"Post" method test result error in JMeter API testing - jmeter

I tried to run a POST method for API testing in JMeter, I have sent the parameters as needed, but still it shows cannot post.
What should I do to make it work?
user add post request
response message

If you are testing an API my expectation is that you need to send either JSON or XML payload using "Body Data" tab of the HTTP Request sampler.
You will also need HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant Content-Type header
Building a SOAP WebService Test Plan
REST API Testing - How to Do it Right
Another way of building a web service test plan is executing the request(s) according to your test scenario using a 3rd-party tool like Postman or SoapUI and recording them via JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.

In the post request, you need to provide server name or IP address and port number respectively. If it still doesn't work, try changing the path by adding /api then /user/data. it works in some cases.
Hope this works out!


Not able to execute api call for delete through JMeter

I have a delete API http request in Jmeter which is like "serverName/ApplName/api/deleteDataset/{datasetId}"
In the header i have added the below information:
But strangely this api is failing with the below error:
Response code:400
Response message:Bad Request
Please note when i am trying the same API in postmen it is passing without any error. In fact i did not have to pass any header information apart from the access token.
I have tried removing the extra header information(accept,content-type) too from JMeter but that also did not work out.
If your request works fine in Postman the easiest way of replicating it in JMeter would be just recording it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Import JMeter's certificate into Postman, this way JMeter will be able to intercept and record HTTPS requests
Configure Postman to use JMeter as the proxy so the request to API would go through JMeter
Run your request in Postman
JMeter will generate HTTP Request Sampler and HTTP Header Manager
Correlate bearer token and replace hard-coded value with the appropriate JMeter Variable
You should be able to run the request successfully now

How do I add bearer token to JMeter

I have come from PostMan now using JMeter for stress testing, I have a POST method that works great with PostMan yet I can't seem to get the bearer token authenticating to work on JMeter. I have the same token in PostMan as JMeter (See Screenshots)
Any help or advice is appreciated. See screenshots:
If you're capable of running your request successfully using Postman - you should be able to record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Start JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Configure Postman to use JMeter as the proxy
Run your request/test in Postman
JMeter should capture the request and generate corresponding HTTP Request sampler and the HTTP Header Manager
More information: How to Convert Your Postman API Tests to JMeter for Scaling
With regards to your setup: the header name should be Authorization and the header value should start with Bearer followed by your token value
The main problem is that JMeter cannot reach the application on your local machine so make sure that the corresponding web server is started.
For using Bearer token, you should create HTTP Header Manager, what you have already added. Then add Key/Name what is used in request, mostly it's Authorization, but we should check it out. Please, provide Headers and Authorization tabs from postman. Then, add Bearer token to Value field.
In my case I should provide one more key/value: Cookie.

JMeter Cant make GET HTTP request work, works fine in PostMan

I'm trying to do a GET HTTPS Request via JMeter. It is a simple request with content-type=application/json, and an auth token. Now for unknown reasons it works perfectly without any issues/problems in Postman, but in JMeter I'm getting an error.
I'm new to JMeter so I can only assume I am just setting something incorrectly.
The HTTP Request I am sending is:
In postman I get a 200 response with the expected JSON response.
In JMeter however, it gives me the error:
Could not parse fields query. Must be valid JSON.
I've tried messing with the 'send parameters with the request' option in JMeter by removing the ?fields=['id'] from the Path, and instead setting them in the parameters area, but that gives me the exact same 400 error response code.
Also, if I use the send parameters section, and I look at the request, it doesn't seem to be using the parameters i've set. So I went back to passing the parameter directly in the URL path.
SOLVED:: The issue is that JMeter does not like the usage of double quotes in the Path field. You can get by this by using %22 in place of double quotes. This solved the problem of not receiving an error when passing the parameter through Path.
Add HTTP Request sampler to your Test Plan
Configure it as follows:
You might also need to add HTTP Header Manager as a child of your request and configure it to send the relevant Content-Type header
The sent data can be verified using View Results Tree listener:
Also be aware that you can easily create a JMeter test from Postman by just recording the request using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder

How to POST data in in REST API using J meter

by HTTP request
enter image description herebase url is:
Your configuration looks good, I would suggest just adding a HTTP Header Manager to send Content-Type header with the value of application/json
Also it would be good to add View Results Tree listener to inspect request and response details (don't forget to remove or disable it when it comes to running the load test assuming large amount of users)
Check out Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter test plan for step-by-step instructions

services working fine on rest client but not on Jmeter

I am performing load testing of my web based application.
The service page is working fine on Advance Rest Client application but it is giving 404 page not found error on Jmeter.
Please guide me how to resolve.
404 means your url is probably wrong.
Show your configuration of Test plan for further details.
Add View Results Tree listener to inspect request and response details, HTTP 404 response code usually stands for non-existent URL.
Most likely you'll also have to add HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant Content-Type header as your request might not be properly handled due to missing or incorrect content type.
I would recommend using a sniffer tool like Wireshark to compare what's being send by the "Advance Rest Client" and by JMeter and tweak JMeter test accordingly. If you fail to figure that out by yourself - you can upload captured traffic files somewhere so we could take a look.
See Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter guide for baseline JMeter configuration for testing web services.
