What does ContainingType mean in java method reference - java-8

In Java Method References
ContainingClass::staticMethodName - means that a class can refer the static method (Reference to a Static Method )
containingObject::instanceMethodName - means that a class object is created first and then that object is used to refer the instanceMethod .
My doubt is
ContainingType::methodName - what does the ContainingType mean ?
Is ContainingType a predefined class in java like String or something else ?

Java Language Specification, §4.3. Reference Types and Values:
There are four kinds of reference types: class types (§8.1), interface types (§9.1), type variables (§4.4), and array types (§10.1).
Array type don't have static methods, so that doesn't apply to static method reference, but you can do the other 3:
class MyClass {
static void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
interface MyInterface {
static void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
class Test<T extends MyClass> {
void test() {
Runnable m1 = MyClass::doIt; // class type
Runnable m2 = MyInterface::doIt; // interface type
Runnable m3 = T::doIt; // type variable
Now that link is provided in a comment, it says:
Reference to a static method
Reference to an instance method of a particular object
Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type
Reference to a constructor
Here, again, ContainingType refers to any of the 3 reference types mentioned above: Class, Interface, and Type Variable.
You can then make a method reference for any instance method of such a type.
class MyClass {
void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
interface MyInterface {
void doIt();
class Test<T extends MyClass> {
void test() {
Consumer<MyClass> m1 = MyClass::doIt;
Consumer<MyInterface> m2 = MyInterface::doIt;
Consumer<T> m3 = T::doIt;

In the document you gave,there is a example of the ContainingType:
String[] stringArray = { "Barbara", "James", "Mary", "John",
"Patricia", "Robert", "Michael", "Linda" };
Arrays.sort(stringArray, String::compareToIgnoreCase);
and explains:
The equivalent lambda expression for the method reference String::compareToIgnoreCase would have the formal parameter list (String a, String b), where a and b are arbitrary names used to better describe this example. The method reference would invoke the method a.compareToIgnoreCase(b).
I think,the element of the stringArray dosen't have a name (eg: String s1 = "Barbara"),so you can't refer it by containingObject::instanceMethodName(eg:s1::compareToIgnoreCase). That's why it uses ContainingType.

I think your ContainingType::methodName is a general/common form of the 2 forms above...

Think about the below code. You can replace the <methodReference> width
InterfaceA::method (for ContainingType::methodName)
ClassA::method (for also ContainingType::methodName)
ClassB::instanceMethod (for ContainingObject::instanceMethodName) or
ClassB::staticMethod (for ContainingClass::staticMethodName)
to demonstrate the mentioned cases:
public class App {
interface InterfaceA {
String method();
static class ClassA implements InterfaceA {
public String method() {
return "ContainingType::methodName";
static class ClassB extends ClassA {
public String instanceMethod() {
return "ContainingObject::instanceMethodName";
public static String staticMethod(ClassB classB) {
return "ContainingClass::staticMethodName";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(((Function<ClassB, String>) <methodReference>).apply(new ClassB()));


Is DI to static field not good?

I have an issue with component bean that has static field in it.
And I did DI to static field to implement static method so that other class can call this method without DI to itself
Is this unnatural stuff? Just someone has doubt on this so..
I attached some code that shows what I want
public class CompWithStatic {
private static InjectedObj injectedObj ;
CompWithStatic(InjectedObj injectedObj ) {
CompWithStatic.injectedObj = injectedObj;
public static String doStaticA(String str){
//do something with injectedObj
return str + " method A ";
public static String doStaticB(String str){
//do something with injectedObj
return str + " method B ";
public enum EnumType {
ENUMA(str-> CompWithStatic.doStaticA(str)),
ENUMB(str-> CompWithStatic.doStaticB(str));
private Function<String,String> expression;
EnumType(Function expression) {
this.expression = expression;
public String doExpress(String str){
return expression.apply(str);
what I intended was each Enum case has dynamic method
so you can use it as like this
Please let me know if it's unnatural way!
Static fields are okay to some extend, typically constants within bean are defined as static final constants.
But static methods within bean are not at all recommended as this there is no participation of static methods in object which will not have any place in DI. (Although it shouldn't be an issue to have static methods within bean as these references will be replaced by Class during compilation time it self).

How java 8 evaluates internally when passing "pass a reference" to a method that matches the parameter list of abstract method?

I have been working with java 8 functional interfaces and I noticed something unusual when I started executing below code.
interface Carnivore{
default int calories( List<String> food)
System.out.println("=======line ABC ");
return food.size() * 100;
int eat(List<String> foods);
class Tiger implements Carnivore{
public int eat(List<String> foods)
System.out.println("eating "+ foods);
return foods.size();
public class TestClass {
public static int size(List<String> names){
System.out.println("======line XYZ ");
return names.size()*2;
public static void process(List<String> names, Carnivore c){
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> fnames = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
Tiger t = new Tiger();
process(fnames, t::eat);
process(fnames, t::calories);
process(fnames, TestClass::size ); // ----> this is where I am confused.
As you can see that static method process(List<String> names, Carnivore c) takes object type Carnivore. The method call process(fnames, TestClass::size ) works, and there's no compile time error, how is this possible? I'm not able to comprehend how internally this method call works. I was expecting an error because TestClass is not Carnivore.
The best answer I found: "You can either pass a Carnivore instance explicitly or pass a reference to a method that matches the parameter list of Carnivore's abstract method eat(List<String> foods)"
The part pass a reference to a method that matches the parameter list of abstract method is confusing to me.
Appreciated if experts help me understand what happens when process(fnames, TestClass::size ); is called.
Carnivore is a functional interface having a single abstract method int eat(List<String> foods);.
Therefore, any method that fits the signature of the eat method can be used to implement the interface.
public static int size(List<String> names) is such a method, since it takes a List<String> argument and returns an int. Therefore TestClass::size can be passed as an argument of type Carnivore, which is why process(fnames, TestClass::size); passes compilation.
BTW, Tiger does not have to implement the Carnivore interface for process(fnames, t::eat); to pass compilation, since the public int eat(List<String> foods) method also matches the signature of the functional interface's single abstract method.

Is reference to an instance method serializable in Java 8?

I want to know if reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type is serializable or not?
public class MyClass {
public void foo() {
public interface SerializableConsumer<T> extends Consumer<T>, Serializable {
and field is:
SerializableConsumer<MyClass> serializableMethod = MyClass::foo;
Assuming that SerializableFunction refers to a type that extends Serializable, the method reference will be serializable. There is nothing special about the particular type of method reference your are asking for.
Most notably, the “reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object” is not capturing any instance of MyClass, hence, the fact that MyClass isn’t Serializable is not important. It would be different if you were referring to an instance method of a particular instance like object::foo, as in that case, the object had to be serialized as well, which will fail at runtime, if its class doesn’t implement Serializable.
What will not work, is to refer to a void method as a Function of return type Void. I don’t know how your SerializableFunction<MyClass, Void> is defined, but if it is equivalent to Function<MyClass, Void>&Serializable, it will not work.
When you have an appropriate functional interface, serializing the method reference is no problem:
import java.io.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class MyClass {
public void foo() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Consumer<MyClass> consumer = (Consumer<MyClass>&Serializable)MyClass::foo;
byte[] serialized;
try(ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) {
Consumer<MyClass> deserialized;
try(ByteArrayInputStream bais=new ByteArrayInputStream(serialized);
ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(bais)) {
deserialized = (Consumer<MyClass>)ois.readObject();
deserialized.accept(new MyClass());
As said, references to a specific instance have to serialize the target instance, hence, depend on the serializability of that instance so
import java.io.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class MyClass {
public void foo() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Runnable runnable = (Runnable&Serializable)new MyClass()::foo;
byte[] serialized;
try(ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) {
Runnable deserialized;
try(ByteArrayInputStream bais=new ByteArrayInputStream(serialized);
ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(bais)) {
deserialized = (Runnable)ois.readObject();
will fail at runtime with a java.io.NotSerializableException: MyClass, unless you change MyClass to implement Serializable.
I know you can serialize a lambda expresion (as you can see here)
Now, what you want to do is only serialize a the variable by itself? or the method?... I don't know why, but I don't think you can. Maybe you can go for other way, like creates a lambda and serialize it, like in the post above:
Runnable r = (Runnable & Serializable)() -> System.out.println("Serializable!");

How do i find interfaces that are anyhow related to the class?

I have an issue, i need to list all the interfaces that are anyhow related to the class? –
For ex:
class Test : interface1
public int var1;
classA obj1;
classB obj2;
classC obj3;
class classA: interface2
testclass obj;
class classB: interface3
class classC: interface4
class testclass: testinterface
myinterface objInterface;
interface myinterface{}
My question is how do I list all the interfaces of class Test (it should return all the interfaces anyhow related to the class ex:. interface1, interface2 etc.,).
Anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance
With your current code (almost nothing public, fields instead of properties, etc...), you could do something like that :
var type = typeof(Test);
var interfaces = type.GetInterfaces().ToList();
.SelectMany(x => x.FieldType.GetInterfaces()));
this won't retrieve interfaces of public int var1, as it's... public.
This probably won't fit your exact needs, but without real code and real expected result, it's quite hard to give a better answer.
With recursion and your sample, in a console app :
private static void Main()
var type = typeof(Test);
var interfaces = type.GetInterfaces().ToList();
GetRecursiveInterfaces(type, ref interfaces);
private static IList<Type> GetFieldsType(Type type)
return type.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Select(m => m.FieldType).ToList();
private static void GetRecursiveInterfaces(Type type, ref List<Type> interfaces)
foreach (var innerType in GetFieldsType(type))
? new[] { innerType }
: innerType.GetInterfaces());
GetRecursiveInterfaces(innerType, ref interfaces);

Guice : Injection and the compiler

If I declare a method :
public Car makeCar(#Named("carClassName") String carClassName){
It seems that the compiler (eclipse) is unhappy (i.e. it won't let me call the class with no arguments).
How can I inject these parameters when I call this method , dynamically ? Is there a way to inject a call to a method ?
Solution 1: insert carClassName in the caller,
class Whatever {
private #Named("carClassName") String carClassName);
public void dosomething() {
Cat cat = makeCar(carclassName);
Solution 2: use a factory,
class CarFactory {
private #Named("carClassName") String carClassName);
public Car create() {
return makeCar(carClassName);
and inject it where needed.
