In Kotlin, how can I work around the inherited declarations clash when an enum class implements an interface? - enums

I define an enum class that implements Neo4j's RelationshipType:
enum class MyRelationshipType : RelationshipType {
// ...
I get the following error:
Inherited platform declarations clash: The following declarations have the same JVM signature (name()Ljava/lang/String;): fun <get-name>(): String fun name(): String
I understand that both the name() method from the Enum class and the name() method from the RelationshipType interface have the same signature. This is not a problem in Java though, so why is it an error in Kotlin, and how can I work around it?

it is a kotlin bug-KT-14115 even if you makes the enum class implements the interface which contains a name() function is denied.
interface Name {
fun name(): String;
enum class Color : Name;
// ^--- the same error reported
BUT you can simulate a enum class by using a sealed class, for example:
interface Name {
fun name(): String;
sealed class Color(val ordinal: Int) : Name {
fun ordinal()=ordinal;
override fun name(): String {
return this.javaClass.simpleName;
//todo: simulate other methods ...
object RED : Color(0);
object GREEN : Color(1);
object BLUE : Color(2);

The example above is working with an interface having a property name instead of a function name().
interface Name {
val name: String;
enum class Color : Name {


Kotlin, Spring Boot, JPA - take value of a Generic Enum (E.valueOf(stringValue))

I'm developing a Spring Boot application and I'm using Kotlin, IntelliJ and Gradle (Groovy). I have some enum class in my code and I need to persist them (with JPA). I used a simple global converter.
// Sample Enum
enum class Policy {
// Sample Converter
#Converter(autoApply = true)
class PolicyConverter : AttributeConverter<Policy, String> {
override fun convertToDatabaseColumn(attribute: Policy): String {
override fun convertToEntityAttribute(dbData: String): Policy {
return Policy.valueOf(dbData.toUpperCase())
Since I have 5-6 enums and I hate duplicated code, I thought about a generic converter that should do the work for every given enum. I tried to code something, but nothing worked. This is what I was thinking about:
abstract class EnumConverter<E: Enum<E>> : AttributeConverter<E, String> {
override fun convertToDatabaseColumn(attribute: E): String {
override fun convertToEntityAttribute(dbData: String): E {
return E.valueOf(dbData.toUpperCase())
In this way I can only extend from one abstract class every enum converter, like so:
#Converter(autoApply = true)
class PolicyConverter : EnumConverter<Policy>() {}
Problem with this code is that I have two errors:
E is red because: Type parameter 'E' cannot have or inherit a companion object, so it cannot be on the left hand side of dot
valueOf is red because: unresolved reference (there are like 150+ types of .valueOf).
As suggested from this I tried to use following function:
private inline fun <reified E : Enum<E>> getValue(string: String): E {
return enumValueOf(string.toUpperCase())
But when called from the .convertToEntityAttribute, the result is that "Cannot use 'E' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead."
So the question is simple: how can I implement an easy and fast way to make one converter for all my enums, that all follows the same principle? I just need a return E.valueOf(<value>) function, but it's not present.
A simply workaround of this problem is to define an abstract method that every class will implement and it will return the correct type, given a string.
// Inside EnumConverter, the Generic Class
abstract class EnumConverter<E: Enum<E>> : AttributeConverter<E, String> {
abstract fun getValueFromString(string: String) : E
override fun convertToEntityAttribute(dbData: String): E {
return getValueFromString(dbData)
// Inside Policy Enum, implementing
class PolicyConverter : EnumConverter<Policy>() {
override fun getValueFromString(string: String): Policy {
return Policy.valueOf(string.toUpperCase())
But it's a workaround that I really dislike.

What does ContainingType mean in java method reference

In Java Method References
ContainingClass::staticMethodName - means that a class can refer the static method (Reference to a Static Method )
containingObject::instanceMethodName - means that a class object is created first and then that object is used to refer the instanceMethod .
My doubt is
ContainingType::methodName - what does the ContainingType mean ?
Is ContainingType a predefined class in java like String or something else ?
Java Language Specification, §4.3. Reference Types and Values:
There are four kinds of reference types: class types (§8.1), interface types (§9.1), type variables (§4.4), and array types (§10.1).
Array type don't have static methods, so that doesn't apply to static method reference, but you can do the other 3:
class MyClass {
static void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
interface MyInterface {
static void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
class Test<T extends MyClass> {
void test() {
Runnable m1 = MyClass::doIt; // class type
Runnable m2 = MyInterface::doIt; // interface type
Runnable m3 = T::doIt; // type variable
Now that link is provided in a comment, it says:
Reference to a static method
Reference to an instance method of a particular object
Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type
Reference to a constructor
Here, again, ContainingType refers to any of the 3 reference types mentioned above: Class, Interface, and Type Variable.
You can then make a method reference for any instance method of such a type.
class MyClass {
void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
interface MyInterface {
void doIt();
class Test<T extends MyClass> {
void test() {
Consumer<MyClass> m1 = MyClass::doIt;
Consumer<MyInterface> m2 = MyInterface::doIt;
Consumer<T> m3 = T::doIt;
In the document you gave,there is a example of the ContainingType:
String[] stringArray = { "Barbara", "James", "Mary", "John",
"Patricia", "Robert", "Michael", "Linda" };
Arrays.sort(stringArray, String::compareToIgnoreCase);
and explains:
The equivalent lambda expression for the method reference String::compareToIgnoreCase would have the formal parameter list (String a, String b), where a and b are arbitrary names used to better describe this example. The method reference would invoke the method a.compareToIgnoreCase(b).
I think,the element of the stringArray dosen't have a name (eg: String s1 = "Barbara"),so you can't refer it by containingObject::instanceMethodName(eg:s1::compareToIgnoreCase). That's why it uses ContainingType.
I think your ContainingType::methodName is a general/common form of the 2 forms above...
Think about the below code. You can replace the <methodReference> width
InterfaceA::method (for ContainingType::methodName)
ClassA::method (for also ContainingType::methodName)
ClassB::instanceMethod (for ContainingObject::instanceMethodName) or
ClassB::staticMethod (for ContainingClass::staticMethodName)
to demonstrate the mentioned cases:
public class App {
interface InterfaceA {
String method();
static class ClassA implements InterfaceA {
public String method() {
return "ContainingType::methodName";
static class ClassB extends ClassA {
public String instanceMethod() {
return "ContainingObject::instanceMethodName";
public static String staticMethod(ClassB classB) {
return "ContainingClass::staticMethodName";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(((Function<ClassB, String>) <methodReference>).apply(new ClassB()));

'Unexpected token implements` error in Angular2

#Pipe({ name: 'values', pure: false })
export class ValuesPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, args: any[] = null): any {
return Object.keys(value).map(key => value[key]);
It appears that class inheritance is not supported in ES6. Is there an alternative that doesn't require reverse-engineering the super class?
ES6 does have class inheritance. Classes are inherited by extends.
When you use implements you are asking for type checking against an interface. If you want type checking you should be using Typescript - if you don't need type checking then you don't need implements. Using implements doesn't have an effect on the output code — it's just for type checking during compile.
For example in typescript:
class myClass{
public myID:number
console.log("hi there");
class newClass {
public myID:number;
console.log("Hi from new Class");
class newClassImplements implements myClass {
public myID:number;
console.log("Hi from new Class");
newClass and newClassImplements both result in exactly the same javascript after compilation. The version with implements just asks the compiler to make sure it has the same interface as myClass if it doesn't you get an error at compilation.
In your sample above ValuesPipe isn't inheriting from PipeTransform it's simply implementing the interface. If you don't need the type checking you should be able to just write the function you want and forget about implementing the interface.

How do I declare a public enum in typescript?

For the following class:
module LayoutEngine {
enum DocumentFormat {
DOCX = 1
export class DocHeader {
public format : DocumentFormat;
I have two questions:
The above has a compile error where it says "Public property
'format' of exported class has or is using private type
'DocumentFormat'." but a declaration of public before the enum is
also an error. So how do I do this?
Is there a way to place the enum declaration inside the class? Just a module name isn't great for namespacing as I have a lot of classes in that module.
thanks - dave
The above has a compile error where it says "Public property 'format' of exported class has or is using private type 'DocumentFormat'.
Simply export :
module LayoutEngine {
export enum DocumentFormat {
DOCX = 1
export class DocHeader {
public format : DocumentFormat;
Is there a way to place the enum declaration inside the class?
the enum typescript type needs to be at a module level (a file or inside a module). Of course if you want it inside the class just use a json object
module LayoutEngine {
export class DocHeader {
DocumentFormat = {
public format : number;

Dynamically fire CDI event with qualifier with members

I'm trying to use CDI events in my backend services, on JBoss AS6 - ideally with maximum code reuse.
I can see from the docs I can cut down on the qualifier annotation classes I have to create by using a qualifier with members e.g.
public #interface Type {
TypeEnum value();
I can observe this with
public void onTypeAEvent(#Observes #Type(TypeEnum.TYPEA) String eventMsg) {...}
So far, so good. However, to further cut down on the number of classes needed, I want to have one EventFirer class, where the qualifier of the event thrown is dynamic. Not a problem with qualifiers without members:
public class DynamicEventFirer {
#Inject #Any private Event<String> event;
public void fireEvent(AnnotationLiteral<?> eventQualifier){"FIRED");
then called like
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new AnnotationLiteral<Type>() {});
But what about when the qualifier should have members? Looking at the code for AnnotationLiteral, it's certainly setup for members, and the class element comment has the example:
new PayByQualifier() { public PaymentMethod value() { return CHEQUE; } }
This makes sense to me - you're overriding the value() method of the annotation interface. However, when I tried this myself:
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new AnnotationLiteral<Type>() {
public TypeEnum value() {
return TypeEnum.TYPEA;
I receive the exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: class$1 does not implement the annotation type with members
at javax.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral.getMembers(
at javax.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral.hashCode(
at java.util.HashMap.getEntry(
at java.util.HashMap.containsKey(
at java.util.HashSet.contains(
at org.jboss.weld.util.Beans.mergeInQualifiers(
at org.jboss.weld.bean.builtin.FacadeInjectionPoint.<init>(
at org.jboss.weld.event.EventImpl.selectEvent(
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? MemberQualifierEventManager is an ApplicationScoped bean which calls on DynamicEventFirer to fire the event.
There's a slightly cleaner way to do it based on your post:
public class TypeQualifier extends AnnotationLiteral<Type> implements Type{
private TypeEnum type;
public TypeQualifier(TypeEnum t) {
this.type = t;
public TypeEnum value() {
return type;
then just fire like this:
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new TypeQualifier(TypeEnum.TYPEA));
You need to declare an abstract TypeQualifier that extends AnnotationLiteral and implements Type
abstract class TypeQualifier extends AnnotationLiteral<Type> implements Type{}
and use it like this
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new TypeQualifier() {
public TypeEnum value() {
return TypeEnum.TYPEA;
and later if you want to fire an event with TypeEnum.TYPEB
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new TypeQualifier() {
public TypeEnum value() {
return TypeEnum.TYPEB;
