SSAS Deployment fails on Metadata due to using wrong data Source - visual-studio

When I try to deploy a SSAS Tabular project from my local machine to the integration server I get an error in the metadata. It's a many to many error that I had previously solved, and I know I solved it because the Tabular project can be processed locally. That is the crux of the issue, when I process the project, it is using the correct data source, but when I try to deploy the project it uses a previous data source that is no longer valid.
Steps I've taken:
I Went into the model, selected existing connections, and modified them to connect to the correct environment (they were previously pointed at the invalid environment) this allowed me to process the data, but I still can not deploy correctly.
I created a new configuration in the configuration manager, to no avail.
I looked for other areas where the source DB is listed, I haven't found any, which is frustrating because I know it's somewhere.
Is there a cache I'm missing or a setting I didn't check, any help would be appreciated, thank you.


Self-Hosted Integration Runtime times out after ADF pipeline loads a few tables

I have recently installed Integration Runtime for a local server which hosts an Access DB. The idea is to pull data from it and store in in Azure SQL DB. I have done the following:
Integration Runtime Services Installed on local machine hosting the MS Access DB and connected to it using ODBC
Created linked services in ADF to connect to the DB
Created Datasets for source and destination DB for each table required. One for the source msaccess and one for the target in azure sql db
Created a pipeline to copy the data from the source and sink into the asql db mentioned in step #3
Basically, all the connections work however when I trigger my pipeline to load around 10 of these tables, it runs and loads the first two and then fails afterwards by timing out. I must restart the Integration Runtime everytime to get it back up and running otherwise I can no longer query the tables.
To mitigate this I figured there was too much traffic and the server needed to rest between calls so I added wait timers in between each step of the pipelines but not much success. It did help a bit but that might be coincidence.
The error log in the monitor spits out at the failed step is :
Error: 2200
btw the integration runtime install service running is 5.12.7984.1 and the version of access installed is through office 365 x64. The exact MS access driver is 16.14430.20006. The OS is Windows Server 2019
I am getting the exact same error. To start, I did check the event viewer logs and saw some errors to do with access. So I gave the user running the IR more access to the registry keys/general log on as a service rights. This helped a little, but I am still stuck with the same problem.
When copying from an Access DB located on the SHIR itself to flat files in lake storage, I encountered the same error.
Removing Office 365 from the machine, then re-installing the Access runtime solved the problem.
This answer is from #ezaidi comments above.

CRM custom workflow publisher prefix changed after deployment

We use CRM 2016 SP1. We deployed our latest changes from Dev to QA, staging and production by means of importing a managed solution file. As part of the solution file there is a custom Action workflow (Category = Action) with the publisher prefix set to our company name.
The workflow has been activated and working well in QA and staging but when trying to activate it on production CRM comes up with the error "Unexpected Error". Downloaded error details show the same message.
Upon investigating the workflow in production we realised that its publisher prefix had been changed to "new_". To be more specific, the Process Name property starts with the correct prefix name but the Unique Name property starts with "new_".
We had not made any changes to the workflow in Dev and it was working fine in production prior to the deployment.
So far my research on the Internet on how/why this change has come about and how to fix it has been in vain. So any help is greatly appreciated.
This is identified as an issue in 2016 SP1.
Check Link Here
The solution is to Recreate the Process with correct Prefix and delete the one which start with new_ that to before final deployment/packaging/release.
It is observed that even both processes has different prefix they are identified as same process.
Please see this link for the solution

How do I tell Sonar not to store the source code in the database?

I am trying two options.
One is not to store source code
If it is not possible how to delete project from sonar database?
I tried with "sonar.import Sources=false" but this is not working for sonar version 6.1(deprecated after 4.5 version).
If I delete the project,will source code remain in database?
Storage of source code in database can't be disabled because it's used to display data in webapp.
Source code is indeed dropped from db when deleting a project.
This is late, but might be helpful for someone:
Sonar usually cache the project for performance purpose via squid mechanism, then thru queue mechanism it stores the project data in internal h2 database which can be changed to few supported databases, then you will be having advanced options to manipulate data on database(things like fail-over cases can be achieved), not that I know of any way of not to store project data in database.
Unless you configure certain user, default user can be admin to sonar dashboard with password as admin, Login to console and navigate to Administration-> projects->Management, now delete n number of unnecessary projects. Once you do this Sonar dashboard will not be able to show the project again until you re-analyze same project. To make sure this worked,after re-analyzing project click on the project on dashboard and check the version under Activity.
Additional info: If you modify the maven project code, first build the project & then do sonar:sonar for latest modifications to be reflected.
I agree with other answer, elaborating in few lines..

VSSonarExtention - why connect to the server?

Just installed and started using VSSonarExtension, but already have a couple of questions that I am unable to answer myself:
Why does the extension need to connect to the server if it scans local code with local tools, such as FxCop and StyleCop?
After looking through roughly 15 files, I get an error saying that I need a license to scan more than 15 files in one session - isn't the extension open source?
I want to make sure that the rules specified on the server match the rules locally, so that I get the same output with regards to technical debt - how can I achieve it?
Seems like the extension does not use FxCop, according to the logs; moreover, sometimes logs indicate that some code has been skipped because some rules were not present or defined in StyleCop. What does that mean?
Looking forward to your replies, thanks for help.
so it can sync the quality profile in server, you dont want your users to complain the local analysis is different from what they have in server
local files analysis, is provided by external plugin: please contact support their for details
its the default behaviour. therefore ansering question 1
please open a ticket in github with those issues. it can be that you have some differences between server profile and what is installed locally.

Symfony2 deployment via ftp

I tried to deploy my project with capifony, becouse I found here an answer, that with capifony deployment is easy. Well I don't think it is, so my question is:
How can I deploy my project via ftp, I put all my files on the server but even if I browse to web/app.php, the only thing I get is an empty page, whatever route I write in the url. So someone please explain me how can I get this work! Thank you!
A couple of things to think of when deploying a Symfony2 project to a new server or computer (as far as I've encountered) might be:
Make sure that the server and it's PHP installation meets the Symfony2 requirements (and perhaps also the recommendations)
Check that you've somewhat followed the installation instructions (found here)
Try to clear the cache
Make sure that the web server and it's PHP process have write permissions to the cache folder
If none of these helps, try to modify the app_dev.php to temporarily allow access from your current (client) IP (instead of restraining it to localhost). Then, hopefully, you'll get a more useful and detailed error message, instead of the blank page (which often is caused by some fatal error that have occurred during the initialization of the framework and its kernel)
Update: Noticed now that you've tagged your question with 'windows', but that you don't mention which server you're trying to deploy to. I wrote the above with some *nix based server in mind, but hopefully some of it are applicable to Windows servers too (but there might be other common sources of error running under Windows that I'm not familliar with
