How to connect to Oracle on SSMA tool? - oracle

Hope you can help. I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using SSMA for Oracle.
I have created an Oracle VM on azure as highlighted below
the VM got created
I have added the firewall rule to allow 1521 port.
and created the DB as mentioned below
however I could not connect to the Oracle instance using SSMA
it is throwing the below error
and if I try with that account
it is not accepting the password
What is the Username and password to be used?

I was able to fix this issue by using the "system" account instead of "sys" or "sysdba", passsword for "system" account is same as "sys" account.
and could convert the schema
and I see the progress as highlighted below
as well as I could migrate the data
and status is as shown below


Oracle Database Configuration Assistant gives Oracle hom user password is not correct error

I'm trying to create a new database after installing Oracle Database 18c.
when I get to the second page, I always get an error of [DB T-10304] Oracle home user password is not correct.
I get this no matter what I put in there.
Any suggestions? thanks
[![enter image description here][4]][4]
I ran into similar issue with 12c on Windows Server 2016. Because the Oracle Home user is a local account, review the local security policy and verify that it is not blocking "Local account" from accessing the computer over the network.

How to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper

I create new user in Apex 19. I want to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper. I have oracle database 12c and Apex 19 Installed.
Anyone know how to connect?
You can't connect to an APEX user via SQL Developer. You need to use/create a database schema account.
You can create database accounts by first connecting to your database using a DBA account (e.g. SYSTEM or SYS). Alternatively, if your APEX workspace was created using the defaults it may have created a database schema account as well, so if you know its password you may be able to connect to it via SQL Developer as well.
Connect as you connect to any other user - provide its username and password.
Apex is installed into the database (it is yet another user in there)
I presume you created a new database user via Apex, while mapping workspace to a database schema
if you chose "New", Apex created a new database user for you - that's the one you want to connect to, right?
as you know its username (you set it) as well as its password, use those credentials in SQL Developer

ERROR: First connection sqldeveloper username and password

I have already installed sqldeveloper and i can launch SQLdeveloper client on my Linux Ubuntu 16.04 system.
The problem occurs during the first attempt of the new oracle connection from the client.
Error returned:
"I/O: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"
I have already tryed several times to connect at the database but i still missing the username and password.
Is it possible to configure username and password for SYS/SYSTEM(or who else) user after installation?
Full stop.
You don't have a database.
Installing SQL Developer is just giving you a client you can use to work with an existing Oracle Database, which we often refer to as the 'server.'
SQL Developer is not a database.
So you need to get one.
Then you can use SQL Developer.
You have a few options. I talk about them in detail here.
SQL developer is just like the Key for Safe lock. And Database is the Safe.
So right now you have the key for Safe but doesn't have Safe.
Please get the safe first.
SQL Developer is not the Database. So Installing SQL developer will not give access to DB
Instead SQL Developer is the client side tool to retrieve the data or to do the modification on Database.
To get the database you need to download oracle DB from below link

How to create local connection in SQL Developer

I only have SQL Developer installed. What other programs do I need to install to create a local database. Please provide links.
SQL Developer is a client that access to a database server to extract data.
You need a database server.
If you operate with SQLDeveloper probably you like to install Oracle. There is a simplified version of Oracle that is called Oracle-XE. Search it over google and download the right version for your operating system.
Give the username and password of the user you created. You can specify localhost in Host name. If you haven't modified the port on which Oracle works then give 1521. If you haven't changed SID as well then give XE. You might be able to connect with DB.

Getting Error ORA-01017 invalid username/password after changing computer name

recently I had to change my computer name and now I am getting this error whenever I try to connect to my local oracle 11g express edition database via OracelSQL Developer.
I have already changed my listener and
tnsnames(D:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\network\ADMIN) to reflect the my
computer's new name but I am still getting this error.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
You must be using operating system authentication OPS$ prefixed username. Connect with sys or system and fix your DB user account. Search for OPS$ user in Oracle documentation for more details.
