Set operation A\B in Common Lisp - set

I just started learning Common Lisp 2 days ago, so please excuse spaghetti code and non-understanding.
My problem is the following: I want to write a function that performs the set-
operation A\B, where A and B sets that are not empty. They are represented by two lists.
So far I came up with this:
(defun myDifference (a b)
(if (null a)
(return-from myDifference) ;when a hits NIL, get outta the whole function
(if (not(member (car a) b)) ; if the first element of A ist not in B, add it to a list (which later should be the return)
(cons (car a) '())
(myDifference (cdr a) b) ; proceed with the remaining elements of A, until (null a) hits
I tried it with:
(myDifference '( 1 2 3) '(1 5 6))
But the output is NIL, whichever lists I try it on.
I suspect the problem occurs in quitting the function.

You have 3 expressions in your my-difference body. The first returns nil if (null a)
The second computes either (list a) or (list), then discards that value.
The third recurses with a changed to (cdr a).
It's clear that this has to return nil since the last one eventuelly recurses with a becoming nil and the recursion then returns nil since that is the default value when you don't supply a value. A better approach would be to make it one expression like this:
(defun my-difference (a b)
(if (null a)
(if (not (member (car a) b))
(cons (car a) (my-difference (cdr a) b))
(my-difference (cdr a) b))))
The third part of if is the else part and as you see we nest to get somthing similar to if-elseif-else of other languages. This can be written flatter with cond:
(defun my-difference (a b)
(cond ((null a) a)
((not (member (car a) b))
(cons (car a) (my-difference (cdr a) b)))
(t (my-difference (cdr a) b))))


Mirror in scheme returns nested list w/o helper functions [duplicate]

For my programming languages class I'm supposed to write a function in Scheme to reverse a list without using the pre-made reverse function. So far what I got was
(define (reverseList lst)
((NULL? lst) '())
(ELSE (CONS (reverseList(CDR lst)) (CAR lst)))
The problem I'm having is that if I input a list, lets say (a b c) it gives me (((() . c) . b) . a).
How am I supposed to get a clean list without multiple sets of parenthesis and the .'s?
The problem with your implementation is that cons isn't receiving a list as its second parameter, so the answer you're building isn't a proper list, remember: a proper list is constructed by consing an element with a list, and the last list is empty.
One possible workaround for this is to use a helper function that builds the answer in an accumulator parameter, consing the elements in reverse - incidentally, this solution is tail recursive:
(define (reverse lst)
(reverse-helper lst '()))
(define (reverse-helper lst acc)
(if (null? lst)
(reverse-helper (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) acc))))
(reverse '(1 2 3 4 5))
=> '(5 4 3 2 1)
You are half way there. The order of the elements in your result is correct, only the structure needs fixing.
What you want is to perform this transformation:
(((() . c) . b) . a) ; input
(((() . c) . b) . a) () ; trans-
((() . c) . b) (a) ; for-
(() . c) (b a) ; mation
() (c b a) ; steps
(c b a) ; result
This is easy to code. The car and cdr of the interim value are immediately available to us. At each step, the next interim-result is constructed by (cons (cdr interim-value) interim-result), and interim-result starts up as an empty list, because this is what we construct here - a list:
(define (transform-rev input)
(let step ( (interim-value input) ; initial set-up of
(interim-result '() ) ) ; the two loop variables
(if (null? interim-value)
interim-result ; return it in the end, or else
(step (car interim-value) ; go on with the next interim value
(cons ; and the next interim result
(... what goes here? ...)
interim-result )))))
interim-result serves as an accumulator. This is what's known as "accumulator technique". step represents a loop's step coded with "named-let" syntax.
So overall reverse is
(define (my-reverse lst)
(reverseList lst)))
Can you tweak transform-rev so that it is able to accept the original list as an input, and thus skip the reverseList call? You only need to change the data-access parts, i.e. how you get the next interim value, and what you add into the interim result.
(define (my-reverse L)
(fold cons '() L)) ;;left fold
Step through the list and keep appending the car of the list to the recursive call.
(define (reverseList lst)
((NULL? lst) '())
(ELSE (APPEND (reverseList(CDR lst)) (LIST (CAR lst))))
Instead of using cons, try append
(define (reverseList lst)
(if (null? lst)
(append (reverseList (cdr lst)) (list (car lst)) )
a sample run would be:
1]=> (reverseList '(a b c 1 2 + -))
>>> (- + 2 1 c b a)
car will give you just one symbol but cdr a list
Always make sure that you provide append with two lists.
If you don't give two lists to the cons it will give you dotted pair (a . b) rather than a list.
See Pairs and Lists for more information.

Scheme function that returns longer list of the two inputs

I want to write a function that takes two list arguments and returns the longer list of the two inputs. If the two lists are equal in length, the function returns #t, and if one of the arguments is not a list, the function should return #f.
Sample runs:
(longer-list '(1 2 3 4) '(a b c d e)) returns (a b c d e)
(longer-list '(d e f) '(4 5 6)) returns #t (or true)
(longer-list '(g h i) 3) returns #f (or false)
How can I do this?
Seems to be you need to do a case analysis. You need to check if either argument are not a list and return #f there, then if it's not you need to get the lengths of the two lists to check if they are of equal length or if the one list is maller than the other. Something like this perhaps?
(define (longest lst1 lst2)
(if <??> ; check if one of the argument is not a list
(let ((len1 <??>) (len2 <??>))
(cond ((= <??> <??>) #t) ; same length
((< <??> <??>) <??>) ; lst1 shorter than lst2
(else <??>>))))) ; lst2 shorter than lst1
It seems like an assignment so I let you fill in the blanks.
(define (longer-list a b)
(and (list? a)
(list? b)
(let ll ((aa a) (bb b))
((and (null? aa) (null? bb)) #t)
((null? aa) b)
((null? bb) a)
(else (ll (cdr aa) (cdr bb)))))))

Scheme - checking structural equivalences of lists (how to use AND)

I am trying to write a program that will check the structural equivalence of some list input, whether it includes just atoms or nested sub lists.
I am having trouble with using AND, I don't even know if its possible and I cant seem to understand documentation I am looking at.
My code:
(define (structEqual a b)
(((null? car a) AND (null? car b)) (structEqual (cdr a) (cdr b)))
(((null? car a) OR (null? car b)) #f)
(((pair? car a) AND (pair? car b))
(if (= (length car a) (length car b))
(structEqual (cdr a) (cdr b))
(((pair? car a) OR (pair? car b)) #f)
(else (structEqual (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
The idea is (i think): (when I say both, i mean the current cdr of a or b)
Check if both a and b are null, then they are structurally equal
Check if only either a or b is null, then they are not structually equal
Check if both of them are pairs
If they are both pairs, then see if the length of the pair is equal, if not they are not structurally equal.
If they are not both pairs, then if one of them is a pair and the other isnt then they are not structurally equivalent.
If neither of them are pairs, then they both must be atoms, so they are structurally equivalent.
So as you can see I am trying to recursively do this by checking the equivalence of the car of a or b, and then either returning #f if they fail or moving on to the cdr of each if they are equivalent at each step.
Any help?
There is no infix operators in Scheme (or any LISP) only prefix. Every time the operator comes first. (or x (and y z q) (and y w e)) where each letter can be a complex expression. Everything that is not #f is a true value. Thus (if 4 'a 'b) evaluates to a because 4 is a true value. car needs its parentheses.
When evaluating another predicate in cond you should make use of the fact that everything up to that has been false. eg.
(define (structure-equal? a b)
((null? a) (null? b)) ; if a is null the result is if b is null
((not (pair? a)) (not (pair? b))) ; if a is not pair the result is if b is not also
((pair? b) (and (structure-equal? (car a) (car b)) ; if b is pair (both a and b is pair then) both
(structure-equal? (cdr a) (cdr b)))) ; car and cdr needs to be structurally equal
(else #f))) ; one pair the other not makes it #f
(structure-equal '(a (b (c d e) f) g . h) '(h (g (f e d) c) b . a)) ; ==> #t

Scheme collecting similar items in a list and finding most common item in a list [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Count occurrence of element in a list in Scheme?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to make a function that occurs how many times an element occurs in a list. For example in the list: '(a b c b b c c a) I want it to return a nested list with:
'((a 2) (b 3) (c 3))
I know the function will look sort of like this:
(define collect-similar
(lambda (elm ls)
[(null? ls) '()]
[(equal? elm (car ls))]
I know that I need to continue checking through the list until it arrives back at the base case of the null list and I can check the rest of the list by using cadr. But I'm not too sure on how to get the value and how to make it return the nested list.
The next function I'm trying to write finds the most common element in the list. For example running the function on the list '(a a a a a b c) will simply return a. I know I can make use of the collect-similar function and find which number is the highest.
This has been asked before, just adapt one of #ChrisJester-Young's bagify implementations. For example:
(define (collect-similar lst) ; a slightly modified `bagify`
(foldl (lambda (key ht)
(hash-update ht key add1 0))
(collect-similar '(a b c b b c c a))
=> '((a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 3))
With collect-similar in place, it's simple to find the most common element:
(define (most-common lst)
(let loop ((alst (collect-similar lst)) ; use previous procedure
(maxv '(#f . -inf.0)))
(cond ((null? alst) (car maxv))
((> (cdar alst) (cdr maxv))
(loop (cdr alst) (car alst)))
(loop (cdr alst) maxv)))))
(most-common '(a a a a a b c))
=> 'a

Help explaining how `cons` in Scheme work?

This is the function that removes the last element of the list.
(define (remove-last ll)
(if (null? (cdr ll))
(cons (car ll) (remove-last (cdr ll)))))
So from my understanding if we cons a list (eg. a b c with an empty list, i.e. '(), we should get
a b c. However, testing in interaction windows (DrScheme), the result was:
If (cons '() '(a b c))
(() a b c)
If (cons '(a b c) '())
((a b c))
I'm like what the heck :(!
Then I came back to my problem, remove all elements which have adjacent duplicate. For example,
(a b a a c c) would be (a b).
(define (remove-dup lst)
(cond ((null? lst) '())
((null? (cdr lst)) (car lst))
((equal? (car lst) (car (cdr lst))) (remove-dup (cdr (cdr lst))))
(else (cons (car lst) (car (cdr lst))))
It was not correct, however I realize the answer have a . between a b. How could this happen?
`(a . b)`
There was only one call to cons in my code above, I couldn't see which part could generate this .. Any idea?
cons build pairs, not lists. Lisp interpreters uses a 'dot' to visually separate the elements in the pair. So (cons 1 2) will print (1 . 2). car and cdr respectively return the first and second elements of a pair. Lists are built on top of pairs. If the cdr of a pair points to another pair, that sequence is treated as a list. The cdr of the last pair will point to a special object called null (represented by '()) and this tells the interpreter that it has reached the end of the list. For example, the list '(a b c) is constructed by evaluating the following expression:
> (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c '())))
(a b c)
The list procedure provides a shortcut for creating lists:
> (list 'a 'b 'c)
(a b c)
The expression (cons '(a b c) '()) creates a pair whose first element is a list.
Your remove-dup procedure is creating a pair at the else clause. Instead, it should create a list by recursively calling remove-dup and putting the result as the second element of the pair. I have cleaned up the procedure a bit:
(define (remove-dup lst)
(if (>= (length lst) 2)
(if (eq? (car lst) (cadr lst))
(cons (car lst) (remove-dup (cddr lst)))
(cons (car lst) (remove-dup (cdr lst))))
> (remove-dup '(a b c))
(a b c)
> (remove-dup '(a a b c))
(a b c)
> (remove-dup '(a a b b c c))
(a b c)
Also see section 2.2 (Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property) in SICP.
For completeness, here is a version of remove-dup that removes all identical adjacent elements:
(define (remove-dup lst)
(if (>= (length lst) 2)
(let loop ((f (car lst)) (r (cdr lst)))
(cond ((and (not (null? r))(eq? f (car r)))
(loop f (cdr r)))
(cons (car lst) (remove-dup r)))))
Here in pseudocode:
class Pair {
Object left,
Object right}.
function cons(Object left, Object right) {return new Pair(left, right)};
1. cons('A,'B) => Pair('A,'B)
2. cons('A,NIL) => Pair('A,NIL)
3. cons(NIL,'A) => Pair(NIL,'A)
4. cons('A,cons('B,NIL)) => Pair('A, Pair('B,NIL))
5. cons(cons('A 'B),NIL)) => Pair(Pair('A,'B),NIL)
Let's see lefts and rights in all cases:
1. 'A and 'B are atoms, and whole Pair is not a list, so (const 'a 'b) gives (a . b) in scheme
2. NIL is an empty list and 'A is an atom, (cons 'a '()) gives list (a)
3. NIL and 'A as above, but as left is list(!), (cons '() 'a) gives pair (() . a)
4. Easy case, we have proper list here (a b).
5. Proper list, head is pair (a . b), tail is empty.
Hope, you got the idea.
Regarding your function. You working on LIST but construct PAIRS.
Lists are pairs (of pairs), but not all pairs are lists! To be list pair have to have NIL as tail.
(a b) pair & list
(a . b) pair not list
Despite cons, your function has errors, it just don't work on '(a b a a c c d). As this is not related to your question, I will not post fix for this here.
