nvd3: control guideline programmatically - nvd3.js

I'm working on a project where I want to represent different data with the same date range on x-axis using nvd3 (angular).
My idea is to synchronize guideline among different charts and onmousemove or using a slider I want to show programmatically guideline with a tooltip in each chart (e.g. like heroku does)
Can anyone give a hint to a solution or if it's possible to control interactive guideline programmatically?


Display multiple charts at a time.(Anylogic)

I have made a simulation consisting of multiple vehicle agents (about 17), but I can't figure out a way of how I can display time color charts related to each of those vehicles in the main agent. If possible I want it to be in a scroll view so that the user can scroll through the different time color charts. I want to make it sort of like a Gantt chart.
Sort of something like this
The image related to my query
Scrolling is impossible with current AnyLogic UI, unfortunately. You can, however, add buttons to manually "scroll up/down" and change what view area the user sees.
Re plotting itself, either create 17 charts manually and link them to the individual agents.
Or better, create 1 chart in the agent type, have the agent population embedded in Main and adjust the y-component of the chart presentation according to the agent index, something like 100 + (index*15)
Some example models use this approach so check if you find something similar there

d3.js v4 how to set brush programmatically

I am building a version of this parallel coordinate view in d3.js v4.
In my example I have a predefined selection (in the form of a [min,max] array that I would like to set programatically as a brush in one or more of the axes, after the plot has loaded. But I cannot seem to find a way to do it. Most examples I found on setting a brush from code are using d3 v3 and use setting extent but that does not work anymore in v4 it seems.
can someone give me some tips and a simple example hot to do this in this case (so with multiple axes and brushes active) ?
Select your brush group and call brush.move, then also pass an array with the start and end coordinates. Your brush move event will then take care of the rest.
d3.select(".brush").call(brush.move, [[startX, endX], [startY, endY]]);

Editing Chart Labels on Nativescript

I am developing a mobile application and currently working with charts (ScatterSeries to be more precise). By default, Nativescript shows the X and Y coordinates of Labels (showLabels="true"). Instead of this, I would like to display something different (let's say High, Medium, Low, etc...). I have looked for a property within labelStyle and ScatterSeries that will allow me to change this; but cannot find it (not sure this is the right approach).
PS: I am using this as a work-around since I couldn't figure a way to add a text to a certain area of the chart. So, if someone knows how to add a text label on a specific set of coordinates that will also do it.
Appreciate your help!

How to make d3.js charts interact with dc.js

We have multiple charts developed in d3.js. We are creating a dashboard where user can add multiple charts which will be visible in one view.
Is is possible to create interactivity between these charts and dc.js? Or do we need to develop these charts in dc.js again?
Please suggest an alternate in case of No.

Kendo Scatter Chart - Different background colors for different areas

Consider the Kendo scatter chart HERE in the telerik demos. What I want is to visually separate the chart area with some background colors. As I know Kendo itself doesn't facilitate such configuration.
I'm tring to solve it within the Kendo. I guess it can be done through svg drawings. But I've never done it before. If it's really impossible is there any way to do it or is there any other scatter chart to fulfill this requirement.(saw somewhat similar thing in google charts)
I'm including the expected result as below.
I came up with this code . It does the exact thing what I want. This is the solution.
