Can a plugin a developed without using Maven? - sonarqube

We would like to start developing custom/internal SonarQube plugins (rules) in our organization but we can't get our hands on Apache Maven at the moment. All development tools must go through a rigorous certification process.
Ant being the current build tool of choice in our organization, is it possible to create a new SonarQube plugin (not being published to the marketplace) by replicating the same standard structure that is expected from SonarQube?
I've already read the following post from the SonarQube archives, but was wondering if that would still be possible to do with a little bit of elbow grease?
Concerning the answer from Simon Brandhof, I think that the plugin key, manifest generation and mandatory properties could easily be generated from well crafted Ant build script, as long as putting all required JARs in the classpath.

As far I know for developping new rules It is mandatory to create a new Sonarqube plugin and can be only build with the maven way.


Edit Java source code before compile

I am new to gradle. I am looking forward to migrating from maven to gradle.
I had few requirements:
Existing project is maven based, and is generating a fat jar/uber jar. I am planning to split this into multiple projects, and creating smaller/thinner jars/libraries
I am currently evaluating the Multi-project Build support.
I have to also edit the Java source code, automatically, like making the java source modifications based on certain conditions
Publish the project as maven based, as other projects which need these split-up jars are still maven based.
I suppose Maven plugin can be used for publishing?
Would Gradle be a good, scalable solution for these two requirements which I am looking into currently?
Also please provide some pointers around these two topics.
Gradle has very good multi-project support, far better than Maven's. You can start with this documentation section
You can setup compilation of generated/auto-edited sources as well. Take a look at this forum post, discussing compilation of sources created from database using hbm2dao
You can setup publishing of projects using the Maven plugin. pom.xml files will be generated automatically

What is Workflow management using Maven?

I have only little experience using maven with eclipse. One of the job descriptions which I received has "Workflow management using Maven" as a required skill. What does this mean ? What do they possibly expect?
I think they want you to correct them? :D
I'm not sure what they refer to. I would guess it relates to the developer workflow of creating and delivering software with eclipse (?) and maven.
So setting up a project from scratch is often done from an maven archetype (a project template if you like). A lot of open source frameworks offer archetypes to start with.
For existing projects you would check out the code from version control and import it into eclipse. the m2eclipse plugin is required to do that (but I think its quite common to have it)
Then there is building the software. Which is done through executing maven phases (which will then execute plugins). See maven-phases for more details. Maven phases have default plugins that execute (for example compile will run the compiler plugin).
So your workflow would look like this: you modify the files. compile them, test them, package them, deploy the artifacts into the maven repository. the maven install phase will store the artifacts in you local repository, the maven deploy phase will upload them into the company's repository.
From there the the files are installed. Yet you can use maven plugins to install the software into a application server. That depends on the traditions of the company.
I would not think of workflow as some strict step by step think like BPMN. Development is usually done with huge amounts of personal practices (are tests written in advance or while implementing, and so on).
Hope that will help :)

Compare Maven and Gradle

As I am new to learn either maven or Gradle build tools. Therefore I wonder which one I select to study between maven and Gradle and which one has more requirement and demand in the industry. I want to use these build tools for Spring and Hibernate based projects. Any suggestion would be very helpful.
Before this is closed for "not being a good question", I'll get some comments in.
You might want to learn the same thing that most other developers want to learn. Look at the third slide of the following slideware, which shows the results of Zeroturnaround's yearly developer survey. For this set of >2k developers, when asked what technologies they were interested in learning, Gradle was at the top of the list.
You can use either Maven or Gradle to build projects using Spring or Hibernate, but it's useful to point out that both the Spring and Hibernate code bases (not necessarily the applications using them) use Gradle to build their deliverables.
Maven provided the best build solution for quite a few years, but it's difficult to customize a build, and most Maven build scripts are very "noisy". Gradle solves those problems, while providing a smooth migration path from Maven or even Ant.

Is there a migration path from Maven to Bazel?

Now that Bazel ( has been opensourced, is there an incremental process by which I can gradually migrate (a large repository) from Maven to Bazel?
I work on Bazel. No, as far as we know there is no such process. I wish.
We have been running some migrations from other build systems to Bazel; the evidence isn't conclusive, but it's difficult to even envision how an incremental process would look like. There are some scenarios where we can envision one build system generating configuration files for another (like gyp), but then you still need to switch wholesale.
In the two years since Ulf responded, there's been a few efforts to assist with maven to bazel migration. In particular, the Bazel team is creating a tool to assist with this:
The tool generates expansive WORKSPACE files from a set of pom files or maven coordinates. In the ideal case, you can pass the path to your maven project, and then it will generate a bzl file you can load into the WORKSPACE file.
More commentary on how to manage external dependencies can be found here:
And another update (2018)...
There is a dedicated guide on migrating from Maven build tool to Bazel.
And on a general note, it’s best to have both build tools running in parallel until you have fully migrated your development team, CI system, and any other relevant integrations. You can run Maven and Bazel in the same repository.
September 2019 update
Wix published a tool called Exodus to automatically migrate your Maven project to Bazel.
Additionally, rules_jvm_external has support for managing transitive Maven artifact dependencies.
May 2018 update
Here's another update using Jadep, a BUILD file generator for your Java projects.
There's a tutorial by the author who migrated google-java-format to Bazel:

Is Maven a framework that provides mainly an archetype like domain.controller-view in grails?

I´ve been reading lot about, but since there are several web frameworks that uses Maven for the project, I got confused, so I´m not entirely sure if Maven is an archetype that defines an schema to start developing apps by following good practices, or is just some piece of sdk that converts my code to bytecode. Thanks in advance to anyone who can drag me out of my confusion and gave me the required info. BTW is that rigth to say an archetype is a directory structure?
I am not sure if you are reading enough about maven, Maven is a build system which can help you build your application, manage your dependencies, run your tests, create reports and many other things.
First link in google result is
Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.
Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage
a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of
Each application has many dependencies and many small tasks that needs to be done before you can run your application, developers define them in a file called POM and that will be a instruction for Maven to build the application. Maven can do pretty much everything other than writing your code. In that sense it is like Genie in the story of Aladdin, you wish for something it will bring it for you.
There is a Grails maven plugin that can populate Grails project with the same convention that Grails uses. It can work with Grails to execute your commands and many other. More importantly it will manage your dependencies.
