Dynamically fire CDI event with qualifier with members - events

I'm trying to use CDI events in my backend services, on JBoss AS6 - ideally with maximum code reuse.
I can see from the docs I can cut down on the qualifier annotation classes I have to create by using a qualifier with members e.g.
public #interface Type {
TypeEnum value();
I can observe this with
public void onTypeAEvent(#Observes #Type(TypeEnum.TYPEA) String eventMsg) {...}
So far, so good. However, to further cut down on the number of classes needed, I want to have one EventFirer class, where the qualifier of the event thrown is dynamic. Not a problem with qualifiers without members:
public class DynamicEventFirer {
#Inject #Any private Event<String> event;
public void fireEvent(AnnotationLiteral<?> eventQualifier){
then called like
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new AnnotationLiteral<Type>() {});
But what about when the qualifier should have members? Looking at the code for AnnotationLiteral, it's certainly setup for members, and the class element comment has the example:
new PayByQualifier() { public PaymentMethod value() { return CHEQUE; } }
This makes sense to me - you're overriding the value() method of the annotation interface. However, when I tried this myself:
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new AnnotationLiteral<Type>() {
public TypeEnum value() {
return TypeEnum.TYPEA;
I receive the exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: class uk.co.jam.concept.events.MemberQualifierEventManager$1 does not implement the annotation type with members uk.co.jam.concept.events.Type
at javax.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral.getMembers(AnnotationLiteral.java:69)
at javax.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral.hashCode(AnnotationLiteral.java:281)
at java.util.HashMap.getEntry(HashMap.java:344)
at java.util.HashMap.containsKey(HashMap.java:335)
at java.util.HashSet.contains(HashSet.java:184)
at org.jboss.weld.util.Beans.mergeInQualifiers(Beans.java:939)
at org.jboss.weld.bean.builtin.FacadeInjectionPoint.<init>(FacadeInjectionPoint.java:29)
at org.jboss.weld.event.EventImpl.selectEvent(EventImpl.java:96)
at org.jboss.weld.event.EventImpl.select(EventImpl.java:80)
at uk.co.jam.concept.events.DynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(DynamicEventFirer.java:20)
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? MemberQualifierEventManager is an ApplicationScoped bean which calls on DynamicEventFirer to fire the event.

There's a slightly cleaner way to do it based on your post:
public class TypeQualifier extends AnnotationLiteral<Type> implements Type{
private TypeEnum type;
public TypeQualifier(TypeEnum t) {
this.type = t;
public TypeEnum value() {
return type;
then just fire like this:
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new TypeQualifier(TypeEnum.TYPEA));

You need to declare an abstract TypeQualifier that extends AnnotationLiteral and implements Type
abstract class TypeQualifier extends AnnotationLiteral<Type> implements Type{}
and use it like this
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new TypeQualifier() {
public TypeEnum value() {
return TypeEnum.TYPEA;
and later if you want to fire an event with TypeEnum.TYPEB
dynamicEventFirer.fireEvent(new TypeQualifier() {
public TypeEnum value() {
return TypeEnum.TYPEB;


Dependency-inject "dynamically specified" beans based on annotation arguments

I have a use case where it would be extraordinarily nice to dynamically instantiate beans (using some kind of factory approach) based on annotation-arguments at the injection point. Specifically, I need to be able to specify a type-argument to the bean-creating factory.
A pretty relevant example would be a JSON deserializer that needs the type which it needs to deserialize to.
I envision either:
private Deserializer<Car> _carDeserializer;
private Deserializer<Bus> _busDeserializer;
.. or simply, if it was possible to sniff the type from the generic type argument:
private Deserializer<Car> _carDeserializer;
private Deserializer<Bus> _busDeserializer;
The big point here is that I would not know beforehand which types was needed in the project, as this would be a generic tool that many projects would include. So you would annotate your #Configuration class with #EnableDeserializer and could then inject any type deserializer (The factory that makes these deserializers can handle any type, but to be able create one, it would need to know the desired type of the deserialized object - plain generics would not cut it, since Java ain't using reified generics).
So, I'd need to be able to inject into the spring context, or using any other Spring magic tricks, some kind of DeserializerFactory that takes the type argument.
Basically, I need to have Spring invoke the following method based based on either, as in the first example, the qualifier argument (or the entire DeserializeQualifier-instance for that matter), or as in the second example, the generic type argument:
DeserializerFactory {
<T> Deserializer<T> createDeserializer(Class<T> type) { ... }
You could create a BeanFactoryPostProcessor to set attributes annotated with a custom annotation. I've set up a small Spring Boot project to play around:
// Custom annotation
public #interface InjectSomeClassHere {
Class value();
// Demo bean
public class SomeBean {
private Class someValue;
public Class getInjectedClass() {
return someValue;
// The BeanFactoryPostProcessor
public class SomeBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
.filter(beanName -> hasAnnotatedField(beanFactory, beanName))
.forEach(beanName -> {
Object bean = beanFactory.getBean(beanName);
Stream.of(bean.getClass().getDeclaredFields()).forEach(field -> setFieldValue(bean, field));
private boolean hasAnnotatedField(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, String beanName) {
try {
String className = beanFactory.getBeanDefinition(beanName).getBeanClassName();
if (className == null) {
return false;
return Arrays.stream(Class.forName(className).getDeclaredFields())
.anyMatch(field -> field.isAnnotationPresent(InjectSomeClassHere.class));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Error handling here
return false;
private void setFieldValue(Object filteredBean, Field field) {
try {
// Note: field.isAccessible() is deprecated
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
// Retrieve the value from the annotation and set the field
// In your case, you could call `createDeserializer(fieldValue);` and set the field using the return value.
// Note that you should change the type of `SomeBean#someValue` accordingly.
Class fieldValue = field.getAnnotation(InjectSomeClassHere.class).value();
field.set(filteredBean, fieldValue);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Error handling here
// A small test to verify the outcome of the BeanFactoryPostProcessor
public class SomeBeanTests {
private SomeBean someBean;
public void getInjectedClass_shouldHaveStringClassInjected() {
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, someBean.getInjectedClass());
Please note that this is a very naive implementation and requires further fine tuning. For instance, it scans all attributes in all spring components for the presence of an annotation.
Good luck with your project!

Spring data neo4j embedded property MappingException

I am fairly new to Neo4J; I am developing a project for learning purposes on which I am facing an issue that I am not managing to solve. My model might be somewhat relational DB influenced, but design issues aside, I believe however that what I am attempting should technically be done.
I have a NodeEntity Foo with an nested object Bar, converted to- and from String via ConversionService. In effect, Bar contains only one single String field, making the mapping trivial.
public class Foo {
private Long id;
private Bar bar;
public class Bar {
private String value;
When returning from a fairly simple Cypher query defined as follows on my repository:
public interface FooRepository
extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Foo, Long> {
#Query ("MATCH (foo) RETURN foo.bar")
Iterable<Bar> listBars ();
Conversion is configured as follows:
#ComponentScan(value = "de.h7r.playground.sd.neo4j",
excludeFilters = #ComponentScan.Filter({ Configuration.class }))
public class PKanbanConfiguration {
public ConversionServiceFactoryBean conversionService ()
throws Exception {
final ConversionServiceFactoryBean csfb = new ConversionServiceFactoryBean ();
csfb.setConverters (getConverters ());
return csfb;
private Set<Converter> getConverters () {
return Sets.newHashSet (new BarConverter.ToString (), new BarConverter.FromString ());
Where the code for BarConverter is as follows.
public class BarConverter {
public static class FromString <S extends String, P extends Bar>
implements Converter<S, P> {
public P convert (final S source) {
// sets value into new instance of Bar and returns
public static class ToString <P extends Bar, S extends String>
implements Converter<P, S> {
public S convert (final P source) {
// gets value from Bar and returns
I am getting the following exception.
org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: Unknown persistent entity test.domain.Bar
at org.springframework.data.mapping.context.AbstractMappingContext.getPersistentEntity(AbstractMappingContext.java:178)
Bar is indeed not a persitent entity nor should in my understanding be one. I grasp that this might have something to do with the defined return type of listBars; on the other hand, the repository if of Foos, so I had expected it to work. I would very much not like to fetch the whole set of nodes and then filter only the nested objects; the same way I would not like to have Bar replaced by String on Foo, since their type might have semantic relevance.
I am a bit lost as to how to returning all the property values for the existing nodes, specially since this query works as expected from neo4j-shell, so I see this as a pure Spring mapping issue.
I can add any further information that might prove helpful upon request.
Any help is very much appreciated.

JavaEE CDI in Weld: Generic Events?

I have an idea for a specific event handling based on generics, but seems like Weld can't handle them. I asked google but couldn't find an alternative CDI extension for this.
Question: is there a CDI extension, that can handle event propagation of generic-typed events?
In the following the explicit problem I have.
I have three general events, EntityCreated, EntityChanged and EntityDeleted. The base class for them is defined like this:
public abstract class DatabaseEvent<TargetType> {
public TargetType target;
public DatabaseEvent(TargetType target) {
this.target = target;
The events then are simple inherited classes:
public class EntityCreatedEvent<TargetType> extends DatabaseEvent<TargetType> {
public EntityCreatedEvent(TargetType target) {
I fire them like this:
public abstract class MyHome<EntityType> {
private EntityType entity;
Event<EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType>> entityCreatedEvent;
public void fireCreatedEvent() {
EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType> payload = new EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType>(entity);
I want to observe them like this:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes EntityCreatedEvent<Project> event) { ... }
When launching the server Weld tells me it can't handle generic-typed events. The CDI-way of doing things would be to use additional qualifiers instead of the generics to distiguish them, e.g.:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes #ProjectEvent EntityCreatedEvent event) { ... }
However, I fire the events from that MyHome base class, where I can't just fire with the #ProjectEvent: it might not be a project but another type.
My solution up to now is to skip that typing altogether and handle them like this:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes EntityCreatedEvent event) {
if(event.target instanceof Project) { ... }
This solution is okay, but not perfect.
I guess you can do this with dinamically binding qualifier members. This is what your code would look like:
public abstract class MyHome {
private EntityType entity;
Event<EntityCreatedEvent> entityCreatedEvent;
public void fireCreatedEvent() {
entityCreatedEvent.select(getTypeBinding()).fire(new EntityCreatedEvent(entity));
private TypeBinding getTypeBinding() {
return new TypeBinding() {
public Class<? extends EntityType> value() {return entity.getClass();}
public #interface EntityTypeQualifier {
Class<? extends EntityType> value();
public abstract class TypeBinding extends AnnotationLiteral<EntityTypeQualifier> implements EntityTypeQualifier {}
public void handleEntityType1Created(#Observes #EntityTypeQualifier(EntityType1.class) EntityCreatedEvent event) {}
public void handleEntityType2Created(#Observes #EntityTypeQualifier(EntityType2.class) EntityCreatedEvent event) {}
As this CDI issue points it is not possible to fire an without having the type of T at runtime.
But, if you have the type of T (i.e. you have an instance) you can use the Event as an Instance, and select the event to be fired using a dynamic type literal.

Spring - Qualify injection candidates by designated environment

Perhaps a more concise way to ask this question is: Does Spring provide a way for me to resolve ambiguous candidates at injection time by providing my own listener/factory/decision logic?
In fact, arguably the #Environmental qualifier on the member field below is unnecessary: if an #Inject-ion is ambiguous... let me help? In fact, #ResolveWith(EnvironmentalResolver.class) would be alright too..
When Spring attempts to inject a dependency (using annotations) I understand that I need to #Qualifier an #Inject point if I am to have multiple components that implement that interface.
What I'd like to do is something like this:
class MyFoo implements Foo {
private Bar bar;
class ProductionBar implements Bar {
#Environmental({Environment.Dev, Environment.Test})
class DevAndTestBar implements Bar {
I would expect that I need to create some kind of ambiguity resolver which would look something (vaguely) like this:
class EnvironmentalBeanAmbiguityResolver {
// set from configuration, read as a system environment variable, etc.
private Environment currentEnvironment;
public boolean canResolve(Object beanDefinition) {
// true if definition has the #Environmental annotation on it
public Object resolve(Collection<Object> beans) {
for (Object bean : beans) {
// return bean if bean #Environmental.values[] contains currentEnvironment
throw new RuntimeException(...);
One example of where this would be useful is we have a service that contacts end-users. Right now I just have a hacked together AOP aspect that before the method call to the "MailSender', checks for a "Production" environment flag and if it is not set, it sends the email to us instead of the users email. I'd like to instead of wrapping this in an AOP aspect specific to mail sending, instead be able to differentiate services based on the current environment. Sometime's it is just a matter of "production" or "not production" as I've demonstrated above, but a per-environment definition works too.
I think this can be reused for region too... e.g. #Regional and #Regional(Region.UnitedStates) and so on and so forth.
I'd imagine #Environmental would actually be a #Qualifier that way if you wanted to depend directly on something environmental you could (an #Environmental(Production) bean would likely depend directly on an #Environmental(Production) collaborator - so no ambiguity for lower level items --- same a #Regional(US) item would depend on other #Regional(US) items expiclitly and would bypass my yet-to-be-understood BeanAmbiguityResolver)
I think I solved this!
Consider the following:
public interface Ambiguity {
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(BeanDefinitionHolder holder);
public #interface Ambiguous {
Class<? extends Ambiguity> value();
public #interface Environmental {
public static enum Environment {
Development, Testing, Production
Environment[] value() default {};
public class EnvironmentalAmbiguity implements Ambiguity {
/* This can be set via a property in applicationContext.xml, which Spring
can use place holder, environment variable, etc. */
Environment env = Environment.Development;
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(BeanDefinitionHolder holder) {
BeanDefinition bd = holder.getBeanDefinition();
RootBeanDefinition rbd = (RootBeanDefinition) bd;
Class<?> bc = rbd.getBeanClass();
Environmental env = bc.getAnnotation(Environmental.class);
return (env == null) ? false : hasCorrectValue(env);
private boolean hasCorrectValue(Environmental e) {
for (Environment env : e.value()) {
if (env.equals(this.env)) {
return true;
return false;
public class MySuperDuperBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements
BeanFactoryPostProcessor, AutowireCandidateResolver {
private DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
private AutowireCandidateResolver defaultResolver;
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory arg)
throws BeansException {
if (arg instanceof DefaultListableBeanFactory) {
beanFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) arg;
defaultResolver = beanFactory.getAutowireCandidateResolver();
throw new FatalBeanException(
"BeanFactory was not a DefaultListableBeanFactory");
public Object getSuggestedValue(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
return defaultResolver.getSuggestedValue(descriptor);
public boolean isAutowireCandidate(BeanDefinitionHolder holder,
DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
Ambiguity ambiguity = getAmbiguity(descriptor);
if (ambiguity == null) {
return defaultResolver.isAutowireCandidate(holder, descriptor);
return ambiguity.isSatisfiedBy(holder);
private Ambiguity getAmbiguity(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
Ambiguous ambiguous = getAmbiguousAnnotation(descriptor);
if (ambiguous == null) {
return null;
Class<? extends Ambiguity> ambiguityClass = ambiguous.value();
return beanFactory.getBean(ambiguityClass);
private Ambiguous getAmbiguousAnnotation(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
Field field = descriptor.getField();
if (field == null) {
MethodParameter methodParameter = descriptor.getMethodParameter();
if (methodParameter == null) {
return null;
return methodParameter.getParameterAnnotation(Ambiguous.class);
return field.getAnnotation(Ambiguous.class);
Now if I have an interface MyInterface and two classes that implement it MyFooInterface and MyBarInterface like this:
public interface MyInterface {
public String getMessage();
#Environmental({ Environment.Testing, Environment.Production })
public class MyTestProdInterface implements MyInterface {
public String getMessage() {
return "I don't always test my code, but when I do, I do it in production!";
public class DevelopmentMyInterface implements MyInterface {
public String getMessage() {
return "Developers, developers, developers, developers!";
If I want to #Inject MyInterface I would get the same multiple bean definition error that one would expect. But I can add #Ambiguous(EnvironmentalAmbiguity.class) and then the EnvironmentalAmbiguity will tell which bean definition it is satisfied by.
Another approach would have been to use a List and go through them all seeing if they are satisfied by a given bean definition, this would mean that the dependnecy wouldn't need the #Ambiguous annotation. That might be more "IoC-ish" but I also thought it might perform poorly. I have not tested that.

Can I use inter-type declaration to add a property?

We have domain objects that extend an abstract base class to support a timestamp
abstract class TimestampedObject {
private Date timestamp;
public Date getTimestamp(){return timestamp;}
public void setTimestamp(final Date timestamp){this.timestamp = timestamp;}
But this clutters our hierarchy.
Could we use Spring AOP introductions or Aspectj ITDs to achieve this ?
An example right out of the AspectJ in Action book (from memory not tested) would go something like this:
public interface Timestamped {
long getTimestamp();
void setTimestamp();
public static interface Impl extends Timestamped {
public static aspect Implementation {
private long Timestamped.Impl.timestamp;
public long Timestamped.Impl.getTimestamp(){ return timestamp; }
public void Timestamped.Impl.setTimestamp(long in) { timestamp = in; }
//and then your classes would use it like this:
public class SomeClass implements Timestamped.Impl {
private void someFunc() {
long t = getTimestamp();
Not sure if the book had it that way or not but I usually create a separate Impl interface (as shown above) that just extends the main one so that some of my classes can implement timestamping differently without acquiring the ITD implementation. Like so :
public class SomeOtherClass implements Timestamped {
private long myOwnPreciousTimestamp;
public long getTimestamp() {
//Oh! I don't know should I give it to you?!
//I know, I will only give you a half of my timestamp
return myOwnPreciousTimestamp/2;
Yes, this is exactly what ITDs are for.
