Create Back Button with Storyboards - xcode

I currently have 3 tabs connected to a common UITabBarController. When one of the tabs is selected the user is taken to a UITableView with 3 cells which can be selected. When a cell is selected the user is taken to a new page with a UINavigationBar at the top. My understanding is that the UINavigationBar is supposed to include some sort of back button and I couldn't figure out how to enable it.
In place of the default back button, I dragged a UIButton to the corner and connected it to the 'Show Detail' property of the previous view but when I press the UIButton I am taken to the right UITableView but the tabs are missing for navigation. What am I doing wrong? My segues look like this:

The UINavigationController has the back functionality. How to go back one view in UINavigationController?.
Here is some old tutorial on how to combine that with a tabbarcontroller. should still be the same principles.


Xcode Storyboard - Table View doesn't expand automatically when dragged in

In Xcode 7.3, when I drag in a Table View from the Object Library to the Storyboard for a single view app, it doesn't automatically expand to the full size of the view. I seen it do that in my Udacity class videos and in other videos on YouTube. Is there a setting in Xcode that will correct this? Thanks.
Yes, you need to "pin" the tableView at the ViewController. Am I right you have a simple ViewController and add a tableView to it?
Now, you need to open the Pin Menu and uncheck the checkbox "Constrains to margins". Now you add the constrains to the top, left, right and bottom to 0 and save it. Now the TableView should stretch the whole display.
If you only show a table in the ViewController you should use a UITableViewController.

How to show different views in same window in cocoa?

Is it possible to do navigation within the same window in a mac application ?(Like it is possible in ios apps).I want to show each view in the same window instead of opening different windows on a button click.
e.g When a user clicks a button then the next page should be loaded in the same window.(The next page will have nothing in common with the current page.)
You may use Tab View for easy switching between views on a same window.
You may also customize your tab view , make it tabless (In the attributes inspector set style to tabless) and use your buttons to switch between views.
You may take help from the following link :
You may add or remove subviews from your window on button clicks, using
[[yourWindow contentView] addSubview: yourSubview]; // Add subview to window
[yourSubview removeFromSuperview]; //Remove subview
Steps to swap between views using a tabless tab view.
Drag a NSTabView to your xib.
Set the no. of tabs in attribute inspector to no. of views you want.
Design each view of the tab as per your requirement.
Now in the attribute inspector of tabview, set style to tabless.
Now drag the buttons you want to use for swapping between views. Suppose Button0 and Button1 are for 1st and 2nd view of your tab view.
Create a IBOutlet for your NSTabView in your .h file. Bind it to the referencing outlet of you tabview.
IBOutLet NSTabView* tabview;
Set a IBAction for both your buttons in your .h class file.
In the button action method for button1, use
- (IBAction)button1clicked:(id)sender
[tab selectTabViewItemAtIndex:0];
Similarly in button2 action method use:
[tab selectTabViewItemAtIndex:1];
In this way you can have any no. of views and you may select any view on button click using
[tab selectTabViewItemAtIndex:(index of the view you want to load)];
In general you want to google for view swapping.
There are tons of examples out there. Some from Apple and lots elsewhere.
Much of it is very similar to iOS.
You need to read the docs a bit too.
Understand NSView and how to load views from nibs, how to create view objects in code, how to add a subview and how to remove a view.
There are many approaches to having different views for different reasons. The right approach is a combination of style, experience and what your app actually needs to do.
Cocoa includes NSBox, NSTabView, and lots of others. Those two can be configured to not display any visual indication that they are containers.
You will also need to understand at least a little about NSWindow to understand its content view (the root container of other views generally)

Standard Back Button in XCode (XIB)

I can't get the standard back button of iOS into a navigationBar because I can't find it in the Object Library, so can I do it with code or something else?
I just want the normal, standard, blue back button - you know which I mean.
To "automatically" have a back button you need first have a UINavigationController. Then you need to take a different UIViewController and add it as the root view controller in UINavigationController's init method:
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:someOtherViewController];
Be sure to also set a title for someOtherViewController, usually in it's viewDidLoad or initializer. I'll tell you why this is important in a second:
self.title = #"Some other VC";
Then take a second UIViewController and push it onto your navigation controller:
[navigationController pushViewController:anotherViewController animated:YES];
You now have two UIViewControllers on your navigation stack: someOtherViewController and anotherViewController.
Your view will now have a back button with "Some other VC" in it. This is the title of the view controller that was just moved out of view:
I would also suggest reading up on how UINavigationControllers work and searching this site a bit more for customizing the back button. There are plenty of threads about it.
You can't add the back button yourself. The back button is part of the Navigation controller. If you embed a Navigation controller into your view(s), the back button will appear and be populated by the name of the previous view.
If you're using storyboards select your view controller, then in top menu choose "editor" -> "embed in" -> "navigation controller".
Edit: Here is an exmaple.
I'm running Xcode 7.2. This was driving me crazy, but I figured it out. Here are all the pieces you need to make the Back button appear (make a test project to prove it):
1) You have to have a Navigation Controller and it has to be set to be the initial view controller. So add the Navigation Controller, you will import two tables. Click on the Navigation Controller and on the properties list, check the box that reads "Is Initial View Controller". You will now see and arrow pointing to this view.
2) In our case we want a ViewController and not the included / connected TableViewController, so delete the TableViewController (RootController) and add a new ViewController.
3) Connect the Navigation Controller to the new ViewController by clicking on the top bar of the Navigation controller and orange circle with the arrow pointing left. Hold the Control button on your keyboard down and click and drag from the orange circle to the ViewController and let go. When given the list of options on how to connect the two views, select 'root view controller'.
Done! Now you the functioning navigation bar and you automatically get the back arrow on all segues added. Test this. Add another ViewController and connect to it with a button on the existing ViewController. Use the Control-click-drag approach from the button to the newest ViewController. Select the 'show' option for the new segue you created.
Run it. You'll see the back option has automatically appeared when you click the button and moved to the newest ViewController.
This is all provided by the Navigation Controller, but only when you make another controller the RootController. Happy navigating!

I need to customize tabBar

In my project I have two Views with TabBar and I would like to customize each one with different images.
Can anyone know how to do this?
If you are wishing to customize the tabs in your tab bar, that can done by creating a UITabBarItem using the init method below and assigning it to the tabBarItem property of each navigation controller that goes into your tab bar controller. This will display the given titles and images on each tab.
navigationController.tabBarItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:#"title"
image:[UIImage imageNamedB:#"tabImage.png"]
Osvaldo, If you want two different backgrounds for the two different view controllers of your tab bar project you have a couple of options. But I would do the following. Grab a UIView from the object library and place one in each vc so that it fills the whole view. Next you can place UIImageViews in the UIView you just placed. Four in the one vc and five in the other. Place them and size them to however you wish. You then need to import the pictures you want to place in them. Drag the image files into the left pane, the project outline. Make sure you copy to destination so they are a part of your project. Next in the vc's click on the UIImageView that you want the picture in. On the right pane under attributes there will be a drop down menu called image. Select the image you want and it will appear in the storyboard in the vc. Do this for all the UIImageViews that you have. When on storyboards, you can pop out the storyboard outline. Make sure the UIImageViews are within the UIView. Then select the UIView in the outline and go up to the editor menu, and select arrange, send to back. It may be grayed out if the UIView was the only thing you had on the vc in the beginning. So now, this UIView will act as a background, and you can customize them to look like anything you like. Hope this helps, let us know how it goes. If it works, please accept my answer, any other questions, just ask.

How to use UIScrollView with ViewControllers from Storyboard

How would I use a UIScroll view (much like the main iPhone screen) with the page control at the bottom, pass UIViewControllers?
I have three UIViewControllers,that I would like the user to swipe back and forth. However these are already created in a Storyboard. I want the entry point to be the middle viewController and have the user wipe left and right to get to the 1st and 3rd view controller.
Am I right to assume that swiping is built into scroll view's with paging enabled?
Thanks in advance
