lighttpd/mod_websocket mqtt handshake fail (no subproto) - websocket

I have set up lighttpd with mod_websocket as discussed in Dom Bramley's blog entry (except that I am using a BeagleBone Black with Debian Wheezy instead of an rPi.)
[During the lighttpd/mod_websocket build process I was asked if I wanted to patch the server and I said yes.]
I have the mosquito MQTT broker running on the same host and publishing on various topics.
When I try to connect to the broker with a browser client via the web socket, I can see that everything works okay in terms of the http upgrade to websocket and forwarding the connection request to mosquitto. Mosquitto gets the connection request and accepts it. However, the response that gets back to the browser does not include the Sec-Websocket-Protocol header echoing the subproto specifier mqttv3.1 that was in the original upgrade request. The client correctly rejects this answer and the connection is shut down.
The javascript error from mqttws31.js:912 is "Sent non-empty Sec-Websocket-Protocol header but no response is received." With Wireshark, I can see that this is true; the 101 Switching Protocols response has headers Upgrade, Connection, and Sec-Websocket-Accept, but nothing else.
My mod_websocket config file defines host, port, type, and subproto the same as Dom's example, and I can see from various debug statements that the request gets all the way to Mosquitto correctly.
Can anyone suggest how to get the Websocket-Protocol header to be included in the response? It must work, Dom wrote a blog post describing how he did it!

I think recent versions of mod_websocket broke/removed subprotocol support, but can't confirm it right now. You could try an earlier version, or use a dedicated websocket to tcp gateway like WSS

The mod_websocket author (Norio Kobota) quickly and effectively resolved this issue for me by making an update to mod_websocket. The fix is currently in a development branch, and available on github. Our discussion is part of the thread for mod_websocket issue 28.
Briefly, the use case that I have (pre-written client library and existing TCP backend) is much less flexible than a roll-your-own client and server combination with respect to connect-time protocol negotiation. However, in my case I don't really need any flexibility or negotiation with the backend, and so mod_websocket can just echo the configuration it has been given without having to dive into the details of the subprotocol.
The updated mod_websocket echoes the subproto entry from its config file during websocket handshake which satisfies the MQTT client library.
So now I have two solutions for adapters between websocket clients and TCP backends! Thanks all for your help.
Doug Johnson


Oryx CycloneTCP WebSocket Support for HTTP Server

I've started to evaluate Oryx Embedded CycloneTCP library, and able to run HTTP server / DHCP client with CubeMX config tools and STM32CubeIDE for custom STM32H7 board.
However, I did not get how to configure WebSocket support for HTTP Server. So I need some help / sample / demo code for it.
Its an a bit older question, but nonetheless...
shows how to implement a simple websocket->CAN Bus gateway.
Take a look at CycloneServer/Core/Src/main.c
In httpServerRequestCallback() the http connection gets upgraded to a websocket connection.
Received frames are processed in a seperate task (clientTask()).
sendCANBusToClient() shows how to send messages to connected websockets.

ActiveMQ - Stomp over websockets - Same Origin Policy

I have a process that runs in California that wants to talk to a process in New York, using Stomp over Websockets.
Also note that my process is not a web app, but I implemented a stomp over websocket client in C++, in order to connect things up to my backend. Maybe this was or wasn't a good idea. So, I want my client to talk to the server and subscribe, where their client pushed messages.
I was implementing my own server when I saw that ApacheMQ supported Stomp over Websockets. So, I started reading the docs.
It says with the last line under 'configuration' at :
One thing worth noting is that web sockets (just as Ajax) implements ? > the same origin policy, so you can access only brokers running on the > same host as the web application running the client.
it says it again in several related searches such as
Is this a limitation of the server or the web client?
With that limitation, if I understand right, the server is not going to accept websocket connections from a client, of any kind, that is not on the same machine?
I am not sure I see the point of that...
If that is indeed its meaning, then how do I get around it in order to implement my scenario?
I've not found that bit of documentation you are referring to but from what I know of the STOMP implementation on the broker this seems incorrect. There shouldn't be any limit to the transport connector accepting connect requests from an outside host by default and I don't think the browser treats the websocket requests the same as it does other things like an Ajax case in terms of the same origin policy.
This probably a case that is best checked by actually trying it to see if it works, I've connected just fine from outside the same host using AMQP over websockets on ActiveMQ so I'd guess the STOMP stack should also work fine.

Not able to receive and forward remote request using Charles Web Proxy as a Reverse Proxy

I am trying to capture an old application that didn't honour the system's proxy setting. The only config I can change is the server IP address.
Capturing the packets with Wireshark. Without the Charles reverse proxy, I can see requests after the first three handshake requests.
With the reverse proxy, the connection stuck after the handshake requests.
I notice that when Charles received a request and connecting to somewhere but it will just stuck there:
Following is the config of the reverse proxy (Remote host removed):
Any help, solution and workarounds would be appreciated!
First of all, your app uses neither HTTP nor HTTPS. Studying screen shot of successful connection gives some details on protocol used:
the first message after handhsake is originated by server contrary to common client-server approach, where client is responsible for sending query. This fact is enough to cross out HTTP and HTTPS.
payload data isn't human-readable, so it's a binary protocol.
based on PUSH flags, protocol is much more likely to be message-based rather than stream-based
So client establishes connection, immediately gets some command from server and replies it. Then communication continues. I can't guess exact protocol. Port number might be irrelevant, but even if it's not, there are only few protocols using 4321 port by default. Anyway, it can always be custom private protocol.
I'm not familiar with Charles, but forwarding arbitrary TCP stream is probably covered by its port forwarding feature rather than reverse proxy. However, I don't really see any benefits in sending traffic through Charles in this case, capturing data on your PC should be enough to study details.
If you are looking for traffic manipulation, for arbitrary TCP stream it's not an easy task, but it must be possible. I'm not aware of suitable tools, quick googling shows lots of utils, but some of them looks applicable to text based stream only, so deeper study is required.
Reason for Failure
It may be because you are requesting a local IP address from a remote scope, which Charles proxy doesn't applies. For POS(Proof Of Statement), please refer to the below link
So In order to solve the problem for the current scenario, use
Note: The url that you request will only be proxied properly by Charles not any other proxy services.

Making request using WebSockets in sails but not receiving response from the server

I'm starting with Websockets and I have a problem.
I have a sails.js application that uses sockets to update the client side.
On the client side it makes an API call using socket.get("/api/v1/actor...") to bring all the items of the database. When I see what the WebSocket's traffic on the Chrome console:
As you can see, the connection has been established and the API call has been correctly done through the socket.
The problem is, there is no answer from the server, not even an error.
If I make the same API call using ajax, I get response, but it doesn't work using WebSockets.
Any idea what might be producing this behavior?
EDIT: I add here the code here that processes the request and this one here that sends the request, but the problem is that it never execute this code. I think we we are closer to the find the cause, since we think it has to do with a network problem. We figured there is an F5 reverse-proxy which is not properly set up to handle websockets
The answer didn't make any sense now that I've seen the code that's why I've edited it. I only answered because I could't comment on your question and ask you for the code.
Your calling code seems correct and the server side of things the process of response should be handled automatically by the framework, you only need to return some JSON in the controller method.
I instantiated a copy of the server (just changed the adapters to run it locally) and the server replied to the web socket requests (although I only tested the route '/index').
Normally when the problems are caused by a reverse proxy the socket simply refuses to connect and you can't even send data to server. Does the property "socket.socket.connected" returns true?
The best way to test is to write a small node application with client and test it in the same machine that the application server is running, then you can exclude network problems.

haproxy and not fully working

I have tried every conceivable haproxy configuration posted in blogs and stackoverflow, but I still cannot get haproxy and to work 100% of the time. In the majority of browsers that "support" web sockets it fails and falls back on long polling after missed heart beats. The browser appears to make the initial connection (nodejs debugging), but I cannot get the clients to receive the connection response. Is anyone else having similar problems? Below are the software version numbers and a couple of the configs I have tried.
haproxy 1.4.18
node 0.6.5 0.8.7
Haproxy configurations (I have tried many more and numerous options):
HAProxy + WebSocket Disconnection (minus ssl stuff)
Web sockets working in:
Safari 5 (Windows)
Chrome 11 (Linux)
Websockets cannot be reverse proxy'd because the 8 bytes of data the client must send after the headers is not advertised in a Content-Length header, so the intermediates won't forward that data until the handshake completes. And since the handshake needs those 8 bytes to complete, the handshake never completes and deadlocks, This is not the only source. Many more sources verify that they cannot be reverse proxy'd.
