Single Cart multiple websites in Magento - magento

We have 5 websites (each with different store views and design) running on a single Magento installation (1.7) and all are set on different domains. Now we want to share the customer data and shopping cart across all 5 websites but it's not working. We have already set Persistent Shopping cart to true and Share Customer Accounts to Global but it's not working.
Any help in this regards will be appreciated.

You need to create 1 website, 1 store and 5 store view in it. Different theme/skin can be assigned at store view level.
For Product sharing issue. you can create 5 store and then each store have separate store view. On each store we can define separate root category.
In this way cart and customer data can be shared.

As suggested by Faisal, we should use 1 website, 1 store and multiple store views to share the cart content.
In our scenario, all store views were set to different domains thus cart sessions were not carried forward if customer wasn't logged in. To over come this, all we had to do was set "Cookie Path" to / in System > Configuration > Web > Session Cookie Management

I've made it different way and it works:
I have single installation with multple domains and store and single SSL
I have main web site where i have all products from my other websites and it set with SSL.
1. Share customers account between multi-store:
You can configure this feature here:
System -> Configuration -> Customer Configuration -> Share Customer Accounts ->Global
2.Share the cart content between Magento multi-store websites:
Magento uses separate cart sessions for each store. To use one website on the checkout session you need to modify the "Mage_Checkout_Model_Session" class.
Copy this file: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php
to: app/code/local/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php.
After that add the following source code to the class:
class Mage_Checkout_Model_Session extends Mage_Core_Model_Session_Abstract
public function getCheckoutStoreId()
return self::CHECKOUT_STORE_ID;
Change CHECKOUT_STORE_ID value "1" to your Magento store ID with all products ans SSL.
Next, find all such elements in the file:
and change them to:
And that is it!
Clear Magento cache and check your store. Now your Magento will use one cart for different multi-domain stores websites.
There are 3 limitations of this solution:
1. All prices in the cart will be from the store you selected (using CHECKOUT_STORE_ID). So if you have different prices for different stores it will not work in the cart.
2. The currency in the cart will be the same as in the store you selected.
3. The link for editing items in the cart will will not redirect customer to original cart website.


Magento 2 - Transfer cart items from API to web store

I am creating a complex shopping configurator app that allows a user to customize and visualize a product which consists of multiple store items. Once they confirm their purchase, I iterate and add all of the selected products to a guest cart using the .../rest/V1/guest-carts API endpoint.
I would now like to forward the user to the store checkout to continue the purchasing process from the web store, e.g. https://store.url/checkout/cart. Of course, that basket needs to be populated with the items that were added via the API. I've looked through the documentation but not been able to find
anything relevant but I wonder if I can pass over the store_id or the quote_id and the relevant products be inserted accordingly?
Not sure if this is still relevant for you but, I was also working on a similar problem and came across this plugin for Magento 2. Basically what this plugin does is use a customer's token and a quote_id and creates a temporary session on the Magento2 Store and then redirect the user to the checkout page. This was a starting point for me, as I had to customize this plugin further to suit my requirements.
Hope this helps.

Magento 1.9 multi stores with independent carts

Is it possible to have an independent cart for each store under a single Magento installation? Now I have created a site with 2 stores, but each store is sharing the single cart. How it is possible to have an independent cart for each of my stores.
An example site is
Go to General » Web » Session Cookie Management and play around with the cookie settings and each of your store views.
If the store view is in a path change the path setting to the path of the store view. If it's in a subdomain, change the cookie domain setting to the subdomain of the store view.

Manage Tags on store bases Magento

I have multiple stores in magento. I want to manage Tags on store bases. I add Tags from magento admin and change status to approved but not showing on frontend store.
My question is how to assign magento tags to particular store.
Check this :
You can assign to perticular stores like this. It will show only when you have multiple stores.
Remove your cache and try.
Refer this link :

how to set customer of one store should not be able to login to another store in magento in single website

I am using latest magento
I have two different stores in my site.
customer from first store should not be able to login to second store.
So,Want to set up store wise login for customers.How to set ?please help.
Unfortunately Magento only allows you to set "customer sharing" across the global and website scopes. The (maybe not so simple) solution would be to move your other store to a separate website instead of a separate store.
Found in System > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration:

Magento 1.7 - 2 stores with differnt domains sharing a cart?

I have successfully setup 2 stores with 2 different domains with Magento 1.7. I am unable to get them to share 1 cart, is there a trick to get this working? I have no been able to find any info on this for current versions of magento.
Thanks for your replies, one of magento's strengths is the ability to have multiple "stores" while sharing the same admin section, products, customers, ect. (I have this already set up). I just cant get the stores to "share" a cart. In my case I have 2 stores that do not share products, but need to share a cart, so you can add a product to the cart while being in one store then hop over to the other store while having that product still in your cart. is a good example of this happening with subdomains. I know the functionality is possible because of all the discussions / solutions out there for older versions of Magento. I can just not find a solution for the newer version.
Magento shopping carts (quotes) are linked to a single store. This is stored by the store_id column in the sales_flat_quote table of your database. By default you cannot share a shopping cart between stores.
Can you provide a clearer description of how your websites, stores and store views are configured? This information can be found in the admin under 'System > Manage Stores'.
