ClearCase Integration for Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

Does anyone know if there's a way to integrate clearcase into visual studio 2017? I tried the registry hack detailed in this stack overflow post and also uninstalling and reinstalling clearcase after installing VS2017 but nothing seems to work. If there is no support for VS2017 currently, does anyone know how long it usually takes before clearcase is supported? Thank you.
Edit: I posted the same question on the IBM dev forum and someone responded that the ClearCase devs are working on support but it won't be available for a quarter or two.

As you can see in the "Collaborate on Code" Visual Studio 2017 page, the focus is now on Git.
As commented by Peter A. Schneider, there is a IBM Rational ClearCase integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. The installation instruction, though, might not work fully.
That being said, trying to integrate such an obsolete source control system such as ClearCase is counter-productive. IBM is working on integration its successor RTC (Rational Team Concert) with RTC 6.0.4.
That being said, you can still try and see if the extension "
VS Code ClearCase" works for you. It is however for VS Code, not for VS 2017.


Can we integrate TFS with Visual Studio for Mac?

I am using Visual Studio Community version 7.3.3 for MacBook. I am working on a project where the repository is hosted in Team Foundation Server (TFS). Can I integrate that using the Version Control option in Visual Studio. Git and SVN are possible thats what I heard. But need some help on this.
This requirement is under plan now. Please check this uservoice:
We’ve been working on some technical prototypes to see how we could
best connect to TFS from a Mac and at this point I’m happy to say that
this work is now planned for an upcoming release. Please keep an eye
on this site for updates!
As of now TFS integration is not implemented for Visual Studio in Mac, they are working on that. Got this information from one person who is directly involved in the development of Xamarin for Mac.
According to this Link this feature is now officially supported and deployed with the new version Visual Studio for Mac (extension v0.3)

TypeScript refactoring stopped working in VS 2013 RC2

I have just installed VS 2013 RC2 and TypeScript refactoring stopped working. It disappeared from context menu, and pressing Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R gives the following error message:
The key combination (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R) is bound to command (.Refactor.Rename) which is not currently available.
I have tried restarting VS, didn't help. Any ideas, workarounds?
I have submitted a bug to Microsoft. Please upvote it if you have the same issue:
Microsoft posted the following answer to my question on MS Connect. Seems that while refactor/rename was available in VS Express Edition with TypeScript 0.9, in TypeScript 1.0 it's only available from VS Pro upwards.
Posted by Microsoft on 19/05/2014 at 09:25
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Refactor/rename and NavigateTo are features that are found in the Pro+
versions of TypeScript in Visual Studio 2013. The Pro+ tools are aimed
at helping users work with larger codebases, so there is a focus on
building up tools to help support those codebases in those versions of
Visual Studio. We're working to continue to refine to make the
experience best across both Express and Pro+, with the right features
to help users who want to learn TypeScript and those who want to move
to using TypeScript in larger projects.
For me it happened because of resharper conflict. I uninstalled resharper and restarted visual studio

Re-integrating Clearcase with Visual Studio 2010?

I've seen the questions on ClearCase support and integration, but both didn't help. Seen this too, but well...
I had a VS2010 project with which I was able to check in and out files within VS itself, but sometime back, it showed that it couldn't connect to ClearCase, and now I when I right click on the project files in solution explorer, the ClearCase options aren't even available in the right-click menu.
How do I get it to work with ClearCase now?
I'm able to check in and out the files from Windows explorer and from ClearCase explorer, but how to do it through Visual Studio?
(Note: The 'ClearCase' option in Tools>Options>SourceControl is already selected)
The rare case I have seen that were:
incompatibility with a VM64bits (I believe this is now solve)
due to a ClearCase update (only solution was to uninstall ClearCase, uninstall VS2010, reinstall VS2010 first, then ClearCase)
Note that this technote (originally about CCRC, which isn't your case) does mention
ClearCase and CCRC versions 7.0.1 and 7.1.1
There is no Visual Studio 2010 integration available during an installation of ClearCase or CCRC versions 7.0.1.x or 7.1.1 or
Refer to the workaround details below for information about obtaining a utility and for instructions for setting up the integration.
A utility is available along with instructions on setting up the integration. If you have any questions or issues with using this utility, contact IBM Rational Client Support for assistance.
Refer to document 4024532 Integrate ClearCase and CCRC 7.0.1 and 7.1.1 with Visual Studio 2010 for details.
So it depends also about your exact ClearCase version.
The aforementioned technote (4024532) refers to:
When using the ClearCase integration with Visual Studio 2010, glyphs indicating the source control state for ASP.Net Web Site projects are not displayed in Solution Explorer.
(Meaning it can also depends about the type of your VS project)
The defect with Microsoft WebSite project has been fixed in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is supported from ClearCase and onwards.
(Meaning it also depends about the exact version of your VS itself)
Your case doesn't seem to refer to that issue, since you don't even have ClearCase contextual menu on the project files of your solution (hence my advice to uninstall everything and re-install), but illustrates the need to know the exact details about:
the error message
the version of ClearCase
the version of VS2010

Collaboration between people using two different versions of VS 2010, Express and Ultimate

Ok, I have looked around on SO and haven't been able to find an answer to this question, but forgive me if I missed one out there. It's difficult to refine the search terms for this one.
But anyways, I have VS 2010 C# Express. I'm planning on doing some collaboration in my code (that was made entirely in Express) with someone who owns VS 2010 Ultimate. I have been putting off upgrading to the paid version of VS 2010 because of the price - if at all possible I would rather not upgrade. We are going to collaborate using Tortoise SVN as our version control software.
Will it be an issue for me to continue to work with the Express version while my collaborator works on VS 2010 Ultimate? To what degree will it be an issue, etc?
Follow-up question: If I have to upgrade to a paid version, would I have to upgrade to Ultimate, or would Professional be sufficient?
I have no experience with VS 2010 yet, but can offer observations based on VS 2008, using svn for source control.
I have only had one minor issue with using both the VB Express edition and VS2008 Standard and Professional versions on the same project. The express version does not support solution folders. I use a solution folder to allow quick access to some configuration files from the ide. The express version does not display the solution folder, but the remainser of the solution loads sucessfully, including all the included projects.
Well, my collaborator and I have started work, and no issues so far. Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and Visual Studio Express are pretty much compatible, except for the Solutions folders, as described by B Pete.

Visual Haskell 2008

Is Haskell for Visual Studio 2005 compatible with VS2008 SP1 ?
The answer to your original question is a No. The code for visual haskell is written in Haskell and talks via COM to visual studio. Now the problem is, that even if you update the com wrappers to be compatible with the new visual studios you'd still be stuck using a ghc 6.6 simply because it relied on internal structures of the compiler to work, some of which have already been removed from 6.8 going forward.
So any effort on this part will require a complete rewrite of plugin.
Now the good new is I am busy writing a version for visual studio 2010 (sorry no 2008) but supposedly I could release it as a standalone isolated shell for those who don't have vs 2010 (need to check the license more closely).
I only have time to work on it in the weekends, So I project (no promises) that I'll have a first version out around july.
I actually had just tried to install it from the link you provided (yesterday), but the installer complained that it couldn't find an existing installation of Visual Studio 2005. (I also have Visual Studio 2008 installed.) I'm guessing it's hard-coded to look for a specific directory or installed application version number? So... from what I've seen, I'd answer "no".
Hopefully someone else has had better luck?
I was told at a conference in 2007 that the Russian student who had been working on Visual Studio support for GHC never quite finished the job. The person most likely to know the true status is Simon Marlow at Microsoft Research.
