Change relationship segue order of appearance in WatchKit - xcode

Current storyboard looks like this:
The above picture shows segue from main screen to settings screen.
I still want the mainView to appear as initial interface controller. However, can I reorder the settings screen to appear left of the MainView instead of right. In other words, upon launching the app, MainView shows up first and upon swiping to the left the settings screen comes up from right. I want the settings screen to come from left upon swiping to the right.
Like this


macOS, changing the size of a view controller by dragging

The user clicks a button and I present a new viewController as show.
Inside that VC there is a AVPlayerView, the same size as the VC.
The app itself can change size if the user drags any of its corners but the VC displaying the movie cannot.
Why things like that that should work by default, don't work as expected? What can be done to make this work?
This is the main app.
I can drag its corners and make it bigger or small. I can click on the green semaphore and make it full screen and it works fine.
When I press the Help icon, this "window" appears. It is a viewController that was added the story board.
This cannot be scaled. It "appears" to be a window, because it contains a semaphore. I cannot scale this but I can make it full screen by the green semaphore.
Note: I have added the view to a WindowController and now when the user presses the Help button this window controller is launched and the video appears. No change. Video cannot be scaled.
Found the problem.
I had to add a window controller controlling that View Controller.
View controller was not resizing even after #1.
Then I found that I could not have
self.preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 940,height: 504)
inside awakeFromNib.
Now it works perfectly.
"The app itself can change size" –– what you're saying is that the window can be resized by the user.
"but the VC displaying the movie cannot" –– Again in this case, you're not trying to resize a view controller, you're trying to resize a window. The window contains your view controller.
The reason the window can't be resized is probably due to the layout constaints. I imagine there must be constraints somewhere in the view hierarchy which specifies that the video player (or some other view) has a specific width and height. Because it's a constant value, the window can't resize.

Create Back Button with Storyboards

I currently have 3 tabs connected to a common UITabBarController. When one of the tabs is selected the user is taken to a UITableView with 3 cells which can be selected. When a cell is selected the user is taken to a new page with a UINavigationBar at the top. My understanding is that the UINavigationBar is supposed to include some sort of back button and I couldn't figure out how to enable it.
In place of the default back button, I dragged a UIButton to the corner and connected it to the 'Show Detail' property of the previous view but when I press the UIButton I am taken to the right UITableView but the tabs are missing for navigation. What am I doing wrong? My segues look like this:
The UINavigationController has the back functionality. How to go back one view in UINavigationController?.
Here is some old tutorial on how to combine that with a tabbarcontroller. should still be the same principles.

Auto Layout view resizing frustrations when designing in Interface Builder

Problem: UIView size is "locked" when designing with Auto Layout in IB
I've uploaded a 20 second video that illustrates my problem, but let me describe it. You may recognize the project: it's right out of Apple's WWDC 2012 "Introduction to Auto Layout." I've got a simple iPhone view in Interface Builder where I've already got a button and label along the bottom. The next step is to add a UIView. Here's where things get ugly.
When I drag the UIView out of the palette in Interface Builder and onto the iPhone window, as soon as I let it go it seems to become locked in to its starting size. I place it in the upper left corner, and I'd like to drag it horizontally to the right side of the window, and vertically to where it will be up against (minus the padding) the button and label along the bottom. But, when I try to resize it, I cannot. It's stuck on its original size!
The video illustrating my problem is here:
You can see me grab the right edge of the view and try to pull it along to the right side of the window, but it won't expand. You can then see me move the entire view to the right side (it retains its size) and then try the opposite: grabbing the left side and trying to expand it so that it sizes up against the left side of the window. In both cases, the view is simply locked to its original size.
What gives! Auto Layout in Interface Builder is just the most frustrating thing. How do I resize a view by dragging? Thanks!
(Note: Xcode 4.6.3.)
In IB, in the series of buttons in the lower right hand corner, click on the rightmost button:
When you do, you'll see a "When resizing Views Apply Constraints To..." pop-up menu:
Make sure that "Siblings and Ancestors" is not checked.

How to use UIScrollView with ViewControllers from Storyboard

How would I use a UIScroll view (much like the main iPhone screen) with the page control at the bottom, pass UIViewControllers?
I have three UIViewControllers,that I would like the user to swipe back and forth. However these are already created in a Storyboard. I want the entry point to be the middle viewController and have the user wipe left and right to get to the 1st and 3rd view controller.
Am I right to assume that swiping is built into scroll view's with paging enabled?
Thanks in advance

Weird animations when navigating through views or reloading table view contents

I'm currently working on a MonoTouch application with a NavigationController, a root view with some ImageViews in it and some standard and customized/subclassed TableViews and TableViewCells. Some elements are located in xib files, others are code only.
Navigation and table contents itself work fine. However, I suffer some weird "animation" effects... I'm trying my best to describe them as good as possible.
When navigating back and forth on the navigation stack, each time a view appears, it looks like the items of that view are re-layouted. When navigating from a subview back to the root view, it's ImageViews start off at some location where they shouldn't be and slide to the right location.
TableViewCells "unfold/reveal" their content from top to bottom when appearing in the visible area, even when reloading without animation:
TableView.ReloadSections(new NSIndexSet(1), UITableViewRowAnimation.None);
Scrolling down the table, each cell seems to trigger it's own "unfolding" animation separately as soon as it becomes visible.
Scroll bars of TableViews slide from view to view.
For example, when tapping a cell that pushes another TableView on the stack:
- Parent table slides out to the left / sub-table slides in from the right (as it should)
- When sub-table has fully appeared, it's visible cells "unfold" from top (of the table) to bottom
- Finally, when this weird cell unfolding has finished, the scroll bar slides in from the left (where the parent table "is") to it's correct location on the right side. So it looks like it is reusing the scroll bar of the parent table.
When displaying the network activity indicator...
UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true;
... it appears where the network carrier name is (left-most on the status bar) and slides to it's intended location (next to signal strength indicator). The same happens to the "You are being located" arrow. When starting a LocationManager, the arrow appears on the carrier name and slides to the right.
All this animation and slide action is really irritating and distracting.
I checked on some other MonoTouch apps on the AppStore, none are suffering from this.
What have I done wrong with my application?
I'm really grateful for hints on what might cause this weird behavior and how to disable it.
I had this just today - I'd performed some animations in my app using
// and so on...
and it turns out I hadn't actually committed my animations (using:
ensuring I had called CommitAnimations() got rid of this behaviour!
