Dynamics CRM records merge - dynamics-crm-2016

When I merge two records, the result record's access team only contains the users belonging to the master record, and not the other record's users.
How can I do in order to have both records access teams users in the merged record?


Salesforce flow Datatable multiple resource

In my flow I am getting accounts filtered with Billing city with get records. I have two get records elements to filter data on two different cities. I want to show selected rows from both the tables in third table. I tried Assignment element and formula element but both are not available for datatable resources.

Include related custom table in Dynamics 365 Plugin Registration Tool step

I have created a ServiceEndpoint with create, update and delete steps for the accounts table. The accounts table has a many-to-many relationship with a custom table. How do I create a step that will include the relationship records when changes are made to the accounts table?
I tried finding the relationship table in Dataverse, but it's not part of the list of tables.

Automatically assign records after 1 day in MS Dynamics CRM

I would like to implement a functionality in MS CRM-
When a user changes a department, record owned by him should be automatically assigned to department owner after 1 day. How to achieve this functionality in Microsoft Dynamics CRM ? By some plugin or workflow ?
Assuming you have some type of lookup for Department (1:1 relationship with SystemUser, I would use Power Automate to solve this.
Put the flow on the system user entity, filtered for when column Department changes. When that happens, use Dataverse connector and pull owner of previous Department, re-assign existing records for types (tables) x, y, z.

Microsoft Access Update Queries

Let me start by saying that I am indeed self-taught and I have no business trying to do what I am trying to do...However, I am combining two Access databases that track different information about the same projects (one tracks the proposal information for projects considered for selection and the other tracks budget information for those that are selected). The same projects have different IDs in each database. Each database has lookup fields (yeah, yeah, I know lookup fields are evil, but that is what I have). I want to update the values in the lookup fields for the related tables in the Budget DB to the ID fields for the same projects in the Project DB. Is there a way to write an update query to change the value in the project ID field of one table to the ID fields from another table?
Details: ProjectListTbl contains ProjectID field and the BudgetID field which refers to project ID from the Budget database (BDBID). I want the Reporting table values to change from the Budget Database ID (BDBProjectID) to the ProjectID from the ProjectListTbl. I have tried
UPDATE Reporting INNER JOIN ProjectListTbl ON ReportingTbl.BDBProjectID = ProjectListTbl.ProjectID SET ReportingTbl.BDBProjectID = [ProjectListTbl].[ProjectID], WHERE (((ReportingTbl.BDBProjectID)=DLookUp([ProjectListTbl].[ProjectID],[ProjectListTbl],[BudgetID]=[ReportingTbl]![BDBProjectID])));

Extract data from two tables of DB2 database and load into a temporary table

I am creating an informatica workflow which can extract data from two tables of DB2 database and load into a temporary table. Suppose the two source tables name are Account (Parent) and Activities (Child). They have 1:M relationship. Means an Account can have many Activities (Account.PK = Activities.FK). Activities table has two columns- first 'Type' whose value could be 'Paid', 'Will-Pay' or 'Not-Paid'.And second column is 'Created_Date' datetime datatype, whenever you create new activity record, date and time would get stamp in this field. Now, condition to load data in temporary table is - "For an Account record, it would 1st check in Activities table for today's Paid activities (Type = Paid). If it finds more than one paid activities, then it would pick the Latest created one (Created_Date column) out of them. If there is no Paid activity record for the Account, then it would pick latest created 'Will-Pay' activity." Means, it should pick latest Paid activity for today (Sysdate) for an Account, if it is not present then only It will pick latest Will-pay activity for today. Please help me to understand how I can implement this logic in Informatica workflow and which transformations I should use and how? Thanks alot. Kindly help.
Best way to do it on SQL cause realize business logic on ETL it's not good. But if you insist it can be created by many ways. As example:
With SQL override
You can create 3 lookup transformation for Activities table with overrided SQL (and columns too) and one expression transformation for condition.
Lookup to find more than one 'paid' activities accounts
Lookup to find last 'paid' activity per account
Lookup to find last 'will pay' activity per account
Expression to return correct Activities key based from 1-3 lookup results
Without SQL override you need to recreate similar logic with filter, aggregator, joiner transformations.
