Internet Explorer7 sending 2 requests but Firefox and other only one? - debugging

I'm using Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox/15.0.1. I developed a web application in J2EE.
In application,if i click any hyperlink it is sending only one request in Firefox,chrome.
I checked it using Firebug and the logs also.
The same way i tested in IE7,It is showing 2 times logs for a single request.
Is it a bug in IE7? How to fix it?
Every time IE7 sending two requests.. Any tool to track the HTTP request?

You can install IE Developer Toolbar to debug JavaScript in IE

Mainly the problem with two forms i'm using...
that is a form with in other form. which caused IE to show exotic behaviour.
HTML is not well formatted. I changed it. it is working as expected.


IE browser Ajax call is taking 3 to 4 times more than Chrome

I am facing a wired problem for IE browser Ajax call and was not able to found any solution for that problem. When I am making those calls in Chrome browser it is really fast but in the case of IE, it is taking almost 3 to 4 times more than Chrome. Please check the following screenshots for both Chrome and IE browsers. I also provide the timing information for certificationStatistics call, please let me know your thoughts if you have any idea about this issue.
IE Screenshots for Page Load
Chrome Screenshots for Page Load
IE Screenshots for CertificationStatistics API call
Chrome Screenshots for CertificationStatistics API call
NB: My frontend is developed with Angular and backend is node and node is calling java api.

FineUploader POST pending in Internet Explorer

I'm having an issue with FineUploader in IE11. My page works fine when I upload files after the initial load with no issues at all for any files. However, if I leave the page open for 5 minutes without any activity, the next time I try to upload a file, it fails. In the Developer Tools, all I see for the upload request is (Pending...) for protocol, method, and result. Sometimes, it will freeze the browser completely, but other times, it just says "Processing..." on the screen. This is a Ajax POST call. Any ideas?
The "processing..." message indicates that Fine Uploader is waiting for a response from your server after sending the last chunk of a chunked file. If Fine Uploader is stuck here, then your server is failing to return a response. This seems to be confirmed by your observations of the network request status in dev tools.
Sounds like an issue with your server, or perhaps some sort of browser plug-in. I'm not able to reproduce myself following your steps on IE11. Your next course of action is to look more closely at your server and how it is handling requests in this scenario. If you are seeing any error messages in the developer tools console that suggest Fine Uploader is at fault, please either comment here or open up an issue in the GitHub project's issue tracker.

Ajax + pushState bug in Chrome

I've encountered a strange bug in Chrome 19. I implemented a full-AJAX website (every non-external link is opened via AJAX request) with pushState support. I transmit the HTML snippets in AJAX via JSON format.
When I leave my site via an external link and then go back, Chrome renders cached data for that URL - the problem is, he caches the JSON content and shows that, instead of full web-page.
This is reproducible by these steps (UPDATE: I removed AJAX functionality on my website since then, so this bug does no longer appear):
Click on the second date link (16. 6. 2012 next to "It all began with a strange e-mail"). This page (you are now at is loaded via AJAX.
Click on "It all began with a strange e-mail". You are redirected to an external website.
Click "Back" in Chrome after the page is completely loaded.
I try to send all AJAX responses with Cache-Control: no-cache, but with no effect.
Firefox 12 works OK.
I came with a workaround - I perform AJAX request with additional dummy GET parameter - ?ajax=1. This way the browser can recognize the difference between usual HTML content and JSON. It doesn't have any impact on the user, the parameter is visible only in Firebug.

CefSharp - How to handle "This page has insecure content." message?

I am using the CefSharp .Net wrapper for the Chromium Embedded Framework as a simple wrapper around a web application. In my web application, I make a JSONP AJAX call out to another domain to get some data and display it. The URL to that domain is not using SSL. Because of that, when doing this in the Chrome browser, I get the following message, to which the end user would simply click "Load Anyway", allowing the JSONP request to fire and the data to be retrieved...
The app using CefSharp simply starts up the main URL to my web application when it runs. When I try and make the same call in my this application using CefSharp, however, it doesn't get that same prompt. Instead, the AJAX request just times out (the same behavior that happens when the end user never clicks a button in the yellow bar that appears in Chrome).
Does anyone know if CefSharp has a way for me to catch this security message and either...
Prompt the end user to click "Load anyway", similar to the behavior of the Chrome browser, or
Programmatically bypass the security warning altogether?
If not, does the Chromium Framework itself support dealing with this situation?
After posting to CefSharp and CEF projects, it looks like CEF does not currently support this situation. magreenblatt suggested a couple of approaches to add it to CEF. Now I just need to try and find the time to add support for it. :-) form submit odd bug firefox only

I've search high and low for an answer to this but unfortunately I'm stuck. The problem is only occuring in Firefox (tested IE, Chrome and Safari also - works fine, no errors of any sort). I'll detail the sequence of events to save posting all my code.
ASP.NET MVC 3 application, basic form loads into a jQuery UI dialog
Custom jQuery to hijax the form submit (serialize the form and then $.post to the server - no compiler errors when debugging and post shows up in Firebug without errors)
Http GET (automatically happens) getting the response object from the server (+ success text and XHR), response is plain HTML in this case (again, shows up in Firebug with no errors)
Custom jQuery to change the HTML of the UI dialog from it's current HTML to the response Html - this is where it fails.
I've used javascript alerts to debug the sequence of events and as soon as the post (and get) is complete, everything just... sort of stops.
As I say, only in firefox! Very odd, just wondering if there's any known bugs with ajax and firefox or anybody has heard of a similar situation?
I must also add, that on other parts of my site, this works perfectly in all browsers! The only difference between this form and the other forms that do successfully complete the function is that the response from this form is the same "page" again but updated rather than a new "page". (I use "page" as I got all this working with Javascript turned off first and for graceful degredation)
HELP! Or laugh, either is fine.
I have tried sending a view with a blank model back as the action result - works in every browser except firefox - firefox retains the values from the previous post! And then I got to thinking - that's a trait of firefox isn't it? And maybe that's why the original "re-direct" html response doesn't work?? I think it's time to give up and let people know they can't use Firefox for that particular function!
Ok so I'm answering my own question.
The only way I found to get round it is to use $.ajax instead of $.post and to use the option async : false
Hope this helps somebody.
Have you tried adding the attribute [OutputCache(Location = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.None)] to your Action for your GET? It sounds to me like a caching issue.
