CRM custom workflow publisher prefix changed after deployment - dynamics-crm

We use CRM 2016 SP1. We deployed our latest changes from Dev to QA, staging and production by means of importing a managed solution file. As part of the solution file there is a custom Action workflow (Category = Action) with the publisher prefix set to our company name.
The workflow has been activated and working well in QA and staging but when trying to activate it on production CRM comes up with the error "Unexpected Error". Downloaded error details show the same message.
Upon investigating the workflow in production we realised that its publisher prefix had been changed to "new_". To be more specific, the Process Name property starts with the correct prefix name but the Unique Name property starts with "new_".
We had not made any changes to the workflow in Dev and it was working fine in production prior to the deployment.
So far my research on the Internet on how/why this change has come about and how to fix it has been in vain. So any help is greatly appreciated.

This is identified as an issue in 2016 SP1.
Check Link Here
The solution is to Recreate the Process with correct Prefix and delete the one which start with new_ that to before final deployment/packaging/release.
It is observed that even both processes has different prefix they are identified as same process.

Please see this link for the solution


what is the proper way to clone Dynamics v9 on-premise environment?

I have a working and up to date environment for Dynamics v9 on-prem.
I want to create another environment which will be identical to the above mentioned one.
Let's say that I want to clone PROD env and create a new Test environment with the same data and customizations that I have in prod.
What are the proper steps ? There is a lack of resources about this topic so I might have posted this in a wrong place. In this case, sorry and please refer me to the correct forum if you know such.
My idea is that, yes I would back up the sql server and then restore it but what happens on the Dynamics side ? Do I need to import any kind of configuration from the Dynamics Deployment Configuration ?
Or can I create the new environment and then restore the prod database in this env ?
Backup the database of the existing D365 organization
Create a new D365 organization
Restore the new organization using the backup of step 1
The wizard will guide you through the process.

How do I make Cloud Build Triggers show up with names on GitHub?

In description of Google Cloud Build app on GitHub here every build seems to be identifiable by name:
Cloud Build Triggers With Names
In my current set up, however, every build is displayed by id, which is not very useful:
Cloud Build Triggers with IDs
Is there something I am not doing to make it work as expected?
When I think about Cloud Builds, I understand that every individual build has a unique identifier. For me, this is what I would want to see in a report of a build being triggered. Given a Cloud Build ID, I can then use that for visibility into the underlying process that unique instance of the build caused. I can see all the steps and the outcome of each of them. I couldn't imagine wanting anything else than a build identifier being reported to me as a result of a Cloud Build being performed.
Viewing build results
I posted the original issue in the issuetracker in January 2020,
This is not since fixed and identified real names since August 17th. You do have to reclick on the new names if you have made any previous hash based ones required steps in your build.
For any triggers created prior to August 2020, data sharing needs to be enabled for this to work, As documented here:
You need to go in the Settings -> Data Sharing section of cloud build and enable it
In some cases you might get a Failed to enable trigger data sharing error when trying to do this, if so you might want to try
1 - Disable any required checks you have in github related to cloud build
2 - Try doing it using chrome without any ad blocker, for me it wasn't working using Brave browser but worked with chrome
This will allow github to show the trigger name instead of an id in the pull request checks

SSAS Deployment fails on Metadata due to using wrong data Source

When I try to deploy a SSAS Tabular project from my local machine to the integration server I get an error in the metadata. It's a many to many error that I had previously solved, and I know I solved it because the Tabular project can be processed locally. That is the crux of the issue, when I process the project, it is using the correct data source, but when I try to deploy the project it uses a previous data source that is no longer valid.
Steps I've taken:
I Went into the model, selected existing connections, and modified them to connect to the correct environment (they were previously pointed at the invalid environment) this allowed me to process the data, but I still can not deploy correctly.
I created a new configuration in the configuration manager, to no avail.
I looked for other areas where the source DB is listed, I haven't found any, which is frustrating because I know it's somewhere.
Is there a cache I'm missing or a setting I didn't check, any help would be appreciated, thank you.

JDeveloper weblogic startup issue

I created an simple skeletal web application. I created only a simple blank JSF page. Right click and run. Then I got the following message in the Log console.
The Server Instance cannot be started because the Integrated Weblogic domain was not built successfully.
Can anybody suggest me why I am getting this error?
Your question does not provide detailed information.
The best way would be to go to weblogic domain options from start menu and create a new domain.
Then link that domain in jdeveloper and use the same. Delete the integrated domain i.e. base_domain folder.
There were 2 ways this problem can be fixed:
Try starting and fixing any issues with the Integrated weblogic domain. Till that is not starting successfully, JDeveloper cannot do anything on that. For me one time startup of the current domain outside of the Jdeveloper solved the issue. After that it was working fine from JDeveloper too.
Another option is as stated by vijayinani above to create a new domain and link it. But, beware your integrated base_domain is not having anything which you need to preserve if you plan to delete that.

Umbraco 7 fields show locally, but not at remote server?

Does anyone know about this problem: Any new fields I add work fine in the local back office, but when I use Webmatrix to publish to the server ( fields don't show up. I did a view source in the browser and they're just not there!
For example, #Umbraco.Field("comments")
If you add new field, they are only added in the database. That means you would need to update the database on the production website. Webmatrix doesn't do this for you (by default).
There are a few ways to handle this scenario:
copy your database to the production server (i would advice against this, because you might overwrite content and media changes on the production server)
create the fields manually on the production server (easy solution)
use a commercial package like courrier (personally i believe it's a good solution, only if you have a content staging workflow)
use a free package like usync (
