JMeter & - I can see the message I want, but the socket plugin is not showing what I expect -

Here is the socket message I see in the browser debugger console:
More illustrative, perhaps:
I call an API operation that triggers this message over a socket.
What I Tried
To preclude inaccuracies, I started 2 instances of JMeter.
REST API call.
Revised version of the GitHub JMeter example of, in which I just call a WebSocket Sampler repeatedly on wss://
I kicked off (2).
While that was running, I kicked off (1).
Eventually, (1) should show me a sampler in the View Results Tree with the message in the screenshot ("42" - GAME_STARTED)
The only messages I see look like this:
This is really all I want to do: run the appropriate sampler, a sufficient time after making the API call, to get the message.
We succeeded in finding the message using python-socketio:
sio.connect("", transports='websocket',
headers={'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: websocket',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode: websocket',
And here is the output:
Received packet MESSAGE data 2["message","{\"locationId\":110,\"name\":\"GAME_STARTED\",\"payload\":{\"id\":146724,\"boxId\":2002,\"userId\":419,\"createdAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:31\",\"lastModifiedAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:36.752\",\"completedAt\":\"2022-03-02T14:35:36.621\",\"activationMethod\":\"TAG\",\"nfcTagId\":\"xxxxxx\",\"gameCount\":1,\"app\":false}}"]
I would like to use the websocket plugin to do this in JMeter now.
tried adding Cookie to WebSocket call - only sids, no messages.
tried adding Cookie to an HTTPS request (like the above code) - 400, bad request.

Take a look at other fields of the HTTP Request, in particular HTTP Headers, most probably your JMeter request is missing some essential information.
My expectation is that in order to "start the game" (whatever it means) you need to open the page in the browser, authorize somehow, follow the steps of the protocol upgrade mechanism, etc. to wit exactly mimic what real browser does, all the request sequence which is prior to starting the game.
You might need to correlate dynamic parameters, add HTTP Header Manager, add HTTP Cookie Manager, etc.


why some http requests are showing no response data in j meter?

When I run a Http Request, to a page that should return a response body. When I execute the sampler it's sends a 200 OK code, but the response body in the View Results Tree Listener, is empty. Why does this happen?
It does happen because the system under test doesn't send any response body so you're asking the wrong people about the possible reasons.
If you can reproduce is with the real browser or other tool like curl - you need to raise an issue against the system you're testing because it must be functionally stable before you can start executing performance tests.
If you cannot reproduce it with a real browser - make sure to configure JMeter to behave like a real browser, i.e. add HTTP Header Manager and set it up to send the same headers that the browser does.

SSO Authentication for Login Failed in JMeter - 401 Response Code

I'm doing Jmeter scripting for Login flow which is having SSO authentication.
I have correlated almost all the token values like SAML request, SAML response,Request verification token & client id request ,but I'm not getting proper response in the login call.The SSO calls is failing with 401 response code.
When we try to decode the SAML response(using online SAML decoder) which i'm getting it from the previous request call response in Jmeter, the Status is showing as Responder. but the same is showing as Success when we decode the SAML response which we are getting it from the LoadRunner or Developer Console
Note : The same script is working fine in Load Runner
Can Someone help me
enter image description here
If "the same script is working fine in Load Runner" and doesn't work in JMeter - this is not the same script. You need to figure out what are the differences and amend your JMeter configuration so JMeter will send the same requests as Load Runner (or even better a real browser)
I have correlated almost all the token values
"almost all" is not sufficient, you need to correlate all the dynamic parameters.
Use a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to capture the requests originating from JMeter and Load Runner (or real browser).
The requests must be exactly the same (apart from dynamic values which need to be correlated). Once you send the same request you will get the same response. Pay attention to literally everything: not only request body matters, take a look at URL query strings, request headers and so on.

Signalr load testing in JMeter

I'm trying to do JMeter script for an application with Signalr protocol.
I'm able to identify connection-token, bearer-token, connection-id and co relate with request using long polling transport and receive message, but after third polling I could not receive the correct response, i'm getting response but not the expected and full response.
Could you please help me what could be the issue here?
I'm afraid no one will be able to help without seeing at least:
Anticipated response
Actual response
Reference requests sequence from i.e. real browser captured with a sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler
The same as point 3 but for JMeter instead of the real browser.
Basically you need to execute points 3 and 4 and compare the generated network requests - they must be the same apart from the dynamic parameters (tokens, connection-id, etc.). Given requests are the same - you should be getting the same responses.
Another option is using While Controller in order to continue polling unless response matches your expectation.

Jmeter - Internal server error 500 in jmeter response code

I have recorded script in jmeter V3.3 via IE browser and then done correlation. When I run this script, then it is receiving internal server error 500 in response, however it works fine manually in IE browser and also while recording this scenario, it does not occur.
I also cross verified Header manager with Request Headers in network IE F12 Developer tool and it is uptodate.
Sampler Request
Http Get Request
It is simply Get request. I really appreciate for your help to handle this error in jmeter.
I hope you have compared both Request Headers one from IE Browser and from JMETER request headers to check if anything is not missing to pass. And also along with any dynamic id is not missing.
You are likely not checking for expected results with each step. As a result, you are receiving an HTTP 200 correct response page prior to your HTTP 500, but the content of the page is out of context with the expected results for the business process. When you make your next request the state of the application is not appropriate to your request. As an unhandled condition by the developer you are greeted with an HTTP 500 screen dump.
Most likely cause: Unhandled dynamic data component.

JMeter error : Unexpected end of file from server

I have read and tried the solutions shared in the previous posts for this error but nothing helped me to fix this. Kindly help.
I am making a HTTPS API call. A very simple call which accepts a 2 KB JSON message via POST method and sends a one word acknowledgement. It works perfectly fine in Postman tool. In JMeter, no. of threads (users) is kept as 25. It works perfectly fine one time with all 25 success response and at times getting few failure response as
Response code: Non HTTP response code:
Response message: Non HTTP response message: Unexpected end of file from server
No consistency at all. I have also tried with both enabling and disabling "use keepalive" checkbox. Both giving me all success one time ; few/all failure at another time with the above error. Please help. Thank you.
Below are the JMeter settings:
HTTP Header Manager : Content-Type - application/json
HTTPRequest sampler : protocol - HTTPS
Server Name or IP : project server name
Method : POST
PATH : The required path with https authentication details passed as parameters
IMPLEMENTATION : Set to JAVA (HTTPCLIENT4 was giving me “443 failed to respond” error)
Add header
Connection Keep-Alive
Both errors (Java implementation and Apache HTTPClient4 implementation), are essentially saying the same thing: The server closed the connection, without providing any response. I think there could be the following reasons:
Authentication problem. If server side checks authentication before processing a request (e.g. using Spring), it may be rejecting your request, it may be not bothering with any response if authentication is not considered correct.
Request Issue. Some less noticeable properties of the request you send via Jmeter are different from what you send in Postman. It could be some minor thing with formatting, or some headers server expects. Some of such inconsistencies can also cause Load Balancer (if you use one) to reject request before it's delivered to the server.
Certificate issues. Since you are using HTTPS, you need to make sure your certificate is setup correctly on JMeter side.
So I suggest:
Review server logs and see if your request makes it to the server. If yes, you might be able to see how it was rejected. If not, you need to trace back and see who rejected it (LB, authentication, etc)
Compare headers and body sent by JMeter vs Postman line to line (use TCPDump for example to obtain it).
