FreeBSD install ejabberd from source missing yaml.h - installation

I understand that in order to develop ejabberd module I must be able to compile it from the source.
I have FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p9, as a guest OS on a VirtualBox. So the followings are my attempts.
Using git, I clone the source to /usr/local/ejabberd as:
I run the following commands:
git clone git:// ejabberd
cd ejabberd
./configure --enable-user=ejabberd --enable-mysql
gmake install
But I have the following error:
Compiling /usr/local/ejabberd/deps/fast_yaml/c_src/fast_yaml.c
/usr/local/ejabberd/deps/fast_yaml/c_src/fast_yaml.c:18:10: fatal error: 'yaml.h' file not found
ERROR: compile failed while processing /usr/local/ejabberd/deps/fast_yaml/:rebar_abort
Fyi, I have installed libyaml-0.1.7 using ports - I guess successully?
Any tips/advise.
Thank you.

You can take a look at what FreeBSD port does: it passes -I/usr/local/include into CFLAGS when running make. There are also a bunch of patches for ejabberd, that are applied before compilation.
If you want to compile development version from source, you can try first running make -C /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd extract and then putting sources from git into /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd/work directory. Then running make -C /usr/ports/net-im/ejabberd install should install development package.


Getting this error message while installing solana: error: failed to run custom build command for `prost-build v0.10.1`

I'm got this error after running this command: ./scripts/ .
error: failed to run custom build command for `prost-build v0.10.1`
I'm installing solana on m1 mac
Anyone please help me with this.
The prost-build crate compilation is failing because it can't find protocol-buffer implementation, and the crate tries to compile it via cmake (which you don't have installed).
I solved it by installing protocol-buffers directly, but since there are problems with the pre-compiled binary in M1 you have to compile it locally. It's simple:
git clone
cd protobuf
brew install autoconf
brew install automake
brew install Libtool
autoreconf -i
make check
sudo make install
export PATH=/opt/usr/local/bin:$PATH
This works!!!

Make on windows

I am trying to run the make command on windows 10. Downloaded the make setup from here and installed it on my system.
I am trying to compile the git-subrepo library but not able to do so.
I get the following error
> make
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, which git, ...) failed.
makefile:3: *** 'git' is not installed on this system. Stop.
Git is installed on the system.
> git --version
git version
I have never used make before. Sorry, if this is a silly thing I am asking.

What is this error `make.exe": no_c_compiler: Command not found`

I'm trying to build grpc from source on Windows 2012 Server edition. I downloaded and installed Python 3.5 from the Python website and installed the entire MinGW package as well as git along with git bash. Following the instructions for building from source:
$ git clone
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ make
$ [sudo] make install
I get the aforementioned error after executing make. Here's the shell output for your perusal.
PS C:\Users\thunderboltsid\grpc> make
[MAKE] Generating /c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/libs/opt/pkgconfig/grpc.pc
[MAKE] Generating /c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/libs/opt/pkgconfig/grpc_unsecure.pc
[MAKE] Generating
[C] Compiling third_party/zlib/adler32.c
make.exe": no_c_compiler: Command not found
make.exe": *** [/c/Users/thunderboltsid/grpc/objs/opt/third_party/zlib/adler32.o] Error 127
I really can't understand what is this error supposed to be. Tried googling but that didn't help. Any input will be appreciated.
you may need run apt-get install which
install build-base in your system, example:
apt-get install build-base
You may simply have no C compiler installed, not even gcc. If that's the reason then installing gcc resolves the issue:
apt get install gcc

autoreconf: command not found in Cygwin on Windows

I'm trying to compile the nDPI library in using Cygwin on Windows. When I try to run file I get the following error
./ line 5: autoreconf: command not found
I've been looking around now for four days to compile this nDPI library on Windows, and I DO NEED to compile it on Windows.
How do I compile this library on Windows?, OR
Is there a link that actually works and I can follow their steps to compile this library?
Here is the
/bin/rm -f configure config.h src/lib/
autoreconf -ivf
Try install autoconf, automake and libtool. It's under Devel of the Cygwin setup program.
To build MSYS tools, you should use the autotools provided in the MSYS System Builder package:
Unpack them to the same location you extracted msys package.
I think you have to first solve the errors, since they indicate that you are lacking of some of the essential libraries. For example, the autoconf library...
If you are using Cygwin, you can get apt-cyg by:
lynx -source > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin
After that, you can use apt-cyg install xxx to install the lacking libraries.

Need help in compiling lighttpd on MacOSx

I try download lighttpd 1.4.23 source, and compile it on MacOSX 10.5.5.
This is the error I am getting:
$ ./
./ running `libtoolize --copy --force'
./ line 19: libtoolize: command not found
I tried ask the same question on lighttpd forum, but I can't get any help there.
Thanks in advance.
libtoolize is part of GNU libtool, a package for building libraries portably. On the Mac, one option for getting it is to use MacPorts, a package manager which works in a similar fashion as Gentoo and FreeBSD, in that it compiles packages on your machine. See
Beware, though, that it will be installed as glibtoolize, i.e. with a 'g' prefixed. That is a standard way to make GNU tools live in parallel with UNIX tools of the same name, that might be present (even though there isn't one in this particular case).
The command for installing libtool from MacPorts is: sudo port install libtool
Add a '-d' flag after the 'port' command to see the build output.
Here's what I use to install lighttpd 1.4.25 on Mac OS X 10.6.2. If I remember correctly, the same thing worked for me in a recent version of Mac OS X 10.5.
Install Xcode Developer Tools
Either install them from the DVD that came with your Mac (under Optional Installs) or download them from Apple's developer page.
Install PCRE
curl -O
tar xzf pcre-7.9.tar.gz
cd pcre-7.9
make && sudo make install
cd ../
Install lighttpd
curl -O
tar xzf lighttpd-*.tar.gz
cd lighttpd-*
make && sudo make install
Note that the URLs above will quickly go out of date; you may need to download the latest versions of the .tar.gz packages from a different location.
