In my flow I am getting accounts filtered with Billing city with get records. I have two get records elements to filter data on two different cities. I want to show selected rows from both the tables in third table. I tried Assignment element and formula element but both are not available for datatable resources.
I am trying to create one dashboard where I am using a pivot table in my visualization. I want one of the dashboard filter should not be applied to one column of the pivot table. For ex- I have my filter as Product and I have different amount value in the pivot table. I do not want that product filter to be applied to target amount column as back in my database it has been assigned to one of the 7 products used in the filter,If the filter will change to another product that target amount will change but I want that target value to remain intact. Please Please help
I have 3 entities Users, Address & County
The User is having one to one Relation with Address Entity and Country has one to many Relation with Address. I want to display users details with filter parameter on country code.
The one of the possible flow is I will fetch the corresponding Object of Country from Country code. Then we find Country in all in address entity. Then we will be getting list of addresses of that country code. Then we will find all the address corresponding with users using in Query 'in' SQL. But the issue arise when the data set is very large.
Lets say we a Country Code IN corresponds to 1 Million Address then I will 1st fetch the all 1 Million records then map it with the Users. Then I am performing pagination. It will be very slow.
I am thinking of an idea to paginate the address entity from the response somehow ?
Please help
I'm having multiple different data sources and on a website. I'm displaying items in the descending date order (showing the latest first). All data sources can be described as a separate category. Let's say I have sources for Cars, Boats, Motorbikes. The problem is that when new Cars being added to my index, my homepage will be filled with Cars only. However, I still want the users to see Cars, Boats, Motorbikes as well.
Is there query that can return a mix of multiple categories without specifying any category? I have thousands of categories, I cannot add multiple conditions for each. It is like saying: I want the latest contents that are mostly distinct in categories (each item can have tens of categories as well).
I'm a teacher who manages a caseload of students who have yearly meetings. Each year their services, hours, supports, etc. change. We complete a survey on each student to record all this data on a single spreadsheet. I want to pull data from those submissions to replace the students' information with the most recently dated information in our caseload master report (Tab one). If no data is entered yet I want it to remain the same.
The first tab is what we use for reporting to our team and the IEP completion tab is where the survey data is imported. I tried some solutions such as VLOOKUP with some IF statements but I don't think that is the correct route to go.
I scrubbed the linked Google spreadsheet for confidentiality.
Assuming Student ID#/ID Number is a reliable unique index in a third sheet create a VLOOKUP of the ID Number's associated fields from Tab1. Fields not found will error, so wrap your VLOOKUP with IFERROR and an INDEX/MATCH (because the ID there is not in ColumnA) of the fields in Tab2.
I am trying to create a report which groups on a column called "Legal Entity." When the output is directed to Excel, a separate tab will be created for each distinct entity in the query resultset.
For each Excel tab/Legal Entity, there will be two "sections." The first is a repeating section that breaks on a column "Funding Arrangement Type." After all of the Funding Arrangement Types are exhausted, there will be a single "Totals" grid which will summarize the data on the tab for the current Legal Entity. The data will be summarized across all Funding Arrangement Types within the current Legal Entity.
Because the Totals (lower) grid is really just a summarization of the same source query, Query1, I thought that I would also bind the Totals grid to it. However, if I do that, I get a run time error that tells me that I need to establish a Master-Detail relationship (If I decide to use a separate query for the Totals grid, the Totals grid "will not be aware" of the current Legal Entity/tab that must be considered when summarizing.)
Therefore, I continued with my guess at how the Master-Detail relationship should be defined. I made various attempts to link the two grids, including:
On all of the dimension (non-summarized) columns.
On Legal Entity
On Legal Entity and Funding Arrangement Type
Doing so affected previously correct totals reported in the upper cross tab results/
This Master-Detail approach is foreign and as a result I don't understand what it is doing.
I also tried to use a separate query, Query2, for the lower totals grid and adding a filter to filter SQL2 where SQL2. LegalEntity = SQL1.LegalEntity in an effort to get the totals grid to summarize within the current LeglEntity grouping. This resulted in a cross join error.
I’m a real noob with Cognos. Suggestions are welcomed. Thank you!
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I was able to get it working by binding both grids to a single query and for both grids, establish a Master-Detail Replationship on Legal Entity. Prior to doing that, I added these columns to both grids and hide them, not sure if this was necessary.