Spring Boot WebSocket Questions - stomp

I am new to Spring framework, now I chose it for a new project.
The project is actually an online consulting application. when a customer chooses to query by open page window, A consulting engineer will be assigned to him(many to one). to sum up, this app requires the following considerations.
1- anonymity connections for customer and authentication for consulting engineers.
2- one engineer can serve several customers at a time.
3- the way to assign customer could be configured.
4- WebSocket session should remain open while HTTP session expired.
so I have two questions:
for 1-3 items, I am not sure if I should choose STOMP or plain WebSocket in Spring. it seems STOMP is more advanced but more likely to fit a general messaging requirement (topics, subscriptions ... etc). WebSocket in another hand is simpler and more flexible. I wonder which one is better in this consulting application?
for point 4, session expired. google result suggests spring-session. but I can only found its tutorial about integration spring-session with STOMP. if WebSocket is the better choice, how can I integrate spring-session with Plain WebSocket?

When you talk about websocket you have to have in mind that it is a simple and "raw" communication protocol without many defined message controls. If you choose to use plain websocket you should be able to authenticate using basic authentication [1]. In this case, your websocket connection, once opened, will stay open and working indefinitely.
But it's also up to you to control the message flow, deciding how to specify the target for each message. That's where STOMP should help you.
Using STOMP you could define "channels" to which customers and consulting enginners would "subscribe" to and begin communication. And you could also send private messages using the "Principal" from an authenticated Spring Security session.
So, answering your points:
1- anonymity connections for customer and authentication for
consulting engineers.
It is possible to define multiple endpoints within Spring Websocket configuration [2]. You could try to request authentication with only one of the endpoints using a implementation of ChannelInterceptorAdapter.
2- one engineer can serve several customers at a time.
Using the definition of channels, with the help of STOMP, you could subscribe the enginner in multiple channels, each for one customer... Or use private messages between them.
3- the way to assign customer could be configured.
I'm not sure what you meant... But it should be easy to assign a customer to a "channel".
4- WebSocket session should remain open while HTTP session expired.
The HTTP session is only used in the initial process, to connect to the websocket. After that the websocket will remain open or, if you use SockJS for fallback, the HTTP session will be constantly renewed.
I have coded an example of websocket server and client using Spring API. It's not exactly what you need, but I think it'll give a good idea.


Can we replicate a HTTP SESSION idea in a MQTT architecture?

Roughly speaking a HTTP SESSION is a kind of secret that the server sends to the client (ex browser) after user's credentials is checked. This secret is passed trough all subsequents HTTP requests and will identify the user. This is important because HTTP are stateless - source.
Now I have a scenario where there is a communication between a machine and a MQTT broker inside the AWS-IoT core. The machine displays some screens. The first screen is the login and password.
The idea here is that after the first screen, IF the credentials are validated, the server should generate a "session" and we should send this "session" across the screen pages. The machine should send this "SESSION" in all subsequent messages and the server must to validate this string before any action. This is a request created by an electrical engineering team.
Me, in the software development side it seems that make no sense since all machines to be connected in the AWS IoT-Core broker (MQTT) must to use a certificate - with is the validation already.
Beside of that, the MQTT broker offers the SESSION persistence capabilities. I know that the SESSIONs (QoS 0/1) in the broker side are related to idea of confidence of delivery and reception of a message.
That being said is it possible to use session persistence in MQTT to behavior like a sessions in HTTP in order to identify users across screens in devices? If yes how?
No, HTTP Session concept is not in any way similar to the MQTT session. The only thing held in a MQTT clients session is the list of subscribed topics, a HTTP session can hold arbitrary data.
Also MQTT messages hold NO information about the user or even the client that published the message when it is delivered to the subscriber, the ONLY information present is the message payload and the topic it was published to.
While MQTTv5 adds the option to include more metadata, trying to add the concept of users sessions is like trying to make a square peg fit in round hole.
If you want to implement something as part of the message payload then that is entirely up to you, but it is nothing to do with the transport protocol.

Elixir websocket/channel basic usage

I'm working on a PoC of a system where a mobile app client needs to be connected on a server with communications going both ways : either for updating the server or being updated by it. There is no client-to-client communications for the moment.
The client logs in the server via an HTTPS/POST method and gets back a token if the credentials are OK. This token is to be used by any further communication in order to authenticate the user. The reason why I'm using HTTPS for logging in is that there also is a web interface for other purposes.
I could not find a tutorial or documentation that explains how to implement this use case with channels based on websocket transport. All I found so far are either partial and focus on some specific aspects (eg authentication, setting SSL/TLS, etc) and assume the reader already knows the rest or are the over simplified implementations of the chat app. I'm sure I'm not looking at the right place...
My questions are:
What would be the list of callback to implement this use case on
either side
On the server: how does a process send notifications to the
NB: I'm using Elixir 1.5.1 and Phoenix 1.3
From the Phoenix guide:
Each Channel will implement one or more clauses of each of these four callback functions — join/3, terminate/2, handle_in/3, and handle_out/3.
The page I linked contains also an MCVE of sockets running on Phoenix. In the bottom there are examples of how the server-client communication is done.
The only thing to apply this to your use-case would be to use one of authentication libraries (e.g. Überauth that comes with great examples) to handle token on each subsequent connection request.

Is there a Spring WebSocketSession repository?

I'm building out a Spring 4.2 based, WebSocket + SockJS + STOMP server, and I'd like to be able to get a reference to the WebSocketSession instance using the ws sessionId.
I can create a session manager myself by adding a WebSocketHandlerDecorator that registers new WebSocketSession's as their connections are established (and de-register's on close), but... this seems like something that Spring would already have created in the app context.
Does such a bean/service exist already?
Some background:
My main use case is a security concern. I am performing authorization on a per STOMP message basis, and an unauthorized message should result in the closure of the associated WS. I can intercept the messages and perform authorization, but at the moment I can't get a reference to the WebSocketSession in order to close it.
Second use case; after a successful web socket connection is made, my protocol expects a STOMP CONNECT within X seconds, or again I need to close the underlying WS connection. This one is slightly more interesting since it is asynchronous/timed and doesn't have any natural context like a message interceptor has.
All thoughts and suggestions appreciated.
Indeed, Spring's SubProtocolWebSocketHandler class maintains a sessionId to WebSocketSession map, but all access to that map is private.
There is support for tracking Users, Sessions, and Subscriptions at the STOMP level. This was added in version 4.2 and isn't documented in the chapter on WebSockets. (It's mentioned as a bullet point under "what's new".)
There is a SimpUserRegistry interface which provides the ability to get a user by name or a set of all users. These are SimpUser instances, which expose access to that user's sessions as a SimpSession either by a session id or as a set of all sessions for that user. From that you can obtain a set of SimpSubscription instances that represent STOMP subscriptions.
Per the javadoc, this should also work in a clustered (relay broker) environment.
Note for future readers, the SimpUserRegistry assumes that you've authenticated a user at the HTTP level, and that said user is defined by the request Principal. If you find yourself with an empty user registry, even though you have good STOMP connections, then you may not be authenticating the way the code wants.
See the last section of authentication under web sockets:
Note that even though the STOMP CONNECT frame has "login" and
"passcode" headers that can be used for authentication, Spring’s STOMP
WebSocket support ignores them and currently expects users to have
been authenticated already via HTTP.
All of the above still preclude access the the underlying web socket session, with it's close() method. I suspect my adoption on WebSocket's is a bit early, and that what I'm seeing is good support at the upper layer protocol (STOMP) level, but less fully fleshed out support for customization at the lower Web Socket layer.
I'm still looking for a way to affect the lower level Web Socket connection based on upper level activity, like non-authorized messages or failure to CONNECT after a TTL.

What are the available options when developing a decoupled, high scalable web application with server pushed events?

I would like to see if someone can clarify me some concepts I still don´t get about integration of web applications. Up until now, I´ve been working with CometD and Activemq in a project that´s been there for several years but, for what I´ve seen, there are other options out there much more simpler and supported by the community but I still don´t get the whole picture of options available.
So, for what I understand, at the moment, the most common way of getting server pushed events to a client is using websockets. The implementation is server specific and the most used one seems to be the Jetty one. But, because it requires a websocket compatible browser, there are some frameworks that are able to provide websockets and fall to reverse ajax techniques in case this is not an option, like SockJS, that has an implementation for client and for server side. Based on this, as of spring 4 there are templates that allow you to use SockJS behind the scenes and just provide the client implementation of the code using SockJS and letting the programmer to handle the server side in a more easy way.
Apart from this, brokers can understand the websocket protocol so a broker can receive a message from a web browser and then send a message back directly. There is also the STOMP protocol that brokers also implement that allows the system to send/receive messages through websocket to/from the web browser.
One question I have about this is, is STOMP the protocol always used by the broker to send or receive a message to or from a web browser? Or is just one alternative? What is the difference if it´s the later?
Yet another option I´ve seen is using a framework like camel. In this case, the web browser would talk to the websocket component of camel and from there it could be routed directly to the broker using jms. The benefit I see on this is the possibility of introducing processors as part of the route from the browser to the broker, allowing further security processing and reducing the traffic the broker would have to handle in case of not valid/unauthorized messages. Camel would even be able to listen to messages using the STOMP component what would be yet another routing option.
So, to this point, I don´t know if my understanding is correct or if I miss or misunderstand something. If everything is right, it seems that using a framework like SockJS is the best option available at the moment. The use of Spring 4 to simplify things is an option but not really necessary. If the project requires the integration of different systems using a jms broker, the implementation then falls to use SockJS to send messages to the server side and then just route the messages to the correct system. But at this point, there are the options mentioned before like using camel to route the messages or directly send messages to the broker. What would be the best option, or what would be the differences? If I add STOMP to the problem, what does this protocol give me that I can´t handle just with websockets or camel?
I hope I made myself clear. I think this topic includes several technologies and frameworks and it´s quite difficult to express all my concerns without extending the post to much.
Thanks in advance.
In a nutshell, if you want messaging semantics, you should use a messaging protocol such as STOMP. WebSockets sure can handle communication to browsers just fine, but that's just "any custom communication".
The system design may be cleaner if you design around the convention of topics and messaging. The server backend processes can easily push data to a topic that is propagated to all clients, ideally with no further customization.
Aside from STOMP, there is a similar protocol, MQTT which also can run over websockets. A chat demo is provided by ActiveMQ distribution. MQTT is very hot in the Machine2Machine world "internet of things", but I have used it with success in web-deployments too. MQTT should, at least in theory, run pretty good, with low overhead in phone apps, should you ever consider writing one side by side with your website. Then it can be good to use a single setup to communicate "push" data with your clients. Otherwise, your app may have used MQTT, your browser app would have used plain websocket, your backend would have needed another way to pass async events to clients (via some Camel router or similar) and so forth.

Websockets (Socket.io) and authentication/authorization

I'm giving socket.io a whirl and I'm curious as to what I should and shouldn't be doing with websockets.
For example is there a way to authenticate a websocket (include id in every message perhaps?)? Let's say I'm creating a 'google docs' like app in which people can create new documents. Should I be using AJAX to create new documents instead of websockets? That way I can use the standard HTTP transport layer to do all of the user authorization (checking session, etc) and then simply ping back the page with a websocket event. Curious as to how people handle situations like this.
I would recommend using AJAX wherever you do not absolutely need web sockets. Web sockets end up creating more load on the server side (socket.io will take care of fallbacks in case web sockets & flash sockets are not available). In short, use web sockets where you need to maintain that state/connection to the client.
If you wish to use web sockets, using cookies with socket.io would be one approach that would allow you to keep track of your sessions. If not using socket.io right away, you can send req.sessionID (key) to the client, store the session information in Redis/Mongo etc. When the socket.io connection is attempted, read the cookie value & send it to the server - where you can get the session store information. There may be issues if you use flash sockets as one of the fallbacks.
Hope this helps.
