Weird animations when navigating through views or reloading table view contents - animation

I'm currently working on a MonoTouch application with a NavigationController, a root view with some ImageViews in it and some standard and customized/subclassed TableViews and TableViewCells. Some elements are located in xib files, others are code only.
Navigation and table contents itself work fine. However, I suffer some weird "animation" effects... I'm trying my best to describe them as good as possible.
When navigating back and forth on the navigation stack, each time a view appears, it looks like the items of that view are re-layouted. When navigating from a subview back to the root view, it's ImageViews start off at some location where they shouldn't be and slide to the right location.
TableViewCells "unfold/reveal" their content from top to bottom when appearing in the visible area, even when reloading without animation:
TableView.ReloadSections(new NSIndexSet(1), UITableViewRowAnimation.None);
Scrolling down the table, each cell seems to trigger it's own "unfolding" animation separately as soon as it becomes visible.
Scroll bars of TableViews slide from view to view.
For example, when tapping a cell that pushes another TableView on the stack:
- Parent table slides out to the left / sub-table slides in from the right (as it should)
- When sub-table has fully appeared, it's visible cells "unfold" from top (of the table) to bottom
- Finally, when this weird cell unfolding has finished, the scroll bar slides in from the left (where the parent table "is") to it's correct location on the right side. So it looks like it is reusing the scroll bar of the parent table.
When displaying the network activity indicator...
UIApplication.SharedApplication.NetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true;
... it appears where the network carrier name is (left-most on the status bar) and slides to it's intended location (next to signal strength indicator). The same happens to the "You are being located" arrow. When starting a LocationManager, the arrow appears on the carrier name and slides to the right.
All this animation and slide action is really irritating and distracting.
I checked on some other MonoTouch apps on the AppStore, none are suffering from this.
What have I done wrong with my application?
I'm really grateful for hints on what might cause this weird behavior and how to disable it.

I had this just today - I'd performed some animations in my app using
// and so on...
and it turns out I hadn't actually committed my animations (using:
ensuring I had called CommitAnimations() got rid of this behaviour!


ScrollView margins

I've been working with Xcode and Swift 3 for a couple of weeks and I keep encountering the same issue. When I have a UIScrollView with elements inside I always get a margin around the entire scroll view of about 20, this is even though all my constraints are set to 0 - so its pinned to all sides. I have copied code from various tutorials and read numerous StackOverflow posts but I just can't seem to sort this issue out.
My page is set out like this:
Scroll View (contraints: Align Centre X, trailing/leading/bottom/top spaces to the superview
Stack View (Child of the scroll, all constraints the same as above)
When I rotate the page it adjusts the size of everything perfectly using the auto layout stuff, but the margin is still there.
I have tried to manually adjust the size of the scroll view but whenever I run the app it makes no difference.
I am absolutely baffled how I can sort this issue.
A screenshot of my scrollview, more can be added if needed.
Double click on a constraint and it will open up the detailed view which shows the first item, relation and second item.
Click on "Superview.Trailing Margin" and untick "Relative to Margin"

Detail View on Storyboard too zoomed in - creates misaligned objects in simulator

I have perhaps a beginner's question but have not found any solutions addressing this specific problem after searching endlessly on stackoverflow and other forums.
My detail view in the storyboard appears to be too zoomed in. At this point, zooming in and out simply zooms in and out on the storyboard, but not the detail view specifically.
Indicators of this are that the alignment arrow to the left of my button is not positioned at half-latitude of the Detail View box, although when I align my button to this marker I do see a crosshair indicating that my button is "centered".
Detail View - Further Out
Upon simulation, it is apparent that using these crosshairs produces a run-time alignment far right and up from being centered. Where my button is currently placed seems to be in the center of the simulator screen but would like my guidelines to allow the button to be centered using the guidelines suggested.
Simulator View
A) How do I "zoom out" within the Detail View so I can see the entire screen in the detail view?
B) How can I center my object if the guidelines are inherently off-center?
Thank you so much for you advice and input.
Are you using constraints to keep the various controls in place etc...?
If not try:
Select all elements in the UI of the detail view. Click on an empty spot somewhere in the View and press CMD + A.
Click on resolve auto layout issues at the bottom right of the Nib editor. (it's the right most icon)
Click on Clear Constraints
Click on resolve auto layout issues again, then Reset to Suggested Constraints
From here, tweak your constraints as per the UI you're working with i.e. iPhone, iPad and whatever orientation it's in etc...
I forgot to mention how I fixed the "too zoomed-in" problem.
In the storyboard controller, on the left navigator panel, within the file inspector, I simply unchecked "Use Size Classes" within the Interface Builder Document section. My view controller changed into a normal iPhone shape and everything finally fit into place.

OS X App - Cannot Resize App Window

I have an OS X app originally built using Xcode 4, now using Xcode 7. When "springs-and-struts" was superseded by constraints, I reworked the UI to use constraints. Simple enough, and seemed to work well.
Fast forward two years after first release, and for the second release I needed to add controls and increase the height of the main app view. Unfortunately, my test team is using smaller screens and cannot see the whole view. They need to resize vertically.
Problem - even though the resize controls box is checked, the window cannot be resized. The controls do not show at run time. I tried
Setting lower minimum window content size height, but that did not change anything.
Changing content compression resistance did not change anything.
I am thinking this issue has something to do with constraints.... Any ideas on how to get resize to work?
Edit: After playing with a new test app some, I am more certain the problem is due to constraints. I have a control where I have constrained leading and trailing space to superview and width - there went horizontal resize.
I really need to have a view where the user can resize the window, but scroll the content. However, in this case, the content is other controls. I think on iOS, I would use a UIScrollView. On OS X, I have tried a scroll view control and have tried embedding in a scroll view, and neither have the desired effect.
I had the same issue and solved it by adding a view to be used as a "container" in the view controller.
Pin the top left corner of the "container view" to the view controller (leading space 0 and top space 0). Add equal width and height constraints on the "container view" to the view controller. Then move all your objects into the "container view" and add your object constraints on the "container view" not the view controller.
In my case, it happened in this way (Xcode 13.1).
I mistakenly added a view from IB outside of the window view hierarchy. The new view was added as a separated object (a top node in the interface builder file). I added the new view into the window by drag-n-drop.
I found the new view had different behaviours, for example, I couldn't set the top space constraint. With this view in the view hierarchy, I couldn't change the window size (content view size) at all.
I removed the view and added another in the view hierarchy, it worked as normal.
I think IB initialises the view differently if it is a separated object (top node of the interface builder file).

NSTrackingArea in tableview issue

I have set up my table view to work kinda like the Twitter app meaning when you hover over each row icons will appear on the right side and when leaving the row they will disappear. I coded it based upon this:
mouseExited isn't called when mouse leaves trackingArea while scrolling
The very strange thing is I have a checkbox on each row (along with other text fields, etc.) and when clicking the checkbox it causes the icons for that row to jump to the next row. Clicking the checkbox again will cause them to jump to the next row. This repeats until the icons jump to the last visible row then they will jump to the first visible row and keep repeating this behavior. And it happens only sometimes. :-/ I tried to figure this out but nothing is even being called when this happens meaning no call to tracking areas or mouse entered/exited nothing. Does this make any sense at all and maybe considering I'm trying to recreate how Twitter does it did I code it wrong?

SplitView not resizing NSTableView in subview correctly

I have a 10.6 app that I am building on Lion with Xcode 4.3
There is a horizontal split view in the main view, containing the following:
The top view contains an NSSearchField with an NSTableView below it.
The bottom view contains a WebView.
I have it working, but when I resize the split view the top view behaves oddly.
What I want to happen is for the search field to remain where it is, the tableview to remain where it is, but to expand if the split view is dragged down. If dragged up, I want the webview to overwrite the search field and table view.
You can see what I mean in this clip:
This keeps the things in the right place when I drag up, but doesn't expand the table when I drag down. The view is expanded, but not the table.
So, I changed the autosizing constraint on the table view / scroll view to make it expand when the view is resized. This is what happens:
When the split bar is moved upwards the table view is moved upwards inside the top view until it overwrites the search field. It doesn't move back when the bar is moved back down.
I cannot find a way to make this work by changing the autosizing constraints. This is usually pretty easy stuff, so either I'm missing something obvious or...?
Has anyone seen this behaviour before when creating SL apps on Lion with Xcode 4.3?
FYI, if I replicate this in a new 10.7 project using auto-layout everything works fine.
When you allow an NSSplitView to make one of its subviews very small so that the subviews effectively overlap you get layout issues and this is one of the reasons that Apple introduced auto-layout (watch the WWDC video about auto-layout and I think they demo this problem near the beginning).
If I were you I'd set a minimum size for the top pane so that, for example, it stops resizing when it is 100px high. You can then allow it to collapse so that the user can still show just the WebView.
