grant user in another database - oracle

How can I grant 'select' on sequence to user in another database.
the syntax: grant select on SEQ_NAME to USER_NAME;
allowed only to users in the same database.

You remote user first needs to have some way to connect to your database. In Oracle this is done by creating a database link. The database link has to be created in the remote database and has to connect to your database.
In the connect definition to your database, a user can be specified to use for the connection in your database. That user needs to have the select privilege.
If there is no user specified in the database link definition, the remote user name will connect to your database using the same name as the remote username, using the same password.
So, in both cases the privilege has to be granted to a user in your database.
create database link to_my_database connect to guest_in_my_database identified by 'bigsecret' using tns_alias_to_my_database;
In this example, you need to grant to guest_in_my_database, after it has been created and given at least the create session privilege.


How to connect AWS Oracle to SQL Developer w/out using Master User

I'm able to connect to my AWS RDS Oracle instance in SQL Developer using my Master ID and password.
Is there a setting I can use so we can connect to SQL Dev using a regular user? I'd rather not give out my master user info to other non-DBA users.
Just connect as the master user and create a regular user:
GRANT -- whatever else you need
Now you can connect as the regular user.

java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory

I am getting an issue as poolableconnectionfactory. how to do it and where i did the mistake?can anyone please suggest me.
Your sqldatabase322 user doesn't have permissions to connect to the sqldatabase233 from the IP address.
Connect to your MySQL database server as root user
Execute CREATE USER and GRANT commands like:
CREATE USER 'sqldatabase322'#'' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password_here';
GRANT ALL PR on sqldatabase233.* to 'sqldatabase322'#'' with grant option;
Now you should be able to connect to the database and execute arbitrary queries
Check out MySQL Database and JMeter - How to Test Your Connection article for comprehensive information/troubleshooting options.

How to create user and give access to a database

How do I create a new user and give him access to ORCL database in oracle 10 g (TOAD/SQL Developer/SQL Plus). I tried to do this in SQL Developer, but when I try to login with the newly created user, it says "Insufficient privileges"
I think you might be confused between database and schema. Also, remember, user and schema are synonymous. A schema contains the set of objects owned by the user. Other than that, they are similar.
What you need to do is:
SQL> create user test_new identified by test_new;
User created.
SQL> grant create session to test_new;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn test_new/test_new#pdborcl;
SQL> show user
Above example shows how to create a user, grant create session privilege just to make sure user is at least able to connect. You would obviously need more privileges for the user to do further tasks.
Usually, you would create roles and grant required privileges to the roles. And then assign the role to a user.
Per the comments, OP is unable to connect via SQL*Developer.
but when I try to login into the SQLDeveloper i get error message Insufficient privileges when Role is set to SysDba
You should not use SYSDBA for a normal user other than SYS.
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Either your username or the password is incorrect. In SQL*Developer you need to correctly provide the
Test the connection, if it is success, start using it.

Oracle : System privileges, create user and grant privilages

I have the following connection properties.
Connection Name: MyConnection
UserName : Scott
password : password
Now I want to create a user using the above connection. The query I tried to execute was,
but I got the error stating that
"insufficient privileges".
An attempt was made to change the current username or password
without the appropriate privilege.
May I know how to create the user.
To create a new user, you should connect as a account with DBA privileges, or the System user if there isn't a named DBA user.

Why can my new user login as sysdba in oracle?

I just installed Oracle 11g R2 on windows 7 machine. I am able to login using my sys as sysdba account.
Using the sys account I created a user as follows
create user testuser identified by testuser;
When I try to connect to database with testuser as Normal user it says that 'user testuser lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied' which is understandable since I have not granted any permissions so far to testuser.
But when I try to login to database using testuser as sysdba, it allows me to connect to database and the selected schema seems to me as SYS schema.
Is there something I am missing because I think user testuser should not be able to even login let alone login to SYS schema. I have also found that I can connect as sysdba with any username regardless of if it is present in the database.
How can I create a regular oracle user which does not have access to any other schema?
Your windows user is part of the dba group (oradba). It uses Windows authentification to connect as sysdba. See this thread on AskTom:
"as sysdba" is extremely powerful, it uses OS AUTHENTICATION, it does
not require database authentication (it is used to login before there
is a "database" or even an "instance"!)
As a member of the dba group, you can login as sysdba with any database user. You can even login without a user: sqlplus / as sysdba.
This is how I would normally create a new user:
create user &1
identified by &2
default tablespace &3
temporary tablespace &4;
grant connect, resource to &1;
grant alter session to &1;
** get the picture; also include other default privileges like "create ... " : sequence, synonym, table, view, database link select_catalog_role etc.
