Plugin "Sonar PDF Report Plugin" compatible with SQ 5.6? - sonarqube

We're looking for a SQ plugin that would allow us to generate a PDF report witha a list of issues from the analyzed project.
There is this community plugin but as far as I know it's deprecated. Can you confirm that?
Is there any other option to achieve the goal?
We're currently using SQ version 5.6.3.

Yes, that plugin is deprecated: have a look at the deprecated plugins and the plugin version matrix pages. You can have a look at the Governance plugin but than you have to pay for an enterprise version. The best "free" option is to use the Web API to get the information you need and generate a PDF report yourself.


SonarQube Plugin for Natural

I am looking for opensource Sonarqube plugin for Natural. Can someone guide me to the links from where can I get that?
I was not able to find it inside SonarQube plugin library and Github.

sonar-redmine plugin in SonarQube 5.6.5

Now my sonarQube version is sonar-5.6.5 and I want to use sonar-redmine plugin.
but this plugin was deprecated in my version.
How can i use this plugin in my version?
What plugin is a substituable sonar-redmine plugin?
I want to integrate SonarQube and redmine.
The extensions points used by the SonarQube Redmine plugin are no longer supported in SonarQube 5.6 LTS. This is why this plugin is deprecated.
For your information, you won't find any replacement for this kind of plugin. If you want to better understand why this feature has been removed from SonarQube extension points, please read the "Stop planning; fix the leak!" blog post that I wrote on this topic - in which you can replace "JIRA" by "Redmine".

Sonarqube dependencies page alternative?

That feature was very useful for us, but after upgrade sonar 5.1 to 5.6 we have missed it.
Reading this topic : Sonarqube dependency feature missing i want to ask if you know a similar alternative to check dependency libraries for a proyect.
We was using this feature for check 3PPs dependency shared between projects and check what other projects was using the same 3pp.
Do you know a similar tool?

Is there a way to export a sonar project as a doc or pdf?

I want to save my sonar project as a doc or a pdf document instead of the web app interface, is it possible ? Thanks.
There are two available plugins that allow you to see metrics in PDF format (Community plugin)
For Sonar 5.6 LTS => (Plugin provided by SonarSource)

How maven plugin can aggregate information from sub-modules?

I'm trying to develop Maven-3 reporting plugin that will have an aggregate option. When this option is set to true the plugin has collect data from sub-modules and build a report just once - in parent module. How can I do this and where I can find documentation about it? Maybe an example of such a reporting plugin? Pay attention, it's Maven-3.
Take a look at the Maven-JavaDoc-Plugin, the Maven-Source-Plugin and may be the maven-license-plugin but documentation you won't find. The source is the documentation ;-)
