Square Up API Edge Browser Issue - square-connect

I'm facing an issue right now with the SquareUp API. I'm using this function to render the form paymentForm.build(); and everything works ok on all browers but on Edge Browser version 9 the form isn't rendering.
When you open the developer tools the form renders. Is there any kind of workaround to solve this issue in Edge browser?

If anyone else is facing this issue the answser is simple. It was as simple as adding the minimum height for the fields used by the iframe in SquareUp. Some browsers sometimes fails to render the form in the DOM, so adding a minimum height we assure that the fields are visible to the users until we wait for the iframe response.


Internet Explorer7 sending 2 requests but Firefox and other only one?

I'm using Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox/15.0.1. I developed a web application in J2EE.
In application,if i click any hyperlink it is sending only one request in Firefox,chrome.
I checked it using Firebug and the logs also.
The same way i tested in IE7,It is showing 2 times logs for a single request.
Is it a bug in IE7? How to fix it?
Every time IE7 sending two requests.. Any tool to track the HTTP request?
You can install IE Developer Toolbar to debug JavaScript in IE
Mainly the problem with two forms i'm using...
that is a form with in other form. which caused IE to show exotic behaviour.
HTML is not well formatted. I changed it. it is working as expected.

Prevent <body> scrolling in iOS when touching iframe content

I have a question that is similar to this question here:
Prevent scrolling on HTML5 <video> element on iOS
Basically, I've used document.ontouchmove & e.preventDefault() to disable the scrolling on a page destined for the ipad/iphone. No worries, that works great and there's a bunch of fixed elements that play nicely. One of the things that is embedded in the site is the iframe-embed code from Vimeo. My problem comes from the fact that, since the iframe content comes from a different domain and is in a different document, my document.ontouchmove & e.preventDefault() script is ignored within the iframe. The default page scrolling behaviour returns when the iframe is touched, and the page starts acting weird as elements that aren't supposed to move, do.
I don't think there's any way to apply javascript from the parent page through to the contents of the iframe, but does anyone know of a way to prevent all native scrolling as a general effect? (or maybe zero-out the scrolling as it happens?)
I might have to go to a more traditional, non-ajax-y view for this particular page in my site, but that ruins the overall look-and-feel.
The site hasn't gone live yet, so I can't post the address, but I can post code snippits on request.

jQuery.post form submit odd bug firefox only

I've search high and low for an answer to this but unfortunately I'm stuck. The problem is only occuring in Firefox (tested IE, Chrome and Safari also - works fine, no errors of any sort). I'll detail the sequence of events to save posting all my code.
ASP.NET MVC 3 application, basic form loads into a jQuery UI dialog
Custom jQuery to hijax the form submit (serialize the form and then $.post to the server - no compiler errors when debugging and post shows up in Firebug without errors)
Http GET (automatically happens) getting the response object from the server (+ success text and XHR), response is plain HTML in this case (again, shows up in Firebug with no errors)
Custom jQuery to change the HTML of the UI dialog from it's current HTML to the response Html - this is where it fails.
I've used javascript alerts to debug the sequence of events and as soon as the post (and get) is complete, everything just... sort of stops.
As I say, only in firefox! Very odd, just wondering if there's any known bugs with ajax and firefox or anybody has heard of a similar situation?
I must also add, that on other parts of my site, this works perfectly in all browsers! The only difference between this form and the other forms that do successfully complete the function is that the response from this form is the same "page" again but updated rather than a new "page". (I use "page" as I got all this working with Javascript turned off first and for graceful degredation)
HELP! Or laugh, either is fine.
I have tried sending a view with a blank model back as the action result - works in every browser except firefox - firefox retains the values from the previous post! And then I got to thinking - that's a trait of firefox isn't it? And maybe that's why the original "re-direct" html response doesn't work?? I think it's time to give up and let people know they can't use Firefox for that particular function!
Ok so I'm answering my own question.
The only way I found to get round it is to use $.ajax instead of $.post and to use the option async : false
Hope this helps somebody.
Have you tried adding the attribute [OutputCache(Location = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.None)] to your Action for your GET? It sounds to me like a caching issue.

how to track ajax request in IE as we do using firebug in FF?

i have a page i.e. banerbuzz open it in IE-6 here you will find the Instant price box where Size drop down will show only one size, where as if same url is executed in FF you will find the real drop down box which is needed.
i think this could be the issue of path given in ajax file
please help me or suggest me to resolve this issue
Fiddler is a great way to debug Ajax applications on windows.

Strange problem with Google Maps and Ajax in Google Chrome and Safari

I am developing web-application using Google Maps API and ASP.NET Ajax. Here is my JavaScript-code for PageLoad:
map.openInfoWindowHtml(map.getCenter(),'Hello, <b>world</b>!');
First run is successful. But after execution some ASP.NET Ajax-function we have strange effect: In Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera everything is good, but in Google Chrome and Safari text with html-tags is invisible. In other words in Google Chrome we have text: “Hello, !”
I want to make the application that would normally in Google Chrome and Safari too. How can I do it?
String "Hello, <b>world</b>, <strong>world</strong>, <span style='font-weight: bold;'>World</span>, <a href='http://ya.ru'>Link</a>." transform to "Hello, , , , . " (I examined the DOM). Words really are disappearing.
I observed this strange effect on any Ajax-function with request to server.
Many thanks to Koobz for many leading questions. They helped me a more detailed understanding of the problem.
First of all, full description of actions:
Load the page. GMap have several markers with dblclick-event in JavaScript. Dblclick event exec marker.openInfoWindowHtml(/My text/). /My text/ is located in JavaScript of my Page.
I double-click on the marker. I see a infoWindow with a normal formatting
Exec __doPostBack (starndard ASP.NET PostBack)
In server side JavaScript is updated with same
Server return some information with /My text/ to my page
I doouble-click on the marker. I see a infoWindow with a wrong formatting.
An interesting fact, which puts me in embarrassing:
I try set to “Hello, <b>world</b>, <b>test</b>”
Before Ajax function in all browser I have: “Hello, world, <b>test</b>”
After Ajax function in Google Chrome and Safari: "Hello, ,test"
After Ajax function in Mozilla, Opera and IE: “Hello, world, <b>test</b>”
What Chrome and Safari have features that may cause such behavior? Now I can write separately necessary infoWindow-text for each browser. But I would like to find a normal way to solve my problem.
Hit ctrl+shift+j to open up your chrome developer tools.
Set a breakpoint right before the function call that breaks everything.
Attempt to reproduce the bug.
After the break point hits, step through your code until the text disappears.
Set a breakpoint after the text first disappeared.
Repeat this process. Refine your breakpoints until you've narrowed down where the bug is occurring.
It could be any number of things. I have no idea what kind of Ajax things you're doing. Are you dynamically updating content on your page after doing the request? It's possible that this update code is modifying dom elements that it shouldn't be. Tracing through using the methodology above will help nail it if this is the case.
If you're using jQuery, maybe one of your selectors is out of whack and it's eating up content. Chrome is very good and I'm hesitant to believe it's a javascript bug or anything like that.
Validate your HTML. If you're traversing the dom, invalid markup might result in chrome "seeing" a different picture than other browsers. Just look for broken tags and ignore all the other things a validator complains about.
Wild guess: but the way it's stripping out HTML might point to some kind of XSS protection. Is the Ajax script that's returning the new HTML code on another domain than the one the visitor is viewing?
Some info here:
Do you see the problem with any html tags in the info window? As an experiment, try:
<span style="font-weight: bold;">World</span>.
I am wondering if there is a unclosed bold tag somewhere in the DOM?
I am messing around with this problem, but I haven't been able to reproduce it. Having a look at what the Ajax function does would be helpful.
Try this:
map.openInfoWindowHtml(map.getCenter(),'Hello, <strong>world</strong>!');
the strong tag is more standards compliant, worth a shot
As others have said, you need to post your code.
