Need to send the web service request contentiously till get response using JMeter - jmeter

My requirement is as follows:
I will be copying one test data file to one location. [My application will pick file, process it and will respond using web service]
So when I login to my application and go to that page, every 5 seconds web service request would be sent.
Above two, i can handle using JMeter. Now next is
Need to send the web service request contentiously [maybe each request in 5 seconds] till get response using JMeter
So how can I do this?
Please help. Thanks!

Something like:
While Controller with condition depending on the response
HTTP Request Sampler
Constant Timer to sleep for 5 seconds
Maybe a Post-Processor to set the While Controller's condition
See Using the While Controller in JMeter article for more details on implementing while loops in JMeter tests.


504 Gateway timeout in Jmeter

During manual run on reaching the Home screen, the page keeps loading and the API calls timeout with 504 error(Received the same error during Jmeter execution)
But if the same page(Home screen) is refreshed three times manually, all the previously timed out APIs load successfully (status:200).
But I'm unable to identify how to refresh the page using Jmeter. Any help on this? Thanks!
I tried adding JSR223 preprocessor with the following Javascript -
load("API-url") in the script section but it doesn't seems to work.
As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
So in order to "refresh" the page you need to send the same HTTP Request to it using HTTP Request Sampler. If you want to send the same request more than once it makes sense to put in under the Loop Controller
Also given the above quote from JMeter documentation if loading the page triggers some AJAX requests to the API - JMeter won't execute these requests automatically, you will need to create a separate HTTP Request sampler per API request. Also real browsers execute AJAX requests in parallel so if there is more than 1 API request - you need to put them under the Parallel Controller

JMeter & - I can see the message I want, but the socket plugin is not showing what I expect

Here is the socket message I see in the browser debugger console:
More illustrative, perhaps:
I call an API operation that triggers this message over a socket.
What I Tried
To preclude inaccuracies, I started 2 instances of JMeter.
REST API call.
Revised version of the GitHub JMeter example of, in which I just call a WebSocket Sampler repeatedly on wss://
I kicked off (2).
While that was running, I kicked off (1).
Eventually, (1) should show me a sampler in the View Results Tree with the message in the screenshot ("42" - GAME_STARTED)
The only messages I see look like this:
This is really all I want to do: run the appropriate sampler, a sufficient time after making the API call, to get the message.
We succeeded in finding the message using python-socketio:
sio.connect("", transports='websocket',
headers={'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: websocket',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode: websocket',
And here is the output:
Received packet MESSAGE data 2["message","{\"locationId\":110,\"name\":\"GAME_STARTED\",\"payload\":{\"id\":146724,\"boxId\":2002,\"userId\":419,\"createdAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:31\",\"lastModifiedAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:36.752\",\"completedAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:36.621\",\"activationMethod\":\"TAG\",\"nfcTagId\":\"xxxxxx\",\"gameCount\":1,\"app\":false}}"]
I would like to use the websocket plugin to do this in JMeter now.
tried adding Cookie to WebSocket call - only sids, no messages.
tried adding Cookie to an HTTPS request (like the above code) - 400, bad request.
Take a look at other fields of the HTTP Request, in particular HTTP Headers, most probably your JMeter request is missing some essential information.
My expectation is that in order to "start the game" (whatever it means) you need to open the page in the browser, authorize somehow, follow the steps of the protocol upgrade mechanism, etc. to wit exactly mimic what real browser does, all the request sequence which is prior to starting the game.
You might need to correlate dynamic parameters, add HTTP Header Manager, add HTTP Cookie Manager, etc.

Much difference in time by single user without tool and single user with jmeter

I am trying to login to an application first with single user and recorded the time using "Page load time" plugin of chrome and then i am trying to login with Jmeter and applying load of Just 1 user but there is much difference in time.
is my approach correct? if yes why there is difference in load time.
Well-behaved JMeter request should give the same timings as browser does.
Make sure you configure your HTTP Request sampler to "Retrieve All Embedded Resources"
Ensure that you have Parallel downloads ticked
Add HTTP Header Manager and configure it to send all the HTTP Headers which browser is sending.
If web application you're trying to load test is built using AJAX technology you will need to add the relevant HTTP Request samplers to mimic asynchronous JavaScript-driven calls as JMeter doesn't execute client-side JavaScript. Once done you can combine requests into one "Login" sequence using Transaction Controller.
See How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article for more hints on how to properly configure JMeter for web applications testing.

"Post" method test result error in JMeter API testing

I tried to run a POST method for API testing in JMeter, I have sent the parameters as needed, but still it shows cannot post.
What should I do to make it work?
user add post request
response message
If you are testing an API my expectation is that you need to send either JSON or XML payload using "Body Data" tab of the HTTP Request sampler.
You will also need HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant Content-Type header
Building a SOAP WebService Test Plan
REST API Testing - How to Do it Right
Another way of building a web service test plan is executing the request(s) according to your test scenario using a 3rd-party tool like Postman or SoapUI and recording them via JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
In the post request, you need to provide server name or IP address and port number respectively. If it still doesn't work, try changing the path by adding /api then /user/data. it works in some cases.
Hope this works out!

How JMeter tests web application

I made load test on my web application with JMeter using HTTP Proxy. In HTTP Request I insert some data which I want to change. After load test when I go to the web page the page was without changes and I get all results(graph and table). Is that test real or not? Because was without page (data) changes?
Use the "tree view" LISTENER to see what request you sent to your web application. That will tell you if Jmeter was sending the new data, or just sending what you recorded. If Jmeter sent new data, then your application probably has a problem. If Jmeter sent the old recorded data, then you need to update your script by going to the request and changing the parameters.
