SonarQube Plugin for Natural - sonarqube

I am looking for opensource Sonarqube plugin for Natural. Can someone guide me to the links from where can I get that?
I was not able to find it inside SonarQube plugin library and Github.


How to find a detailed document about what is Liberty Maven Plugin?

Maybe it is a dumb quesion but I really cannot find a good document about what is Liberty Maven Plugin and what it is used for ?
I have checked some posts like How to redeploy artifact with liberty-maven-plugin? but it is not about the basic things. I need a good basic document,
what is it?
why should we use it?
why should not we use it?
what are the advantages ?...
The Liberty Maven Plugin provides a number of goals for managing a Liberty runtime, including downloading and installing the runtime, starting/stopping a server, installing features, and deploying applications. The plugin is open source and the code and documentation is available on Github here:
There is a guide and sample project on building and testing a simple web application using the Liberty Maven Plugin and Open Liberty here:

Plugin "Sonar PDF Report Plugin" compatible with SQ 5.6?

We're looking for a SQ plugin that would allow us to generate a PDF report witha a list of issues from the analyzed project.
There is this community plugin but as far as I know it's deprecated. Can you confirm that?
Is there any other option to achieve the goal?
We're currently using SQ version 5.6.3.
Yes, that plugin is deprecated: have a look at the deprecated plugins and the plugin version matrix pages. You can have a look at the Governance plugin but than you have to pay for an enterprise version. The best "free" option is to use the Web API to get the information you need and generate a PDF report yourself.

Can a plugin a developed without using Maven?

We would like to start developing custom/internal SonarQube plugins (rules) in our organization but we can't get our hands on Apache Maven at the moment. All development tools must go through a rigorous certification process.
Ant being the current build tool of choice in our organization, is it possible to create a new SonarQube plugin (not being published to the marketplace) by replicating the same standard structure that is expected from SonarQube?
I've already read the following post from the SonarQube archives, but was wondering if that would still be possible to do with a little bit of elbow grease?
Concerning the answer from Simon Brandhof, I think that the plugin key, manifest generation and mandatory properties could easily be generated from well crafted Ant build script, as long as putting all required JARs in the classpath.
As far I know for developping new rules It is mandatory to create a new Sonarqube plugin and can be only build with the maven way.

sonar-redmine plugin in SonarQube 5.6.5

Now my sonarQube version is sonar-5.6.5 and I want to use sonar-redmine plugin.
but this plugin was deprecated in my version.
How can i use this plugin in my version?
What plugin is a substituable sonar-redmine plugin?
I want to integrate SonarQube and redmine.
The extensions points used by the SonarQube Redmine plugin are no longer supported in SonarQube 5.6 LTS. This is why this plugin is deprecated.
For your information, you won't find any replacement for this kind of plugin. If you want to better understand why this feature has been removed from SonarQube extension points, please read the "Stop planning; fix the leak!" blog post that I wrote on this topic - in which you can replace "JIRA" by "Redmine".

Gradle equivalent for Maven Java formatter that uses com.googlecode.maven-java-formatter-plugin

I'm switching a large project from Maven to Gradle. Existing Maven project uses com.googlecode.maven-java-formatter-plugin to format the Java code. Looked for the equivalent in Gradle. Found, but it spewed a bunch of errors out, was really slow, and didn't generate the same output as the Maven plugin.
Also looked here: - no help.
Is there a Gradle plugin which will give me same result as the Maven plugin?
There is this other Gradle plugin, which uses the Eclipse formatter. Maybe you can tweak it to achieve the same results as with the maven plugin you mentioned (I'm not using this plugin myself).
Note that it is an explicit non-goal of google-java-format and the corresponding Gradle plugin to be configurable. If you are not happy with the formatting style then this tool is probably not appropriate for you.
(if you have technical problems with my Gradle plugin, feel free to provide more details or open a ticket on Github)
