Include related custom table in Dynamics 365 Plugin Registration Tool step - dynamics-365

I have created a ServiceEndpoint with create, update and delete steps for the accounts table. The accounts table has a many-to-many relationship with a custom table. How do I create a step that will include the relationship records when changes are made to the accounts table?
I tried finding the relationship table in Dataverse, but it's not part of the list of tables.


How to link two different tables in one relational table in laravel

I have two different tables client and admin, i want to add relation in one table post has many relation. Overall scenario is client and admin can multiple posts. How can do it in laravel?

How can I filter records of a DirectUS collection based on values on a many-to-one relationship?

I am using DirectUS version 8.3.1
I have a many-to-one relationship between user_membership and user.
The table user_membership is where we store the years of membership for a user and then we have several lines for a user, one per year of membership.
I have configured the interface with a many-to-one relationship and I have set the template {{name}} - {{email}} for the user.
I can easily add, update or remove lines into the table user_membership. The table has more than 20000 lines and I need to filter them. From DirectUS, how can I find for instance all the lines for user "John -" among my 20000 lines?
Is the solution to add a one-to-many relationship into table user and to go through the table user to search for all memberships a good solution? Will DirectUS add something into my original database schema if I create this user to user_membership relationship?
Many many thanks

User ownership of table that can reference multiple users

I have a small application which has 2 migrations, team and team_user (it also has the default auth migrations).
The teams & default user migration has a belongsToMany relationship. As of now, everyone has the same relationship to each team. What would be a good elegant way to create ownership to the team as a sort of Team Leader. I'm currently exploring creating an additional team_leader migration but not sure if that's the correct solution.
If a team only has one lead you could add a team_lead_id column on the teams table that is a foreign key reference to the team lead user. Then you could define the relationship on the Team model:
public function leader()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
In the case of multiple leads per team then you'd need a pivot table like the team_leader table you mentioned.

Laravel Many-Many Relationship with extra data

I have a many-many relationship in my Laravel application, Courses and Users, and users can enroll in a course with my Enrollments table. My Enrollments table functions as the many-many table for Courses and Users. A user can enroll in a course one time.
My idea is that Enrollments will function more than just a many-many table, and store info like the payment amount, expiration date of the enrollment, etc. However, in Laravel Nova (my admin dashboard), I can't make the HasOne:: relationship work for the Enrollments table. It's just ugly IDs that I never want shown. Help.

Laravel pivot table joined with pivot table

I have following Database Tables
-idProducts (foreign)
-idUser (foreign)
Currently I'm modeling all these Database Tables in Laravel.
But I'm struggeling with the function to get the Products associated with the Tickets.
Do I have to create a model for the Product_Collector? Or is there any other good solution?
