coding style needs improvement both regarding the VHDL language itself and how you implement things.
Start by replacing
This is the official vendor-agnostic VHDL package for signed and unsigned types. IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED and STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL are outdated vendor-dependent VHDL packages provided at a time where vendors couldn't agree on a common definition. This led to a lot of portability issues when having a design flow with tools from different vendors (Cadence, Mentor, Synopsys). The IEEE specification body solved once and for all this issue.
If you're designing real hardware, the following code can lead to implementation problems
process(clk, clear) begin
if (clear='1') then
in_data <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
in_data <= in_data +1;
end if;
end process;
Your in_data signal is asynchronously cleared but synchronously set. As you don't control when the clear signal will be asserted relative to the clk rising edge, there is a risk of in_data metastability or even that some bits of the in_data remains in reset while the others capture a new value.
For a description of the various ways to implement the reset Xilinx has a well documented white paper (WP272) which provides some guidelines useful for any synchronous design be it ASIC or FPGA, Xilinx or Altera. By the way if you have a look, for example, to the widely popular AMBA specifications (AHB, AXI, AXI-Stream, ...), their reset is asserted asynchronously but deasserted synchronously.
Personnally, following Xilinx guidelines, I distribute an asynchronous reset through the entire design and generate locally a synchronous reset with the following piece of code (being locally avoid the fanout issue of a system-wide synchronous reset)
if (p_reset_n = '0') then
s_reset_on_clock <= (others => '1');
else if rising_edge(p_clock) then
s_reset_on_clock <= '0' & s_reset_on_clock(3 downto 1);
end if;
end if;
s_reset_on_clock(0) is now your local synchronous reset signal that you can use like any other signal within the synchronous code block.
Please replace the old fashioned
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
it will be more obvious what's going on here.
You say that you want to generate a 50MHz signal but you don't say what the system frequency (or maybe I should understand it the other way around). The ratio system clock frequency / 50MHz will give you the sequence length.
Anyway, you will need to declare a free running counter as signal, let's call it counter (in your original code you have two signals, i and in_data, for this same purpose), and reset/increment it using your locally synchronous reset and your clock signal.
In case of a square signal (let's say sel = '0'), your output will be solely determined by the value of your counter. Below a given counter value, you'll have a predetermined dataout value (your 'low' state), while above this value, you'll have another predetermined dataout value (your 'high' state).
In case of a sine signal (let's say sel = '1'), the counter will represent the phase and will be used as input to your sine lookup table (that you, by the way, could initialize with a VHDL function calculating the lookup table content instead of providing precalculated literals). The output of the sine lookup table is your dataout output.
Let me know if you need more help.

VHDL 2008 Width mismatch

I am facing a width mismatch issue when I am using a 3-dimensional array using VHDL.
Error is :
[Synth 8-549] port width mismatch for port 'KERNEL_OUT[0]': port width = 16, actual width = 32 ["C:/project_2/src/top.vhd":29]
As we can see that line #30 is actually 32 bits and the component is having an unconstrained port. So instead of taking the length from the connected port, it using the value from previously instantiated component.
I've made a very minimal design out of it. I'm using Vivado 2018.2 There are high chances that this might be a tool issue. But it will be very much helpful if someone can tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.style_pack.all;
-- Entity
entity top is
dummy : in std_logic
end entity top;
architecture arch_top of top is
signal KernelInt1 : StdVectorArrayTp(0 to 4)(15 downto 0);
signal KernelInt2 : StdVectorArrayTp(0 to 4)(31 downto 0);
INST_pixel_to_matrix_1 : entity work.pixel_to_matrix
port map (
KERNEL_OUT => KernelInt1
INST_pixel_to_matrix_2 : entity work.pixel_to_matrix
port map (
KERNEL_OUT => KernelInt2
end architecture arch_top;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity pixel_to_matrix is
port (
KERNEL_OUT : out StdVectorArrayTp
end pixel_to_matrix;
architecture arch_pixel_to_matrix of pixel_to_matrix is
end architecture arch_pixel_to_matrix;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package style_pack is
type StdVectorArrayTp is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector;
end style_pack;
package body style_pack is
end style_pack;
I've posted same question at
where I uploaded the code with Vivado project
Edit :
Project with 3D array StdVectorArrayTp

Is there a way to toggle an output from a top level file with a single input?

I am designing a system that has two separate counters performing simultaneously that both output a 4-bit binary signal to a set of 4 LEDs. One counter's output is always being displayed by the LEDs while the other counter is still counting (just without displaying an output to the LEDs). The toggle is to be activated by a single button press that will switch the output showing on the LEDs from one counter to the other.
I do not know where to even begin including this function in my design. I am not sure if I could include the logic into my top level file and toggle which signal is sent to the LEDs (I am not even sure if this is possible) or if I could include the logic necessary into the counter files. My wrapper file for the program is located below, showing the instantiation of the top level component. The outputs of the counters are tied to the same set of LEDs, one counter has the output of oQ1 and the other oQ2.
component top_level is
Port ( cnt_tog :in STD_LOGIC;
iReset : in STD_LOGIC;
iUp : in STD_LOGIC;
iClk : in STD_LOGIC;
iCnt_en : in STD_LOGIC;
-- oQ1 : out STD_LOGIC_vector(3 downto 0)
oQ2 : out STD_LOGIC_vector(3 downto 0)
end component;
Inst_top_level: top_level
port map(
cnt_tog => BTN(3),
iReset => BTN(0),
iClk => clk,
iCnt_en => BTN(2),
iUp => BTN(1),
-- oQ1 => LD(3 downto 0)
oQ2 => LD(3 downto 0)
END structural;

Warning "has no load", but I can't see why

I got these warnings from Lattice Diamond for each instance of any uart (currently 11)
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_14' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_0_COUT1_9_14' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_12' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_10' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_8' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_6' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_4' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_2' has no load
WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_0' has no load
The VHDL-code is
entity UART is
generic (
dividerCounterBits: integer := 16
port (
Clk : in std_logic; -- Clock signal
Reset : in std_logic; -- Reset input
ClockDivider: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ParityMode : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- b00=No, b01=Even, b10=Odd, b11=UserBit
architecture Behaviour of UART is
constant oversampleExponent : integer := 4;
subtype TxCounterType is integer range 0 to (2**(dividerCounterBits+oversampleExponent))-1;
subtype RxCounterType is integer range 0 to (2**dividerCounterBits)-1;
signal rxCounter: RxCounterType;
signal txCounter: TxCounterType;
signal rxClockEn: std_logic; -- clock enable signal for receiver
signal txClockEn: std_logic; -- clock enable signal for transmitter
rxClockdivider:process (Clk, Reset)
if Reset='1' then
rxCounter <= 0;
rxClockEn <= '0';
elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then
-- RX counter (oversampled)
if rxCounter = 0 then
rxClockEn <= '1';
rxCounter <= to_integer(unsigned(ClockDivider));
rxClockEn <= '0';
rxCounter <= rxCounter - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
txClockDivider: process (Clk, Reset)
rx: entity work.RxUnit
generic map (oversampleFactor=>2**oversampleExponent)
port map (Clk=>Clk, Reset=>Reset, ClockEnable=>rxClockEn, ParityMode=>ParityMode,
ReadA=>ReadA, DataO=>DataO, RxD=>RxD, RxAv=>RxAv, ParityBit=>ParityBit,
end Behaviour;
This is a single Uart, to create them all (currently 11 uarts) I use this
-- UARTs
UartGenerator: For i IN 0 to uarts-1 generate
Uart_i : entity work.UartBusInterface
port map (Clk=>r_qclk, Reset=>r_reset,
cs=>uartChipSelect(i), nWriteStrobe=>wr_strobe, nReadStrobe=>rd_strobe,
address=>AdrBus(1 downto 0), Databus=>DataBus,
TxD=>TxD_PAD_O(i), RxD=>RxD_PAD_I(i),
txInterrupt=>TxIRQ(i), rxInterrupt=>RxIRQ(i), debugout=>rxdebug(i));
uartChipSelect(i) <= '1' when to_integer(unsigned(adrbus(5 downto 2)))=i+4 and r_cs0='0' else '0';
end generate;
I can syntesis it and the uarts work, but why I got the warning?
IMHO the rxCounter should use each single possible value, but why each second bit creates the warning "has no load"?
I read somewhere that this mean that these net's aren't used and will be removed.
But to count from 0 to 2^n-1, I need no less than n-bits.
This warning means that nobody is "listening" to those nets.
It is OK to have signals that will be removed in synthesis. Warnings are not Errors! You just need to be aware of them.
We cannot assess what is happening from your partial code.
Is there a signal named rxCounter_cry?
What is the datatype of ClockDivider?
What is the value of dividerCounterBits?
What happens in the other process? If it is irrelevant, please try to run your synthesis without that process. If it is relevant, we need to see it.
Lattice ngdbuild is particularly spammy for the job it is doing, I pipe ngdbuild output through grep in my makefile to remove exactly these messages:
ngdbuild ... | grep -v "ngdbuild: logical net '.*' has no load"
There's more than 2500 of these otherwise, eliminating them helps concentrate on real issues.
Second worst toolchain spammer is edif2ngd complaining about Verilog parameters it does not have explicit handling for. This one is a two line message (over 300 of these) so I remove it with:
edif2ngd ... | sed '/Unsupported property/{N;d;}'
Just be aware that sometimes it implements things with adders. The highest order bit will not use the carry output of that adder, and the lowest order bit will not use the sign input. So you get a warning like:
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'clock_chain/dcmachine/count_171_add_4_1/S0' has no load
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'clock_chain/dcmachine/count_171_add_4_19/CO' has no load
No problem, bit 19 is the highest, so it will not carry anywhere, and bit 1 is the lowest, so it does not get a sign bit from anywhere. If, however, you get this warning on any of the bits in between highest and lowest, it normally means something is wrong, but not an error, so it will build something that "works" when you test it, but not in an error case. If you simulate it with error cases it will normally show undesirable results.

Wrapping and switching between similar entities in VHDL

I want to describe an entity that can either function normally or be put in a test mode. The general design I have is a top level entity that wraps the "real" entity and a test entity.
I am trying to figure out the best way to express this in VHDL, but I get the feeling I'm overcomplicating things.
Consider a small top-level entity (realistically, there are many more I/Os):
entity toplevelobject is
port (
in1 : inout std_logic;
in2 : inout std_logic;
out1 : out std_logic;
out2 : out std_logic;
testline : in std_logic;
testclk : in std_logic;
end toplevelobject;
This is supposed to switch between the real functionality and the test mode depending on the state of "testline" (high means test). Note that the test module actually uses everything but clk as an output, even in_*.
architecture test_passthrough of toplevelobject is
-- This is the actual module
component real_module
port (
in1 : in std_logic;
in2 : in std_logic;
out1 : out std_logic;
out2 : out std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
-- Note absence of "testline"
end component;
-- This is the test module, which will just put the clk
-- signal out on all pins, or play a tune, or something
component test_module
port (
in1 : out std_logic;
in2 : out std_logic;
out1 : out std_logic;
out2 : out std_logic;
testclk : in std_logic;
-- Note absence of "testline"
end component;
signal real_in1, real_in2 : std_logic;
signal real_out1, real_out2 : std_logic;
signal test_in1, test_in2 : std_logic;
signal test_out1, test_out2 : std_logic;
real_0 : real_module port map (
in1 => real_in1,
in2 => real_in2,
out1 => real_out1,
out2 => real_out2,
clk => clk,
test_0 : test_module port map (
in1 => test_in1,
in2 => test_in2,
out1 => test_out1,
out2 => test_out2,
testclk => clk,
-- Ports that are outputs on both don't need
-- much special attention
out1 <= real_out1 when testline = '0' else test_out1;
out2 <= real_out2 when testline = '0' else test_out2;
end test_passthrough;
So I have a few questions:
For the inout ports, should I have one big process with a case ... when statement that switches on testline? Or a process for each I/O with an if statement? Theoretically I figure that many smaller processes are executed concurrently instead of sequentially, but will it actually make a difference to simulation or synthesis? For example:
passthrough_in1 : process(testline, in1, test_in1) is
if testline = '0' then
real_in1 <= in1;
in1 <= test_in1;
end if;
end process passthrough_in1;
passthrough_all : process(in1, test_in1, in2, test_in2, testline) is
case testline is
when '0' =>
real_in1 <= in1;
real_in2 <= in2;
when '1' =>
in1 <= test_in1;
in2 <= test_in2;
end case;
end process passthrough_all;
Is this a sane approach or is there something simpler?
I'm confused about sensitivity — do I need passthrough_in1 (or even passthrough_all to be sensitive to anything other than testline?
Do I need the real_in1/test_in1 to select between the two wrapped entities? Or is there another way to say "if testline is high, connect test_module output in_1 to the toplevelobject I/O in_1?
If I understand you correctly your testmodule drives the (badly named - I assume in the real code they make more sense :) in1,2 ports?
If so, you need to do something like this:
real_in1 <= in1;
in1 <= test_in1 when testline = '1' else 'Z';
That way in non-test-mode the in1 signal will be driven by a 'Z', so the external proper in1 signal can override it.
You can represent this in various other ways (like the processes that you described), all of which should come out being equal in the simulator. The downside of the "all in one process" option is that you'll need to keep what might end up as an enormous sensitivity list up to date. Doing it one process per signal is just a long winded way of what I did above.
To save some code and copy/paste effort, you could potentially push those two lines of code into an entity of their own and then instance it many times - in that case, I'd put the instance and port map all on one line, but that would offend some coding standards...
This all assumes I've understood the problem correctly!
Maybe I don't fully understand what you're trying to do, but in a typical VHDL testbench:
Your "real_module" code is left as it is. No changes are made to it when it is tested.
A second module, akin to your "toplevelobject" is made. This is typically called a testbench module.
The toplevelobject testbench instantiates real_module.
The testbench usually has no inputs, and doesn't really need outputs (depending on the situation and the testing software used).
The testbench has sequential logic that drives the inputs of real_module.
If you're using testing software such as ModelSim, the inputs and outputs of real_module can be plotted over time to watch the behaviour of real_module as it is driven by your testbench.
What software are you using? I can dig up an old testbench example from a university project a couple of years ago if it would be of any help to you.
