TCP or UDP request doesn't come to application - windows

I have some specific application (called LinkBit PacketCraft) for network signaling testing. Scripts of this App have a specific procedure for opening a socket for requests receiving (in my case it is SIP over UDP and HTTP requests) that consist of two blocks: "TCP/IP Control.Open Request" and "TCP/IP Control.Open Confirm" with such parameters as IP(v4/v6), port and protocol (TCP/UDP). I don't know what they exactly do, but as a result after this procedure I can receive requests on specified ip/port.
The Problem.
It worked well until our IT engineers re-installed OS (Windows Server 2008 R2). Don't ask me why, just should be. After re-installation I have one server where it works as well and one server where it doesn't work. My script show me that socket opened successfully, I do see incoming requests (SIP over UDP and HTTP) in the WireShark on this machine, but application doesn't receive them.
I have completely the same script and the same version of application on another server where it works.
Our IT-service can't find any difference between servers configuration, but I don't believe them.
Who may knows which setting or configuration may be responsible for requests delivery to application?
P.S. Just one remark. If I send SIP HTTP request in my script, the application can receive requests and responses to the same socket was used for sending.

The problem was in the Firewall. I received all requests when I disabled it.


Firewall blocks connection to second WebSocket server

In short we have two separate servers for our web app. The first one is the main server that uses Websockets for handling "chat rooms", and the second server only handles WebRTC audio chat rooms via Websocket. Both servers use Express to create a HTTPS server, use secure Websocket and the port 443.
I recently encountered a problem where a corporate client's firewall blocked the wss-connection to only the WebRTC server. The error logged in the user's browser was "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT", which means the user never connects via Websocket. This has not happened with any other clients.
The Websocket connection works normally between the user and the main server, and no rules have been added to their firewall to use our app.
Has anyone encountered something similar? What kind of a firewall setting might cause this? Could this be a cors problem, since the servers are on their own sub-domains?
The main server could be restricting the type of data sent on port 443, which will use SSL to secure that transmitted data.
Refer to this page for information on the "Well-know port numbers".
The WebRTC audio data may need to be transmitted on its own dedicated port number that has been configured on the main server for this.
The problem was that the main server WebSocket used TCP and the WebRTC server used UDP, and UDP was blocked by corporate firewall on default.
WebRTC should use TCP as a backup, but I'm assuming UDP is still needed for the handshake.

How does WebSockets server architecture work?

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how the server-side architecture works for WebSockets with the goal of implementing it in an embedded application. It seems that there are 3 different server-side software components in play here: 1) the web server to serve static HTTP pages and handle upgrade request, 2) a WebSockets library such as libwebsockets to handle the "nuts and bolts" of WebSockets communications, and 3) my custom application to actually figure out what to do with incoming data. How do all these fit together? Is it common to have a separate web server and WebSocket handling piece, aka a WebSocket server/daemon?
How does my application communicate with the web server and/or WebSockets library to send/receive data? For example, with CGI, the web server uses environmental variables to send info to the custom application, and stdout to receive responses. What is the equivalent communication system here? Or do you typically link in a WebSocket library into the customer application? But then how would communication with the web server to the WebSocket library + custom application work? Or all 3 combined into a single component?
Here's why I am asking. I'm using the boa web server on a uClinux/no MMU platform on a Blackfin processor with limited memory. There is no native WebSocket support in boa, only CGI. I'm trying to figure out how I can add WebSockets support to that. I would prefer to use a compiled solution as opposed to something interpreted such as JavaScript, Python or PHP. My current application using long polling over CGI, which does not provide adequate performance for planned enhancements.
First off, it's important to understand how a webSocket connection is established because that plays into an important relationship between webSocket connections and your web server.
Every webSocket connection starts with an HTTP request. The browser sends an HTTP request to the host/port that the webSocket connection is requested on. That request might look something like this:
GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
What distinguishes this request from any other HTTP request to that server is the Upgrade: websocket header in the request. This tells the HTTP server that this particular request is actually a request to initiate a webSocket connection. This header also allows the web server to tell the difference between a regular HTTP request and a request to open a webSocket connection. This allows something very important in the architecture and it was done this way entirely on purpose. This allows the exact same server and port to be used for both serving your web requests and for webSocket connections. All that is needed is a component on your web server that looks for this Upgrade header on all incoming HTTP connections and, if found, it takes over the connection and turns it into a webSocket connection.
Once the server recognizes this upgrade header, it responds with a legal HTTP response, but one that signals the client that the upgrade to the webSocket protocol has been accepted that looks like this:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
At that point, both client and server keep that socket from the original HTTP request open and both switch to the webSocket protocol.
Now, to your specific questions:
How does my application communicate with the web server and/or
WebSockets library to send/receive data?
Your application may use the built-in webSocket support in modern browsers and can initiate a webSocket connection like this:
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://");
This will instruct the browser to initiate a webSocket connection to use the same port that the current web page was connected with. Because of the built-in webSocket support in the browser, the above HTTP request and upgrade protocol is handled for you automatically from the client.
On the server-side of things, you need to make sure you are using a web server that has incoming webSocket support and that the support is enabled and configured. Because a webSocket connection is a continuous connection once established, it does not really follow the CGI model at all. There must be at least one long-running process handling live webSocket connections. In server models (like CGI), you would need some sort of webServer add-on that supports this long-running process for your webSocket connections. In a server environment like node.js which is already a long running process, the addition of webSockets is no change at all architecturally - but rather just an additional library to support the webSocket protocol.
I'd suggest you may find this article interesting as it discussions this transition from CGI-style single request handling to the continuous socket connections of webSocket:
Web Evolution: from CGI to Websockets (and how it will help you better monitor your cloud infrastructure)
If you really want to stick with the stdin/stdout model, there are libraries that model that for your for webSockets. Here's one such library. Their tagline is "It's like CGI, twenty years later, for WebSockets".
I'm trying to figure out how I can add WebSockets support to that. I
would prefer to use a compiled solution as opposed to something
interpreted such as JavaScript, Python or PHP.
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with that particular server environment. It will likely take some in-depth searching to find out what your options are. Since a webSocket connection is a continuous connection, then you will need a process that is running continuously that can be the server-side part of the webSocket connection. This can either be something built into your webServer or it can be an additional process that the webServer starts up and forwards incoming connections to.
FYI, I have a custom application at home here built on a Raspberry Pi that uses webSockets for real-time communication with browser web pages and it works just fine. I happen to be using node.js for the server environment and the library that runs on top of webSockets to give me a higher level interface on top of webSockets. My server code checks several hardware sensors on a regular interval and then whenever there is new/changed data to report, it sends messages down any open webSockets so the connected browsers get real-time updates on the sensor readings.
You would likely need some long-running application that incoming webSocket connections were passed from the web server to your long running process or you'd need to make the webSocket connections on a different port than your web server (so they could be fielded by a completely different server process) in which case you'd have a whole separate server to handle your webSocket requests and sockets (this server would also have to support CORS to enable browsers to connect to it since it would be a different port than your web pages).

lighttpd/mod_websocket mqtt handshake fail (no subproto)

I have set up lighttpd with mod_websocket as discussed in Dom Bramley's blog entry (except that I am using a BeagleBone Black with Debian Wheezy instead of an rPi.)
[During the lighttpd/mod_websocket build process I was asked if I wanted to patch the server and I said yes.]
I have the mosquito MQTT broker running on the same host and publishing on various topics.
When I try to connect to the broker with a browser client via the web socket, I can see that everything works okay in terms of the http upgrade to websocket and forwarding the connection request to mosquitto. Mosquitto gets the connection request and accepts it. However, the response that gets back to the browser does not include the Sec-Websocket-Protocol header echoing the subproto specifier mqttv3.1 that was in the original upgrade request. The client correctly rejects this answer and the connection is shut down.
The javascript error from mqttws31.js:912 is "Sent non-empty Sec-Websocket-Protocol header but no response is received." With Wireshark, I can see that this is true; the 101 Switching Protocols response has headers Upgrade, Connection, and Sec-Websocket-Accept, but nothing else.
My mod_websocket config file defines host, port, type, and subproto the same as Dom's example, and I can see from various debug statements that the request gets all the way to Mosquitto correctly.
Can anyone suggest how to get the Websocket-Protocol header to be included in the response? It must work, Dom wrote a blog post describing how he did it!
I think recent versions of mod_websocket broke/removed subprotocol support, but can't confirm it right now. You could try an earlier version, or use a dedicated websocket to tcp gateway like WSS
The mod_websocket author (Norio Kobota) quickly and effectively resolved this issue for me by making an update to mod_websocket. The fix is currently in a development branch, and available on github. Our discussion is part of the thread for mod_websocket issue 28.
Briefly, the use case that I have (pre-written client library and existing TCP backend) is much less flexible than a roll-your-own client and server combination with respect to connect-time protocol negotiation. However, in my case I don't really need any flexibility or negotiation with the backend, and so mod_websocket can just echo the configuration it has been given without having to dive into the details of the subprotocol.
The updated mod_websocket echoes the subproto entry from its config file during websocket handshake which satisfies the MQTT client library.
So now I have two solutions for adapters between websocket clients and TCP backends! Thanks all for your help.
Doug Johnson

UDP Server to client communication - UDP being stateless, how to by-pass router?

In a recent series of question I have asked alot about UDP, boost::asio and c++ in general.
My latest question, which doesn't seem to have an answer here at Stackoverflow, is this:
In a client/server application, it is quite okay to require that the server open a port in any firewall, so that messages are allowed in. However, doing the same for clients is definately not a great user experience.
TCP-connections typically achieve this due to the fact that most routers support stateful packet inspection, allowing response packets through if the original request originated from the local host.
It is not quite clear to me how this would work with UDP, since UDP is stateless, and there is no such thing as "response packets" (to my knowledge). How should I account for this in my client application?
Thanks for any answers!
UDP itself is stateless, but the firewall typically is not. The convention on UDP is that if a request goes out from client:port_A to server:port_B, then the response will come back from server:port_B to client:port_A.
The firewall can take advantage of this. If it sees a UDP request go out from the client, it adds an entry to its state table that lets it recognise the response(s), to allow them in. Because UDP is stateless and has no indication of connection termination, the firewall will typically implement a timeout - if no traffic occurs between that UDP address pair for a certain amount of time, the association in the firewall's state table is removed.
So - to take advantage of this in your client application, simply ensure that your server sends responses back from the same port that it uses to receive the requests.

Unsolicited notifications from server to client over http

I am working on a dropbox like system and I am wondering how the client gets notified when the files change on the server side. It is my impression that both dropbox and ubuntu one operate over HTTP ports and work as follows:
1. if files change on client machine, inotify detects it and preforms a push from the client to the server. (I get this part)
2. if files change on the server a simple unsolicited notification (just a message saying "time to sync") is sent from the server to the client. Then the client initiates a sync to the server.
I dont really care which language I do this in. I am just wondering how the client gets contacted. Specifically, what if a client is behind a firewall with its own local IP addresses. How does the server locate it?
Also, what kind of messaging protocols would be used to do something like this? I was planning on doing this over HTTP or SSH, but I have no attachment do that.
I'm not sure what Dropbox is using, but it could be websockets (unlikely, it's a pretty new and not widely deployed thing) or more likely a pending Ajax request from the client to the server -- to which the server only responds when it has new stuff for the client. The latter is the common way to implement (well, OK -- "hack";-) some form of "server push" with HTTP.
It took a little research into networking to see how this would work, but it is far more trivial then I expected. I am now using standard Java sockets for this. Start up the server process which listens for a socket connection. Then start up the client which connects to the server.
Once the connection is made, messages can be sent back and fourth. This works through NAT (network address translation) which is standard method for routing packets on private networks behind a firewall.
