Visual Haskell 2008 - visual-studio

Is Haskell for Visual Studio 2005 compatible with VS2008 SP1 ?

The answer to your original question is a No. The code for visual haskell is written in Haskell and talks via COM to visual studio. Now the problem is, that even if you update the com wrappers to be compatible with the new visual studios you'd still be stuck using a ghc 6.6 simply because it relied on internal structures of the compiler to work, some of which have already been removed from 6.8 going forward.
So any effort on this part will require a complete rewrite of plugin.
Now the good new is I am busy writing a version for visual studio 2010 (sorry no 2008) but supposedly I could release it as a standalone isolated shell for those who don't have vs 2010 (need to check the license more closely).
I only have time to work on it in the weekends, So I project (no promises) that I'll have a first version out around july.

I actually had just tried to install it from the link you provided (yesterday), but the installer complained that it couldn't find an existing installation of Visual Studio 2005. (I also have Visual Studio 2008 installed.) I'm guessing it's hard-coded to look for a specific directory or installed application version number? So... from what I've seen, I'd answer "no".
Hopefully someone else has had better luck?

I was told at a conference in 2007 that the Russian student who had been working on Visual Studio support for GHC never quite finished the job. The person most likely to know the true status is Simon Marlow at Microsoft Research.


Can I install visual c++ 2010 express edition with visual Studio 2010 professional already installed?

I want to do so because intellisense option for clr console application is not working in visual studio 2010..
Yes, you can. They will run side by side.
However, if you have professional installed, wouldn't it be better to update the install and add c++ to it?
There is no Intellisense support for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2010 (including in SP1 and the Express edition).
I've been using Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato software for the last few weeks and am very happy with their Intellisense support. From the research I did, it appears that theirs is about the best going (Resharper for example does not support C++).
No, this is not going to solve your problem. The IntelliSense parser is exactly the same in the Express edition, it also doesn't support parsing C++/CLI code. You'll need to find the installer for the VS2008 Express edition. That's going to be quite difficult, you cannot get it from Microsoft anymore. Or you'll have to bear and grin it until the next version for Visual Studio, the Microsoft team promised it will be supported again.
Do keep in mind that you are not writing C++ code, C++/CLI is a very distinct language. There isn't much point in writing complete console mode apps in C++/CLI, you might as well use C#. There's an Express edition for that as well, IntelliSense works.

Does Visual Studio 2010 RC play nice with Visual Studio 2008?

Does Visual Studio 2010 RC play nicely with Visual Studio 2008?
I am wondering if I need to setup a Virtual Machine to play with VS 2010 or if I can just install it on my Dev machine.
If it messes up VS 2010 then that is sad but ok. If it messed up VS 2008 then I would be in trouble.
Has anyone tried this out? Does it work well? Poorly?
Thanks for any answers.
I've had no problems. Microsoft has designed the last several versions of Visual Studio to be able to co-exist side-by-side.
That said, VS 2010 is an RC, so it is still a pre-release. And even after it goes RTM, it's still a complex product and like any complex software install there can be bugs. I wouldn't expect serious problems, but there's always the fraction of a percent that do run into issues. So I'd still plan to install it on a day when you'd have cycles to deal with potential issues (if nothing else, installing it on my machine that hadn't had OS updates installed in a while required at least 2 reboots).
Yes this works and is a supported scenario. My advice is to install 2008 first then 2010. This is the setup i have on multiple computers.
has worked for me without any issues so far. I would follow JaredPar's advice though, install 2008 first, then 2010.
I never trust the "plays nice with others" claims because I've been bit by it before. They supposedly co-exist, but I still put it in a VM.
See this blog post.
Visual Studio 2010 / .NET Framework 4 RC Ready for General Download
I haven't installed it on my machine but my manager has and after we looked at it we decided it's best not to go there yet for two reasons:
1) We have to go through the whole conversion process again, which after our experience with 1.1 -> 2.0 wasn't very enticing.
2) We caused an error within the first couple minutes of playing around that worked fine on VS2008 leading us to believe it's not quite ready for primetime yet anyways. (It was adding a method in the class diagram that caused VS to crash for some reason).
Just my two cents though.
edit: I just found another great example, fifth one down:
I've had no problems either. And I didn't with VS2010 beta 2 and VS2008 either.
I have both of them on my machine, so far no problems
I havent go into too much testing with my VS 2008 projects in 2010, but it does look like it works fine with VS 2010 RC.
Also, both versions seem to run fine on my machine. (I have also VS 2003 on my local as well)
Bearing in mind its the Release Candidate version, is should be very reliable in this area.
I've run into an error with IIS and VS2010 -- it's solved by re-running the .NET 3.5 version of aspnet_regiis.
I installed 2010 with 2008 already installed. I had tons of hangs, crashes and general malfunctions. Reinstalling 2008 didn't help until I removed every trace of 2010 from registry.
I've installed 2010 with 2008 on this machine for silverlight development.. I haven't noticed any problems except for file associations all goto the 2010 version rather than what I'd prefer opened in 2008 by default. (2010 to me is much slower than 2008)

Will Visual Studio 2010 still be able to use all the plugins for Visual Studio 2008?

I use Visual Studio 2k8 Pro Edition at home and I have loaded it with a lot of important addins customised for my development.
If I get VS2010 Pro Edition, would all of these plugins fail to work? Is this a plugin-related matter or down to Visual Studio itself? E.g. Visual Studio 2010 may just be based on the 2008 version but with enhancements (is it?).
You can always download the beta and try them out.
Impossible to say without seeing it in practice. Seriously. We don't know which plug-ins you're using so we've no idea how they're going to react to a new VS version...
But even you had told us, you'd save yourself a lot of time just installing VS 2010 in a VM and trying your plug-ins out.
Nope at least Resharper 4.5 is not working in VS2010
No. Unmanaged addins are COM objects that are tied to the version of the IDE environment. For the most part, the addins just need to be rebuilt with only minor changes though.
EDIT: Addins that go beyond using the standard addin interfaces though will probably require retooling for the VS2010 environment.
EDIT 2: Managed addins are typically deployed using .addin files which are sometimes located in "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins". The .addin file is an xml file that can be edited by hand. You can try adding a new HostApplication element to the file for a particular managed addin - and specify version 10.0.
Here is the info on the resharper compatibility:
(Basically they will have a preview release in June)

Are there reasons to use Visual Studio 2005 when 2008 is available?

What reasons are there for continuing to run Visual Studio 2005 when 2008 is available?
I work on a project where the environment is dictated to be Visual Studio 2005. Are there good technical reasons for this? Can I use Visual Studio 2008 and build an app that is 100% indistinguishable from the same app build with Visual Studio 2005?
I think there are two questions here
Can I use VS2008 to create apps compatible with VS2005
Generally speaking the answer is yes. I do this frequently with several internal and external hobby projects with great success. You may encounter an odd ball tooling issue but so far none has cropped up for me.
Is there any reason not to use VS2008 over VS2005
The best reason I can think of is a large developer environment. Once you make the switch to using VS2008, it will upgrade all of the projects in your solution to the new format. This will no longer be usable for anyone using VS2005. They will be forced to upgrade or maintain parrallel versions of the project file. In general, I find it's best to upgrade in groups rather than individuals.
We are currently migrating from 2005 to 2008. If you open and save a project while in VS2008, you will not be able to open that solution/project in VS2005 (at least we couldn't find a way easily). If the rest of your team is still in 2005, you should stay there. You CAN, however set up a project in 2008 and keep it compatible with 2005... as long as everyone opening it is using 2008. You keep the .NET version at 2.5, and don't convert most of the stuff that it wants you to convert.
The only time you CAN'T migrate to 2008 is if you are using a report project and SQL Server 2005. VS2008 will only let you integrate a report project with SQL Server 2008. What did we do?
We migrated to 2008 and all the Team Server stuff, except for the database and reporting. Those we kept on 2005, and so I end up having to open both versions on a daily basis... but that's why they pay me the (somewhat??) big bucks!
Not really, the new version of Visual Studio has the compilers for the new language versions and all the libraries for .NET 3.5. Since they all target the 2.0 CLR and Visual Studio 2008 allows you to target previous versions of the framework I don't see any reason to stick with 2005.
The obvious answer is: No license for Visual Studio 2008.
My company is "saving money" but not upgrading...
One reason might be interaction with existing products.
I write code for AutoCAD in C#.
They (Autodesk) "officially" support VS 2005 but I've been using 2008 since...well 2008.

Can I compile legacy MFC applications with Visual Studio 2008?

I maintain several old MFC applications using Visual Studio 7 and I was considering upgrading to Visual Studio 2008. After reading this question, I realise that the Express edition will not be able to do this.
Does anyone know if I will be able to compile old MFC apps with VS2008 Standard edition or will I need to get the more expensive Professional edition ?
You'll have everything you need to build an MFC application with Standard edition. Be warned, though, if it is an application of any size or complexity it will not simply be a matter of upgrading the project/solution files and hitting F5. There are plenty of breaking changes between VS7 and 2008, most introduced in the V8 compiler. Roll up your sleeves.
Yes, the Standard edition includes support for MFC/ATL.
FYI you can compare the features
