Display multiple charts at a time.(Anylogic) - scroll

I have made a simulation consisting of multiple vehicle agents (about 17), but I can't figure out a way of how I can display time color charts related to each of those vehicles in the main agent. If possible I want it to be in a scroll view so that the user can scroll through the different time color charts. I want to make it sort of like a Gantt chart.
Sort of something like this
The image related to my query

Scrolling is impossible with current AnyLogic UI, unfortunately. You can, however, add buttons to manually "scroll up/down" and change what view area the user sees.
Re plotting itself, either create 17 charts manually and link them to the individual agents.
Or better, create 1 chart in the agent type, have the agent population embedded in Main and adjust the y-component of the chart presentation according to the agent index, something like 100 + (index*15)
Some example models use this approach so check if you find something similar there


OBIEE 12c : Overlapping labels in pie chart

I've created 2 pie charts in an analysis and one of them seems to have its labels overlapping while the other has callouts and prevents any overlaps. I have created them in the exact same way and they both have the same properties.
Another strange thing is, this doesn't occur all the time. sometimes when I open an analysis/dashboard, both the pie charts look fine and when I refresh the page or come back to it later, then one of the chart has overlapping labels. Can anyone help me fix this.
Check out MOS Doc ID Doc ID 2260470.1 - you'll have to live with it at the moment

dc.js animated selection along x-axis

I'd like to have dc.js chart which slides along a selection, e.g. in the Nasdaq example https://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/ you would select a sub-selection of time then click "animate" button and the selection filter would slide along the x-axis at a pre-determined step size.
I'm a bit lost as to where one would start...does anyone have any ideas?
Most of what you need to do is set the current filter on the relevant chart based on a timer, instead of based on user interaction.
I've copied the relevant parts of the Nasdaq example into a fiddle to illustrate this: https://jsfiddle.net/0zkbyyqu/9/
Once the charts are in place, the animation is just a matter of changing the filter based on a setInterval. For obscure reasons, we want to use the focus method of the moveChart, not the filter method, but it's essentially doing the same thing, with a little more code to reflect the changes in the range chart:
var beginYear = 1985;
window.setInterval(function() {
new Date(beginYear, 0,0,0,0,0,0),
new Date(beginYear+3, 0,0,0,0,0,0)]);
if(++beginYear > 2009)
beginYear = 1985;
}, 1000);
(If you were using the filter method, you'd have to construct a dc.filters.RangedFilter, as detailed here: Initial Range selection in DC.js chart)
I have left off your idea about the initial selection of the range coming from the user, and just gone with a range of 3 years. This example just starts animating as soon as it is loaded. You can fetch the current filter using chart.filter(); the result will be a RangedFilter, which is an array of two dates. Hopefully it is clear how to add start/stop buttons to the animation.
A couple of things are tricky about this approach:
It's tricky using a chart with transitions when you also have a timer or streaming data. In this case, I had to reduce the transitionDuration to 500ms for it to make any sense, but the cause-and-effect is still a little confusing. Not sure what to do about this.
The area chart transitions are incorrect so you get some weird artifacts.

nvd3: control guideline programmatically

I'm working on a project where I want to represent different data with the same date range on x-axis using nvd3 (angular).
My idea is to synchronize guideline among different charts and onmousemove or using a slider I want to show programmatically guideline with a tooltip in each chart (e.g. like heroku does)
Can anyone give a hint to a solution or if it's possible to control interactive guideline programmatically?

how to make chart column with drill down with D3 Js

Could some one please suggest how to do column-drilldown with D3 JS library,
below example is from Hightchart,
A complete code example for this problem is probably quite extensive, so I'll mostly keep to how you would approach it and assume you know enough of D3 to turn the concept into code.
Lets assume you have the functionality for drawing a general bar chart.
Part of that functionality would priobably be things like
Setting up your svg element and containers
Setting up your scales (one for x and one for y)
Adding axes based on the scales you have created
Adding your bars to the svg container
4.1 Make sure you have your data set available as an array
4.2 Create an enter selection for the available data and append rectelements
4.3 Update attributes like x, y for all your available bar nodes
4.4 Remove any nodes on your exit selection
Voila you have a simple bar chart. Nothing new in that and you can have a look at the code details here -> https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3885304
Now in order to do the drill down:
In order to avoid lots of code repetition it probably makes sense to separate the above steps into functions. So for example a setup function that just creates your svg and containers as well as your scales.
Important about the setup function is that you do not need to rerun it on drill through.
Second you will want an update function. This contains steps 3+, which you will need to rerun in order to update your charts on drill through.
One addition here would be adding functionality for updating your scale domain in the beginning (as your data changes on drill through and you want to reflect that in your scales).
Now that you have those two functions all you really need to do is:
Add a click handler to your axis labels or your bars (click on bars might be easier for now). You cans use d3's .on() function for that.
In that event you will want to subset your data by the value of the clicked bar (or get a new data set for the bar value depending on how your data is structured) and then run the update function we created above with the new data.
It could look something like this:
.on('click', function(d) {
var updatedData = updateData(d);
If anything is unclear some more specific questions would be good.
Hope that helps.

SlickGrid: 2 questions: 1) change the orientation of column labels and 2) display d3.js elements inside cells

New to SlickGrid here, and have a couple questions:
1) Is it possible to change the orientation of the column labels? I would like to display a grid without horizontal scrolling, and the data can easily fit if I limit the width of each column. However is I do that, I dont have enough space for my column labels. So I am wondering if - like in excel - I could change the orientation of the column labels (to say 45 degreees vs. horizontal)? If not, any other suggestion?
2) Is it possible to display D3.js type elements (shapes etc) inside cells? If not, are there options to display things such as color coded stop-lights type things?
As you might have guessed, I am building a dashboard that pulls data from a summary table in a DB, and need visual eye candy. It's probably all doable in D3.js, but I'm looking for a faster way to implement, and a data grid appears appropriate.
