How generate sine wave with vhdl? - vhdl
I am a beginner in vhdl, I am trying to generate a sinus and square singal with a frequency of 50 Mhz, but first i'm trying to generate the sinus wave. I saw a lot of tutorials but it was quite complicated to understand. Here is the code I made. Thank you in advance for your help :)
library IEEE;
entity sinus is
port(clk : in std_logic;
clear : in std_logic;
sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Dataout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end sinus;
architecture Behavioral of sinus is
signal in_data : std_logic_vector(Dataout'range);
signal i : integer range 0 to 77:=0;
TYPE mem_data IS ARRAY (0 TO 255) OF integer range -128 to 127;
constant sin : mem_data := (
( 0),( 3),( 6),( 9),( 12),( 15),( 18),( 21),( 24),( 28),( 31),( 34),( 37),( 40),( 43),( 46), ( 48),( 51),( 54),( 57),( 60),( 63),( 65),( 68),( 71),( 73),( 76),( 78),( 81),( 83),( 85),( 88), ( 90),( 92),( 94),( 96),( 98),( 100),( 102),( 104),( 106),( 108),( 109),( 111),( 112),( 114),( 115),( 117), ( 118),( 119),( 120),( 121),( 122),( 123),( 124),( 124),( 125),( 126),( 126),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127), ( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 127),( 126),( 126),( 125),( 124),( 124),( 123),( 122),( 121),( 120),( 119), ( 118),( 117),( 115),( 114),( 112),( 111),( 109),( 108),( 106),( 104),( 102),( 100),( 98),( 96),( 94),( 92), ( 90),( 88),( 85),( 83),( 81),( 78),( 76),( 73),( 71),( 68),( 65),( 63),( 60),( 57),( 54),( 51), ( 48),( 46),( 43),( 40),( 37),( 34),( 31),( 28),( 24),( 21),( 18),( 15),( 12),( 9),( 6),( 3), ( 0),( -3),( -6),( -9),( -12),( -15),( -18),( -21),( -24),( -28),( -31),( -34),( -37),( -40),( -43),( -46), ( -48),( -51),( -54),( -57),( -60),( -63),( -65),( -68),( -71),( -73),( -76),( -78),( -81),( -83),( -85),( -88), ( -90),( -92),( -94),( -96),( -98),(-100),(-102),(-104),(-106),(-108),(-109),(-111),(-112),(-114),(-115),(-117), (-118),(-119),(-120),(-121),(-122),(-123),(-124),(-124),(-125),(-126),(-126),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127), (-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-127),(-126),(-126),(-125),(-124),(-124),(-123),(-122),(-121),(-120),(-119), (-118),(-117),(-115),(-114),(-112),(-111),(-109),(-108),(-106),(-104),(-102),(-100),( -98),( -96),( -94),( -92), ( -90),( -88),( -85),( -83),( -81),( -78),( -76),( -73),( -71),( -68),( -65),( -63),( -60),( -57),( -54),( -51), ( -48),( -46),( -43),( -40),( -37),( -34),( -31),( -28),( -24),( -21),( -18),( -15),( -12),( -9),( -6),( -3));
process(clk, clear) begin
if (clear='1') then
in_data <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
in_data <= in_data +1;
end if;
end process;
process (in_data(3))
if (in_data(3)'event and in_data(3)='1') then
in_data <=conv_std_logic_vector(sin(i).8);
if (i=77) then
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(in_data, sel) begin
case sel is
when "00" =>Dataout<=in_data;
when others =>Dataout<= "00000000";
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Thanks for the diagram. Because VHDL is hardware description language, the question you should ask yourself is : what do I want to implement ? where are the entity ports, the internal signals on this block diagram ?
The main issue you face is that you've no real correspondence between your design and your illustration. Moreover your VHDL coding style needs improvement both regarding the VHDL language itself and how you implement things.
Start by replacing
This is the official vendor-agnostic VHDL package for signed and unsigned types. IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED and STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL are outdated vendor-dependent VHDL packages provided at a time where vendors couldn't agree on a common definition. This led to a lot of portability issues when having a design flow with tools from different vendors (Cadence, Mentor, Synopsys). The IEEE specification body solved once and for all this issue.
If you're designing real hardware, the following code can lead to implementation problems
process(clk, clear) begin
if (clear='1') then
in_data <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
in_data <= in_data +1;
end if;
end process;
Your in_data signal is asynchronously cleared but synchronously set. As you don't control when the clear signal will be asserted relative to the clk rising edge, there is a risk of in_data metastability or even that some bits of the in_data remains in reset while the others capture a new value.
For a description of the various ways to implement the reset Xilinx has a well documented white paper (WP272) which provides some guidelines useful for any synchronous design be it ASIC or FPGA, Xilinx or Altera. By the way if you have a look, for example, to the widely popular AMBA specifications (AHB, AXI, AXI-Stream, ...), their reset is asserted asynchronously but deasserted synchronously.
Personnally, following Xilinx guidelines, I distribute an asynchronous reset through the entire design and generate locally a synchronous reset with the following piece of code (being locally avoid the fanout issue of a system-wide synchronous reset)
if (p_reset_n = '0') then
s_reset_on_clock <= (others => '1');
else if rising_edge(p_clock) then
s_reset_on_clock <= '0' & s_reset_on_clock(3 downto 1);
end if;
end if;
s_reset_on_clock(0) is now your local synchronous reset signal that you can use like any other signal within the synchronous code block.
Please replace the old fashioned
elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
it will be more obvious what's going on here.
You say that you want to generate a 50MHz signal but you don't say what the system frequency (or maybe I should understand it the other way around). The ratio system clock frequency / 50MHz will give you the sequence length.
Anyway, you will need to declare a free running counter as signal, let's call it counter (in your original code you have two signals, i and in_data, for this same purpose), and reset/increment it using your locally synchronous reset and your clock signal.
In case of a square signal (let's say sel = '0'), your output will be solely determined by the value of your counter. Below a given counter value, you'll have a predetermined dataout value (your 'low' state), while above this value, you'll have another predetermined dataout value (your 'high' state).
In case of a sine signal (let's say sel = '1'), the counter will represent the phase and will be used as input to your sine lookup table (that you, by the way, could initialize with a VHDL function calculating the lookup table content instead of providing precalculated literals). The output of the sine lookup table is your dataout output.
Let me know if you need more help.
I can't assign a value to my output in VHDL
I am stupid new with VHDL, in fact I thoroughly hate this language and am only using it because I am forced to due to a project, and am having trouble with my case when statements. Basically, I'm making a 256x8 word RAM for a project. It takes in an address, based off that address it assigns a value to the memory location, then another process where it looks for the address that was inserted, and assigns the value to my output. It is very dumb, but my teacher wants it this way. I looked at my testbench and my code and have no idea why it's messing up. I am currently testing it out with an address of "00000001" and it should get me the same thing, but with 32 bits instead of the 8 you saw in the address, just 24 0s in front basically. My output, The case I am trying to test, the case I am testing. I almost forgot, in these images, I changed it from x"00000001" to 31 0s and a 1, so these images are a little old. I shortened my code so its easier to read. In my second case it's basically the same except that I am also looking for if memRead = '1', if so then it assigns a value. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 09:45:26 03/30/2020 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: module - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity RAM is Port( Address : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000"; inputData : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000000000"; Memwrite, Memread, rst, clk : in std_logic; read_out_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)); end RAM; architecture behave of RAM is signal mem0, mem1, mem2, mem3, mem4, mem5, mem6, mem7, mem8, mem9, mem10, mem11, mem12, mem13, mem14, mem15, mem16, mem17, mem18, mem19, mem20, mem21, mem22, mem23, mem24, mem25, mem26, mem27, mem28, mem29, mem30, mem31, mem32, mem33, mem34, mem35, mem36, mem37, mem38, mem39, mem40, mem41, mem42, mem43, mem44, mem45, mem46, mem47, mem48, mem49, mem50, mem51, mem52, mem53, mem54, mem55, mem56, mem57, mem58, mem59, mem60, mem61, mem62, mem63, mem64, mem65, mem66, mem67, mem68, mem69, mem70, mem71, mem72, mem73, mem74, mem75, mem76, mem77, mem78, mem79, mem80, mem81, mem82, mem83, mem84, mem85, mem86, mem87, mem88, mem89, mem90, mem91, mem92, mem93, mem94, mem95, mem96, mem97, mem98, mem99, mem100, mem101, mem102, mem103, mem104, mem105, mem106, mem107, mem108, mem109, mem110, mem111, mem112, mem113, mem114, mem115, mem116, mem117, mem118, mem119, mem120, mem121, mem122, mem123, mem124, mem125, mem126, mem127, mem128, mem129, mem130, mem131, mem132, mem133, mem134, mem135, mem136, mem137, mem138, mem139, mem140, mem141, mem142, mem143, mem144, mem145, mem146, mem147, mem148, mem149, mem150, mem151, mem152, mem153, mem154, mem155, mem156, mem157, mem158, mem159, mem160, mem161, mem162, mem163, mem164, mem165, mem166, mem167, mem168, mem169, mem170, mem171, mem172, mem173, mem174, mem175, mem176, mem177, mem178, mem179, mem180, mem181, mem182, mem183, mem184, mem185, mem186, mem187, mem188, mem189, mem190, mem191, mem192, mem193, mem194, mem195, mem196, mem197, mem198, mem199, mem200, mem201, mem202, mem203, mem204, mem205, mem206, mem207, mem208, mem209, mem210, mem211, mem212, mem213, mem214, mem215, mem216, mem217, mem218, mem219, mem220, mem221, mem222, mem223, mem224, mem225, mem226, mem227, mem228, mem229, mem230, mem231, mem232, mem233, mem234, mem235, mem236, mem237, mem238, mem239, mem240, mem241, mem242, mem243, mem244, mem245, mem246, mem247, mem248, mem249, mem250, mem251, mem252, mem253, mem254, mem255 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal read_data_s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin --Work on the RAM! process(clk, rst, MemWrite) begin if(rising_edge(clk)) then case Address is when "00000000" => mem0 <= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; when "00000001" => mem1 <= "00000000000000000000000000000001"; when "00000010" => mem2 <= "00000000000000000000000000000010"; when "00000011" => mem3 <= "00000000000000000000000000000011"; when "00000100" => mem4 <= "00000000000000000000000000000100"; when others => read_out_data <= "00000000000000000000000000000001"; end case; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if(Memread = '1') then if(rising_edge(clk)) then case Address is when "00000000" => read_out_data <= mem0; when "00000001" => read_out_data <= mem1; when "00000010" => read_out_data <= mem2; when "00000011" => read_out_data <= mem3; when "00000100" => read_out_data <= mem4; when others => read_out_data <= "00000000000000000000000000000000"; end case; end if; end if; end process; end behave;
My teacher kinda sux at teaching this stuff and this language isn't really my strong suit, because I'm used to high level languages and don't know mess with this in my day to day. But the issue is solved, because the TA got back to me. Tank you to everyone who commented. Basically, I needed to create a separate signal for my others condition to handle the output, instead of just setting the output in my others condition.
wait statement must contain condition clause with UNTIL keyword
The following VHDL is to be used to test bench. I keep getting an error on the first wait statement during analysis : "wait statement must contain condition clause with UNTIL keyword" I have several working test benches written this way. I can't seem to find what the error might be. `library IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity case_ex_TB is end; architecture simple_test of case_ex_TB is --- DUT Component Declaration --- component case_ex port( clk, rstN: IN std_logic; color: OUT std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); end component; --- Signals Declaration --- signal rst, clock: std_logic:='0'; signal color: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin DUT: case_ex --- DUT instantiation --- port map (clk => clock, rstN => rst, color => color); --- Signal's Waves Creation --- rst <= '1','0' after 50 ns, '1' after 2 us; clock_crtate: process begin while rst = '0' loop clock <= '1','0' after 50 ns; wait for 100 ns; end loop; clock <= '1'; wait; end process; end simple_test;`
You get this error because you have set your testbench as the top-level entity in Quartus-II. The top-level entity must remain the component case_ex, and this component must contain synthesizable code. To simulate your testbench, you must configure a testbench. Just klick on the plus-sign before "RTL Simulation" and then "Edit Settings". (Names may differ with Quartus version).
Another thing you could note is that, it's necessary to put this file in as a simulation, following the path: Assignments -> settings -> EDA tool settings -> simulation and naturally, changing adding a testbench. Another thing to note is that, if you want to change the top level entity, you just need to follow in Quartus: Project -> Set as top level entity (in the file you are in) Also, in the Project navigator, be sure that don't miss the fact that you need every single file you need in order for your program to work.
my program is to generate a code for calculating 4 point fft
I have written the code in three parts. The first part contains functions such as add, subtract and negate. The second part is the butterfly structure. The third part is fft4. I find some errors in butterfly part, please help to solve these. The program is given below. In fft_pkg instead of multiplication by -j, I used negation function. I avoided multiplication by 1 and -j and used addition and negate function. -- Design Name: -- Module Name: butterfly - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library work; use work.fft_pkg.all; entity butterfly is port ( s1,s2 : in complex; stage : in std_logic; -- inputs -- w : in complex -- phase factor g1,g2 : out complex -- outputs ); end butterfly; architecture Behavioral of butterfly is begin --butterfly equations. if ( stage ='0') then g1 <= add(s1,s2); g2 <= sub(s1,s2); elsif (stage ='1') then g1 <= add(s1,negate(s2)); g2 <= sub(s1,negate(s2)); end if; end Behavioral; --butterfly structure(in it instead of multiplication negate func is used) library ieee; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library work; use work.fft_pkg.all; entity butterfly is port ( s1,s2 : in complex; stage : in std_logic; -- inputs -- w : in complex; -- phase factor g1,g2 :out complex -- outputs ); end butterfly; architecture Behavioral of butterfly is begin --butterfly equations. if ( stage ='0') then g1 <= add(s1,s2); g2 <= sub(s1,s2); elsif (stage ='1') then g1 <= add(s1,negate(s2)); g2 <= sub(s1,negate(s2)); end if; end Behavioral; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library work; use work.fft_pkg.all; entity fft4 is port ( s: in comp_array; y : out comp_array ); end fft4; architecture rtl of fft4 is component butterfly is port ( s1,s2 : in complex; -- inputs -- w : in complex; -- phase factor g1,g2 : out complex -- outputs ); end component; signal g1,g2: comp_array; -- :=(others=>(0000,0000)); -- signal w:comp_array2 :=(("0000","0001"),("0000","1111")); begin --first stage of butterfly bf11 : butterfly port map(s(0),s(2),'0',g1(0),g1(1)); bf12 : butterfly port map(s(1),s(3),'0',g1(2),g1(3)); --second stage of butterfly's. bf21 : butterfly port map(g1(0),g1(2),'0',g2(0),g2(2)); bf22 : butterfly port map(g1(1),g1(3),'1',g2(1),g2(3)); end rtl; Errors are ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:\Users\RObin\fftfinal\butterfly.vhd" Line 36: Syntax error near "if". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:\Users\RObin\fftfinal\butterfly.vhd" Line 39: Syntax error near "elsif". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:\Users\RObin\fftfinal\butterfly.vhd" Line 42: Syntax error near "if". ERROR:HDLCompiler:854 - "C:\Users\RObin\fftfinal\butterfly.vhd" Line 31: Unit ignored due to previous errors.
Try placing the if statements into a process: architecture behavioral of butterfly is begin --butterfly equations. process (s1, s2) begin if ( stage ='0') then g1 <= add(s1,s2); g2 <= sub(s1,s2); elsif (stage ='1') then g1 <= add(s1,negate(s2)); g2 <= sub(s1,negate(s2)); end if; end process; end behavioral; It's not possible to verify your code without either package fft_pkg, or writing one, which would seem to require deciding what the type complex is. Note that while Nicolas also commented that you could use concurrent conditional assignment statements, all concurrent statements have equivalent process statements or processes and block statements, which is how VHDL is both simulated and synthesized after elaboration. You can also comment out or remove one of the two copies of entity butterfly and it's architecture Behavioral. If you need two different representations with the same interface you can change the architecture name of successive different architectures. By default the last one analyzed will be used. Analyzing the same named entity and architecture over again has the effect of replacing the first occurrence while still requiring both are valid VHDL.
Why can't make work my VHDL program using elsif not recognize one state
I'am a spanish user an newbie on VHDL programming the problems its that I was trying to make a machine state with the CASE but don't work. then i decide to do with ELSIF instruction all its working perfect but the state 0010 its not working a I don't know why its a very ease program but don't understand why y is not working EXCUSE MY POOR ENGLISH but I do my best thanks I show the program next: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; --definimos identidad de la interfaz entity interfaz is port( sen:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);--entrada de sensor bus de 4 bits clk:in std_logic; mda, mdr, mia, mir:out std_logic);--mdr,mda=motor derecho retroceso,avance == mia,mir=motor izquiero avance,retroceso end interfaz; --comenzando arquitectura de interfaz architecture behavior of interfaz is ---------------------------------------------------- --Instruccion con herramienta elseif process begin wait until clk'event and clk='1'; if (sen=(0000)) then --alto mda<='0'; mdr<='0'; mia<='0'; mir<='0'; elsif (sen=(0001)) then --retroceso mda<='0'; mdr<='1'; mia<='0'; mir<='1'; elsif (sen=0010) then --avance mda<='1'; mdr<='0'; mia<='1'; mir<='0'; elsif (sen=(0100)) then --izquierda mda<='0'; mdr<='1'; mia<='1'; mir<='0'; elsif (sen=(1000)) then --derecha mda<='1'; mdr<='0'; mia<='0'; mir<='1'; end if; end process; end behavior;
The sen=0010 appears like sen is compared to a 4-bit vector, but it is actually compare with the decimal value 0010 = 10 = ten, due to the lack of "" around the 0010 value. Fix this in all place with by adding "", like "0010". VHDL is basically strong typed, but the use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; adds functions that allows compare between std_logic_vector and integer, and for this reason the problem passes syntax check. Also: Fix a syntax error by adding begin before the process, since that is required in architecture Consider using if rising_edge(clk) instead of wait until clk'event and clk='1' Consider rewrite with case
Warning "has no load", but I can't see why
I got these warnings from Lattice Diamond for each instance of any uart (currently 11) WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_14' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_0_COUT1_9_14' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_12' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_10' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_8' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_6' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_4' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_2' has no load WARNING - ngdbuild: logical net 'UartGenerator_0_Uart_i/Uart/rxCounter_cry_0' has no load The VHDL-code is entity UART is generic ( dividerCounterBits: integer := 16 ); port ( Clk : in std_logic; -- Clock signal Reset : in std_logic; -- Reset input ClockDivider: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ParityMode : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- b00=No, b01=Even, b10=Odd, b11=UserBit [...] architecture Behaviour of UART is constant oversampleExponent : integer := 4; subtype TxCounterType is integer range 0 to (2**(dividerCounterBits+oversampleExponent))-1; subtype RxCounterType is integer range 0 to (2**dividerCounterBits)-1; signal rxCounter: RxCounterType; signal txCounter: TxCounterType; signal rxClockEn: std_logic; -- clock enable signal for receiver signal txClockEn: std_logic; -- clock enable signal for transmitter begin rxClockdivider:process (Clk, Reset) begin if Reset='1' then rxCounter <= 0; rxClockEn <= '0'; elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then -- RX counter (oversampled) if rxCounter = 0 then rxClockEn <= '1'; rxCounter <= to_integer(unsigned(ClockDivider)); else rxClockEn <= '0'; rxCounter <= rxCounter - 1; end if; end if; end process; txClockDivider: process (Clk, Reset) [...] rx: entity work.RxUnit generic map (oversampleFactor=>2**oversampleExponent) port map (Clk=>Clk, Reset=>Reset, ClockEnable=>rxClockEn, ParityMode=>ParityMode, ReadA=>ReadA, DataO=>DataO, RxD=>RxD, RxAv=>RxAv, ParityBit=>ParityBit, debugout=>debugout ); end Behaviour; This is a single Uart, to create them all (currently 11 uarts) I use this -- UARTs UartGenerator: For i IN 0 to uarts-1 generate begin Uart_i : entity work.UartBusInterface port map (Clk=>r_qclk, Reset=>r_reset, cs=>uartChipSelect(i), nWriteStrobe=>wr_strobe, nReadStrobe=>rd_strobe, address=>AdrBus(1 downto 0), Databus=>DataBus, TxD=>TxD_PAD_O(i), RxD=>RxD_PAD_I(i), txInterrupt=>TxIRQ(i), rxInterrupt=>RxIRQ(i), debugout=>rxdebug(i)); uartChipSelect(i) <= '1' when to_integer(unsigned(adrbus(5 downto 2)))=i+4 and r_cs0='0' else '0'; end generate; I can syntesis it and the uarts work, but why I got the warning? IMHO the rxCounter should use each single possible value, but why each second bit creates the warning "has no load"? I read somewhere that this mean that these net's aren't used and will be removed. But to count from 0 to 2^n-1, I need no less than n-bits.
This warning means that nobody is "listening" to those nets. It is OK to have signals that will be removed in synthesis. Warnings are not Errors! You just need to be aware of them. We cannot assess what is happening from your partial code. Is there a signal named rxCounter_cry? What is the datatype of ClockDivider? What is the value of dividerCounterBits? What happens in the other process? If it is irrelevant, please try to run your synthesis without that process. If it is relevant, we need to see it.
Lattice ngdbuild is particularly spammy for the job it is doing, I pipe ngdbuild output through grep in my makefile to remove exactly these messages: ngdbuild ... | grep -v "ngdbuild: logical net '.*' has no load" There's more than 2500 of these otherwise, eliminating them helps concentrate on real issues. Second worst toolchain spammer is edif2ngd complaining about Verilog parameters it does not have explicit handling for. This one is a two line message (over 300 of these) so I remove it with: edif2ngd ... | sed '/Unsupported property/{N;d;}'
Just be aware that sometimes it implements things with adders. The highest order bit will not use the carry output of that adder, and the lowest order bit will not use the sign input. So you get a warning like: WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'clock_chain/dcmachine/count_171_add_4_1/S0' has no load WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'clock_chain/dcmachine/count_171_add_4_19/CO' has no load No problem, bit 19 is the highest, so it will not carry anywhere, and bit 1 is the lowest, so it does not get a sign bit from anywhere. If, however, you get this warning on any of the bits in between highest and lowest, it normally means something is wrong, but not an error, so it will build something that "works" when you test it, but not in an error case. If you simulate it with error cases it will normally show undesirable results.