Windows Phone Mango vs Windows Phone 7 - windows-phone-7

I am new to Windows Phone development. When I searched on the web looking for code samples for windows phone, sometimes I saw there were projects for Windows Phone Mango. Would someone tell me the difference between Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone Mango?

Mango was indeed the codename for the Windows Phone 7.5 update. There are a lot of new APIs and features in Windows Phone 7.5 and it brought with it a new SDK (version 7.1). Apps targeting the Windows Phone 7.0 SDK work just fine under 7.1 but apps targeting the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK require the Mango update to run.
The Windows Phone site lists the new features in the Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango update) and MSDN lists the API changes between the 7.0 SDK and the 7.1 SDK.

Mango was the code name for Windows Phone 7.5. The only difference you're going to see if perhaps some updated code samples with Mango tutorials.

there is nothing for you to worry about.
whatever works for pre-mango will work on mango.
therefore most code will works.
and you would only develop for 7.5 aka mango because all existing phone is upgrade-able to mango and phone running 7.0 won't be able to access the marketplace as microsoft had forced everyone to upgrade to 7.5


Ad mob for windows phone 7?

I just registered an admob account, but I am developing apps for windows phone 7, I don't see any SDK for windows phone 7 on their website. They only offer SDK for windows phone 8. How can I integrate ad mob into my windows phone 7 apps?
To get the SDK for WP7. Log into to your admob account and adding a site type of Windows Phone 7.
Hopefully that helps.
The new AdMob doesn't support Windows Phone 7 apps. Google deprecated Windows Phone 7 in August 2013 :
still You can configure AdMob but Sometimes it gets Crashes in your Applicatioin so it would better to use Microsoft's Pubcenter ads.
for more Refrence you can go here

Will apps developed for WP 7.1 work on WP8?

I have already developed an app targeting Windows Phone 8, but it doesn't work on Windows Phone 7.5. To get it working on both platforms, I have decided to target Windows Phone OS 7.1 via Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 instead.
Will my app works on both WP 7.5 and WP 8 if I target WP OS 7.1 in VS 2012?
Windows Phone applications are forward compatible. This means that applications built for Windows Phone 7.x should work on Windows Phone 8. However, this is not a guarantee. Some applications may not work properly and you should definitely test your application on Windows Phone 8 devices.
You can also maintain two versions of your application: one for Windows Phone 7 and one for Windows Phone 8. You publish both versions as one application so that users of each device can get the best application for their device.
You can upgrade Windows Phone 7 project to Windows Phone 8 project, but you cannot downgrade. The best thing to do is to create a new Windows Phone 7 project and move all files from the WP8 project to the new one.
yes your app will work on both paltforms..
if you develop an app for wp8 then it wont be able to run on wp7.x but vice versa will work fine but it wont be able to use the new features introduced in wp8
WP 7.1 (sdk) == WP 7.5 (consumer designation) and yes, WP 7.x apps work on WP 8 devices.
Just for clatification, WP8 and Windows 8 are two different things. If you have a Windows 8 app it will not run on WP 8 or WP 7.x.
Yes u can develop app that will target both platforms refer following link for detail...

Windows phone 7 Apps in new Windows phone 8 OS version

I have developed a windows phone7 application and its target windows phone OS version is 7.1.
The problem is, I saw in some Blogs saying that windows phone 7 apps are not working with new windows phone 8. So I would like to know if my app works in windows phone 8 as well.
Therefore what's the best way to test if my app works in the new windows phone OS version 8.
Thanks inadvance...!!!!
Download the Windows Phone 8 SDK and deploy your .xap to it and try.
They do work in WP8, however will not have as good performance.

SDK/Tools to Develop a New App on Windows Phone Platform for WP 7, WP 7.5 , WP 8 devices

I am new to Windows Phone Development Environment, looked around on SO but couldn't find a clear answer to the question I have.
With Windows Phone SDK 8 publicly available, and new Windows Phones getting good reviews, one of our Clients is looking to launch their app on Windows Phone Platform as well (they already have it on iPhone). The app is pretty simple. Obviously Client would like their app to be compatible and available to as many as possible users/devices - WP7, WP7.5 and WP8.
Question is - what SDK version should I use to develop this app? Currently I have Windows 8 with 64-Bit, VS 2012 Express and Windows Phone SDK 8.0 already installed and ready to go for development. So if develop app using above tools, will it run on all the devices with WP 7,WP 7.5 and WP 8 on them?
What is a good approach to develop a brand new Windows Phone App that would run on WP 7,WP 7.5 and WP 8 Devices.
The complete answer is on this MSDN page:
Windows Phone versions
Basically you can create application targeting the WP7.5 platform and it will run on all current Windows Phone devices, or you can target only Windows Phone 8, then it will run only on new WP8 devices, but when targeting this newer platform, you can use broader set of APIs and features.
When you create new project, you are asked to choose between Windows Phone 7 and 8.
WP7 app runs in old and newer phones, but WP8 app runs only in WP8.

Which version of Windows phone 7 is called 'Mango'?

Which version of Windows phone 7 is called 'Mango'? Is it windows phone 7.5?
Windows Phone 7.1 is the version of the SDK for Mango application development.
Windows Phone 7.5 is the consumer facing version number for the new operating system.
As Far As I Know, Windows Phone 7.1 is having code name 'Mango'.
Codenames and marketing names seem to differ but, Mango is either WP 7.1 or 7.5.
See: Windows Phone version history
7.1 is the actual version number (internal), 7.5 seems to be the official marketed version.
