Re-integrating Clearcase with Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I've seen the questions on ClearCase support and integration, but both didn't help. Seen this too, but well...
I had a VS2010 project with which I was able to check in and out files within VS itself, but sometime back, it showed that it couldn't connect to ClearCase, and now I when I right click on the project files in solution explorer, the ClearCase options aren't even available in the right-click menu.
How do I get it to work with ClearCase now?
I'm able to check in and out the files from Windows explorer and from ClearCase explorer, but how to do it through Visual Studio?
(Note: The 'ClearCase' option in Tools>Options>SourceControl is already selected)

The rare case I have seen that were:
incompatibility with a VM64bits (I believe this is now solve)
due to a ClearCase update (only solution was to uninstall ClearCase, uninstall VS2010, reinstall VS2010 first, then ClearCase)
Note that this technote (originally about CCRC, which isn't your case) does mention
ClearCase and CCRC versions 7.0.1 and 7.1.1
There is no Visual Studio 2010 integration available during an installation of ClearCase or CCRC versions 7.0.1.x or 7.1.1 or
Refer to the workaround details below for information about obtaining a utility and for instructions for setting up the integration.
A utility is available along with instructions on setting up the integration. If you have any questions or issues with using this utility, contact IBM Rational Client Support for assistance.
Refer to document 4024532 Integrate ClearCase and CCRC 7.0.1 and 7.1.1 with Visual Studio 2010 for details.
So it depends also about your exact ClearCase version.
The aforementioned technote (4024532) refers to:
When using the ClearCase integration with Visual Studio 2010, glyphs indicating the source control state for ASP.Net Web Site projects are not displayed in Solution Explorer.
(Meaning it can also depends about the type of your VS project)
The defect with Microsoft WebSite project has been fixed in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is supported from ClearCase and onwards.
(Meaning it also depends about the exact version of your VS itself)
Your case doesn't seem to refer to that issue, since you don't even have ClearCase contextual menu on the project files of your solution (hence my advice to uninstall everything and re-install), but illustrates the need to know the exact details about:
the error message
the version of ClearCase
the version of VS2010


Installation of AnkhSVN Visual Studio 2019

I can not Install AnkhSVN -Subversion Support for Visual Studio 2019,
I have tried to Install It, It says Version is Invalid for VS2019
I use VS2019 Professional
I have made a fork of the AnkhSVN project and published a version on Visual Studio Marketplace as AnkhSVN2019.
This version targets only Visual Studio 2019.
The page on the Visual Studio Marketplace is here:
You can also find it by searching the Visual Studio Marketplace in Visual Studio.
The project is on GitHub here:
As far as I can tell it is working correctly, but that is based on a small number of systems, and I only use a subset of the features.
Support for Visual Studio 2022
My fork of AnkhSVN does not support Visual Studio 2022, but there is a version in the GitHub repository from the original developers of AnkhSVN.
As of 4-December-2021, this version is not available in the Visual Studio Marketplace, but you can download the package from the releases page on GitHub.
As of 4-December-2021, the download link for the current version is,
but there may now be a newer version.
The latest AnkhSVN version is not compatible with Visual Studio 2019 (and the project, unfortunately, seems dead).
A possible solution is to edit manually the files stored in the vsix file (it's a zip file with a different extension).
The file to edit are:
Change the occurance of [15.0,16.0) to [15.0,17.0)
Change the prerequisite in this way:
<Prerequisite Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor" Version="[15.0,)" DisplayName="Visual Studio core editor" />
search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)"
search Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor and change the version to "[15.0,)" as the catalog.json
After these changes it's possible to install the extension in VS2019 but still open a warning shown by VS related an incompatibility of the load process (AnkhSVN use a synchronous load, VS2019 want an async load).
Looks like it doesn't support VS2019 by default.
But you can try to update extension for VS2019.
Rename vsix to zip
Open extension.vsixmanifest, manifest.json and catalog.json and for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor change version to [15.0,)
Open extension.vsixmanifest and also replace all [15.0,16.0) by
Zip all files
Rename to vsix
The original AnkhSVN project developed by CollabNet is now abandoned and does not support Visual Studio 2019 now (the project is inactive for more than 17 months). As an alternative, consider migrating to VisualSVN that is now completely free for use on non-domain computers (no registration required) and provides about the same functionality compared with AnkhSVN (some users consider VisualSVN to be better for their use cases).
Migrating from AnkhSVN to VisualSVN is a straightforward process. The most recent VisualSVN 7.1 and VisualSVN 6.5 releases add support for multiple working copies within a single solution, and this makes the migration practically instant and painless for almost all users. See the article KB58: Migrating from AnkhSVN to VisualSVN for instructions and the article KB7: Using Multiple Working Copies in VisualSVN if your solution projects span across multiple working copies.
Note that the workarounds suggested in the accepted answer may cause overall Visual Studio destabilization and do not make AnkhSVN compatible with Visual Studio 2019. See the comments under these answers:
BTW, according to this post, those hacky workarounds do not work anymore.
DISCLAIMER: I am a support engineer with VisualSVN Team.
I've just installed AnkhSVN 2.8.12824 via "Manage Extensions". It seems to work, though Visual Studio 2019 complains that it might not be compatible with a future Visual Studio update (Deprecated APIs).
See also
Possibly also
AnkhSVN supports Visual Studio 2019 now. Download here [broken link]
Seems to still be active on GitHub:
The owner removed the program from the marketplace until he works out the async loading in the code, according to a comment from him in the github project

Is TFS available in Visual Studio for Mac

I haven’t find TFS in Visual Studio for mac, Is any alternative tools available for that.
TFS is a rather broad term and describes a whole suite of solutions. I’m assuming that you mean the version control section for my answer.
There is no support for TFVC, which is the older versioning control system that used to be default in TFS.
Since some time now, TFS and VSTS (basically the cloud hosted version of TFS) have switched to Git. Git is supported from Visual Studio for Mac as well as a lot of other tools of course.
If you still want to use TFVC, I have only found one option which isn't pretty. I installed Eclipse (the IDE for Java) which has a plugin for the TFVC version control. It looks and works pretty similar to how it looks in Visual Studio for Windows. It has some quirks and I would be surprised if it is still actively maintained, so use with caution and if you have the possibility look into switching to Git.
Edit though they seem to be working on it! If you check out the linked blog post you will see that support is in the works and I think there is a preview you can download today.
For Visual Studio Mac, TFS is supported for now. There has been a uservocie, you can vote up and monitor it.
TFS Version Control
However, this is only a preview feature as you can see the comment from PM:
I’m happy to say that our first preview of this feature is now
available – check out the announcement blog post.
I’ll continue to share out updates here as we make updates to the
Jordan Program Manager, Visual Studio for Mac
According to the comment below the blog post, it seems not stable for now. If you want a more stably solution of using TFS source control on Mac, you could try to use Visual Studio Code, which is more of a fast, lightweight code editor.
With the help of Visual Studio Team Services extension on Visual Studio Code, it allows you to connect to Team Services and Team Foundation Server and provides support for both Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) and GIT. More details can be found at Connect VS code with TFS on mac
As of VS 2019 for MAC, support for preview as well has been dropped.
The preview TFVC extension for Visual Studio for Mac is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac.
As per this doc, it's recommended to use GIT for version control. Otherwise, if there's no option then to use TFS on macOS several options are also provided in the link.
Option 1. Use Visual Studio Code and the Azure Repos extension, for a
graphical UI
Option 2. Connect to your repo using the Team Explorer Everywhere Command Line Client (TEE-CLC)
Also, there's eclipse plugin available for TFVC on mac

ClearCase Integration for Visual Studio 2017

Does anyone know if there's a way to integrate clearcase into visual studio 2017? I tried the registry hack detailed in this stack overflow post and also uninstalling and reinstalling clearcase after installing VS2017 but nothing seems to work. If there is no support for VS2017 currently, does anyone know how long it usually takes before clearcase is supported? Thank you.
Edit: I posted the same question on the IBM dev forum and someone responded that the ClearCase devs are working on support but it won't be available for a quarter or two.
As you can see in the "Collaborate on Code" Visual Studio 2017 page, the focus is now on Git.
As commented by Peter A. Schneider, there is a IBM Rational ClearCase integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. The installation instruction, though, might not work fully.
That being said, trying to integrate such an obsolete source control system such as ClearCase is counter-productive. IBM is working on integration its successor RTC (Rational Team Concert) with RTC 6.0.4.
That being said, you can still try and see if the extension "
VS Code ClearCase" works for you. It is however for VS Code, not for VS 2017.

no compatible version of visual studio net found on system

I have installed full version licensed Visual Studio 2010 Professional, .Net 4.0 on my system. Now I am trying to install Active Reports 6 on it and facing the error "no compatible version of visual studio net found on system". My Active Reports build is
So, do I need to install framework 3.5 before installing? I have not installed Service Pack for visual Studio for now.
Active reports 6.0.1797.0 does not support Visual Studio 2010. Active reorts 6.1.2577 or later supports Visual Studio 2010. And any how, Express edition of visual studio does not support active reports.
So my solution, enhances...I installed the later versions...but unfortunately I am getting some errors in my application because of Active reports version change as my application was made in previous version of Active Reports. So, what I did is, installed the latest version, uninstalled it and again installed 6.0.1797.0 version, and it was installed successfully and my application was also working fine.
#rapsalands...You are correct in understanding that support for Visual Studio 2010 started only after build 6.1.2577.0 was released. Also express edition of Visual Studio is not supported. The first thing to note here is that whenever you install/uninstall ActiveReports 6 from your machine, there should be no running instance of Visual Studio as it affects proper integration of ActiveReports with itself.
Also the errors which you were getting are more likely appearing because of the incorrect references in your project. Whenever you open an existing project after upgrading ActiveReports build, you should remove all the ActiveReports references from the project, re-add them (making sure they point to the version currently installed) and finally rebuild your project.
I think you can also check the blogs for ActiveReports as you might find some useful information about different topics there.

Recommended Post-SP1 Visual Studio 2008 Hotfixes

Today I had to reinstall. I used to have some hotfixes installed for VS2008 but no longer have them and can't remember why they were necessary. I'm expecting any security-related hotfixes to come through Microsoft Update, but I'm interested in VS bug fixes.
Does anyone have a list of hotfixes that they recommend installing for Visual Studio 2008 SP1?
You can find them all here:
Look for the ones with a "FIX" prefix.
Update: This is another good source of information about VS2008 updates.
Suggested hotfixes (links updated 4/2015):
KB957912 - Update for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Debugging and Breakpoints
KB958502 - JScript Editor support for “-vsdoc.js” IntelliSense doc. files
KB960075 - VS Dev Environment crash after undocking windows or changing layouts
If connecting to TFS 2010:
KB974558 - Forward Compatibility Update
KB980216 - Error message when running unit tests with Forward Compatibility Update installed
Complete list of VS 2008 hotfixes (including TFS).
I recently rebuilt my machine. After installing Visual Studio 2008 and SP1 I was wondering about the same thing. In the end I used Windows update to check for updates and it found the following updates:
Screen shot:
All the VS2008 hotfixes are posted in the MSDN Code Gallery. You can search for tags "Visual Studio 2008" and "Hotfixes". You should only install the ones for problems you are actually having. Read through them and decide which ones you need. I would sort them by release date and install from older ones first. Also notice that some are included in other updates, such are the WPF designer hotfix included with the Silverlight tools.
I'm using Microsoft Connect - Visual Studio and .NET Framework as a source of updates for:
.NET 2.0+
I generally go with the ones that are pushed though Microsoft Update.
I thought that you can get bug fixes though Microsoft Update too.
If they don't come down automatically go to the site and look through the "Software, Optional" ones (or in the "Developer Tools" section).
Select Custom at the first screen and then wait a few minutes while it does it's scan.
However, there aren't any showing for me at the moment so I can't say for sure.
