how can I authorize external access to my oracle database - oracle

I have an Oracle database installed on my PC, it's Express Edition. I want to connect to this DB from another PC and I should grant an authorization for the used to be connected externally.
I know that on Mysql I can do this :
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'#'%';
Before posting this question I looked on oracle site and I tried this but it doesn't work:
How can I do the same thing on Oracle?


How to connect to Oracle on SSMA tool?

Hope you can help. I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using SSMA for Oracle.
I have created an Oracle VM on azure as highlighted below
the VM got created
I have added the firewall rule to allow 1521 port.
and created the DB as mentioned below
however I could not connect to the Oracle instance using SSMA
it is throwing the below error
and if I try with that account
it is not accepting the password
What is the Username and password to be used?
I was able to fix this issue by using the "system" account instead of "sys" or "sysdba", passsword for "system" account is same as "sys" account.
and could convert the schema
and I see the progress as highlighted below
as well as I could migrate the data
and status is as shown below

How to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper

I create new user in Apex 19. I want to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper. I have oracle database 12c and Apex 19 Installed.
Anyone know how to connect?
You can't connect to an APEX user via SQL Developer. You need to use/create a database schema account.
You can create database accounts by first connecting to your database using a DBA account (e.g. SYSTEM or SYS). Alternatively, if your APEX workspace was created using the defaults it may have created a database schema account as well, so if you know its password you may be able to connect to it via SQL Developer as well.
Connect as you connect to any other user - provide its username and password.
Apex is installed into the database (it is yet another user in there)
I presume you created a new database user via Apex, while mapping workspace to a database schema
if you chose "New", Apex created a new database user for you - that's the one you want to connect to, right?
as you know its username (you set it) as well as its password, use those credentials in SQL Developer

What is the default login password for Oracle 12c?

I just installed Oracle 12C on my home machine and didn't remember it asking to create any credentials during installation. Now, when I'm trying to connect to sample ORCL database, it's prompting one and not letting me in without!
Log on to the Oracle DB server machine as a user who installed it, so that you can access the db as SYS using:
sqlplus / as sysdba
When you get connected, you will be able to reset password for all the other users, including SYSTEM and the other “built-in” users as bellow:
ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY new_password;

Can not connect oracle with created common user

I have installed oracle 12C version (OS: windows 7), in SQL DEVELOPER I connected as SYS user, now i need create new user.
For this I do:
IDENTIFIED BY oto_user_pass;
User created and granted successfully.
Then i logged out as SYS user and trying greate new connection with user C##OTO_USER, but i cant connect with this user, please see error message on screenshot
Where I am wrong?

grant user in another database

How can I grant 'select' on sequence to user in another database.
the syntax: grant select on SEQ_NAME to USER_NAME;
allowed only to users in the same database.
You remote user first needs to have some way to connect to your database. In Oracle this is done by creating a database link. The database link has to be created in the remote database and has to connect to your database.
In the connect definition to your database, a user can be specified to use for the connection in your database. That user needs to have the select privilege.
If there is no user specified in the database link definition, the remote user name will connect to your database using the same name as the remote username, using the same password.
So, in both cases the privilege has to be granted to a user in your database.
create database link to_my_database connect to guest_in_my_database identified by 'bigsecret' using tns_alias_to_my_database;
In this example, you need to grant to guest_in_my_database, after it has been created and given at least the create session privilege.
