gammu-smsd RunOnReceive on delivered - gammu

I would like to get information about DeliveredStatus update for sms. The problem is that implementing RunOnReceive directive does not include information about which SMS is this message for. It's containing only "Delivered" message without any detailed information.
Is it possible to include somehow message ID in RunOnReceive directive? Or is there any other way to get information about message delivery status changed?

Not yet, but there is a pull request to do that.


Message sent by Microsoft Teams bot is not displayed in the conversation

I have tried to send MS Teams bot message request via rest api:
End point:{conversation id}/activities
And got empty response:
The message i sent did not appear in the conversation.
Any idea where i could have misconfigured?
It is possible that trustServiceUrl needs to be run before a message is sent, i can't find equivalent rest api to call.
You definitely do need call trustServiceUrl before sending the message. In addition, you need to have additional properties on your activity, like the destination user or tenant id. Please refer to the documents on this, and good starting places are here and here.

user receiving same message twice from Skype bot

I was trying to send skype-bot message to skype-user using REST API in nodeJs, but user receives bot-message two times of that single message. I am sending the message with HTTP POST request only single time using a single activityId. Is there any way to control duplicate messages? what can be the reason behind this?
I have gone through this Receiving the same message twice
Can anyone please like to help finding the issue?
[No sdk or other library is used ]
I have found the issue. I was subscribing redis to read message and deliver to user. I found that it was happening twice[one in my app uploaded to server and another in my local machine]. Now resolves. Thanks !

Get Message Without History From Gmail API

I'm using the Gmail RESTful API directly (not from some library).
Looking at the documentation here Gmail Documentation.
I have managed to get the content of the message body, however it also returns the whole history chain for the current message.
Is there a way to get a response from the API only the requested message body, without the whole thread history?
According to this thread, it is not possible because it is part of the email's body content and you're specifying the ID of the message to retrieve.
You are getting the full reply message. When the report replied, they quoted the original message and this the text of the original is in the reply message. You may just want to do what Gmail and many other modern emails apps do and collapse/hide any reply text which begins with >.
How to get the reply message without the original message from the Gmail API
GMAIL API : How to get the reply without the original message
Most efficient way to get new messages

Clickatell - API access to billing log?

I need to be able to access a log of all SMS that were sent. Is there a way to do this via their HTTP API? I haven't had much luck finding anything that reference this in their docs.
There is a feature called 'callbacks' that can send an HTTP request to your server for every message you send. It will give you status updates about the message and the message charge. This allows you to build up whatever form of custom reporting that you may want.
You send your message with the callback parameter... And you specify your URL to receive callbacks on your API connection on the website.
Unfortunately, you can't access reporting features like that via API. You need to log in to your central dashboard to get that information.
You can, however, query the message status if you have the message ID, but I don't think that's quite what you're looking for.
(Disclosure: I work for Clickatell)

Unable to get delivery notification using Wire2air API

I am using wire2air api for sending bulk sms and polling. but unable to get the delivery status for SMS.
I also have a look out their documentation here
but unable to find any help from it.
also for replypath parameter in APi it is mentioned that "ONLY available in advance developer API."
So also not able to know what advance developer APi. is do i need to purchase different plan for it.
Any help on this is Appreciated.
In order to get real-time delivery status from wire2air, you would need to implement their real-time delivery reports webservice. You should contact wire2air support, to activate the feature. If you're using a shared short code, Replypath is only used for receiving replies back to your server, this allow end users to reply to text message without using keyword.
