Can we replicate a HTTP SESSION idea in a MQTT architecture? - session

Roughly speaking a HTTP SESSION is a kind of secret that the server sends to the client (ex browser) after user's credentials is checked. This secret is passed trough all subsequents HTTP requests and will identify the user. This is important because HTTP are stateless - source.
Now I have a scenario where there is a communication between a machine and a MQTT broker inside the AWS-IoT core. The machine displays some screens. The first screen is the login and password.
The idea here is that after the first screen, IF the credentials are validated, the server should generate a "session" and we should send this "session" across the screen pages. The machine should send this "SESSION" in all subsequent messages and the server must to validate this string before any action. This is a request created by an electrical engineering team.
Me, in the software development side it seems that make no sense since all machines to be connected in the AWS IoT-Core broker (MQTT) must to use a certificate - with is the validation already.
Beside of that, the MQTT broker offers the SESSION persistence capabilities. I know that the SESSIONs (QoS 0/1) in the broker side are related to idea of confidence of delivery and reception of a message.
That being said is it possible to use session persistence in MQTT to behavior like a sessions in HTTP in order to identify users across screens in devices? If yes how?

No, HTTP Session concept is not in any way similar to the MQTT session. The only thing held in a MQTT clients session is the list of subscribed topics, a HTTP session can hold arbitrary data.
Also MQTT messages hold NO information about the user or even the client that published the message when it is delivered to the subscriber, the ONLY information present is the message payload and the topic it was published to.
While MQTTv5 adds the option to include more metadata, trying to add the concept of users sessions is like trying to make a square peg fit in round hole.
If you want to implement something as part of the message payload then that is entirely up to you, but it is nothing to do with the transport protocol.


WebSocket client disconnect due to network loss doesn't get intercepted by Spring server

I have an application in which clients use websockets to connect to a server which is running Spring Boot Tomcat.
My question is if there is a way for the server to detect a client disconnect due to a network loss.
if you are using stomp , check SessionDisconnectEvent.
For raw Websocket connections, you can use :
I have searched before for this and the solution I was able to find was to implement a ping-pong mechanism between the server and the clients.
For example, each few seconds send a dummy message to the client on a specific topic and receive back another dummy reply, if you didn't get a reply for a configured period you can consider the client disconnected.
As mentioned here,
STOMP and Spring also allow us to set up topics, where every
subscriber will receive the same message. This is going to be very
useful for tracking active users. In the UI, each user subscribes to a
topic that reports back which users are active, and in our example
that topic will produce a message every 2 seconds. The client will
reply to every message containing a list of users with its own
heartbeat, which then updates the message being sent to other clients.
If a client hasn't checked in for more than 5 seconds (i.e. missed two
heartbeats), we consider them offline. This gives us near real time
resolution of users being available to chat. Users will appear in a
box on the left hand side of the screen, clicking on a name will pull
up a chat window for them, and names with an envelope next to them
have new messages.

Moving from to raw websockets?

Right now I'm using with mandatory websockets as the transport. I'm thinking about moving to raw websockets but I'm not clear on what functionality I will lose moving off of Thanks for any guidance.
The library adds the following features beyond standard webSockets:
Automatic selection of long polling vs. webSocket if the browser does not support webSockets or if the network path has a proxy/firewall that blocks webSockets.
Automatic client reconnection if the connection goes down (even if the server restarts).
Automatic detection of a dead connection (by using regular pings to detect a non-functioning connection)
Message passing scheme with automatic conversion to/from JSON.
The server-side concept of rooms where it's easy to communicate with a group of connected users.
The notion of connecting to a namespace on the server rather than just connecting to the server. This can be used for a variety of different capabilities, but I use it to tell the server what types of information I want to subscribe to. It's like connection to a particular channel.
Server-side data structures that automatically keep track of all connected clients so you can enumerate them at any time.
Middleware architecture built-in to the library that can be used to implement things like authentication with access to cookies from the original connection.
Automatic storage of the cookies and other headers present on the connection when it was first connected (very useful for identifying what user is connected).
Server-side broadcast capabilities to send a common message to either to all connected clients, all clients in a room or all clients in a namespace.
Tagging of every message with a message name and routing of message names into an eventEmitter so you listen for incoming messages by listening on an eventEmitter for the desired message name.
The ability for either client or server to send a message and then wait for a response to that specific message (a reply feature or request/response model).

The theory of websockets with API

I have an API running on a server, which handle users connection and a messaging system.
Beside that, I launched a websocket on that same server, waiting for connections and stuff.
And let's say we can get access to this by an Android app.
I'm having troubles to figure out what I should do now, here are my thoughts:
1 - When a user connect to the app, the API connect to the websocket. We allow the Android app only to listen on this socket to get new messages. When the user want to answer, the Android app send a message to the API. The API writes itself the received message to the socket, which will be read back by the Android app used by another user.
This way, the API can store the message in database before writing it in the socket.
2- The API does not connect to the websocket in any way. The Android app listen and write to the websocket when needed, and should, when writing to the websocket, also send a request to the API so it can store the message in DB.
May be none of the above is correct, please let me know
I already understood why I should use a websocket, seems like it's the best way to have this "real time" system (when getting a new message for example) instead of forcing the client to make an HTTP request every x seconds to check if there are new messages.
What I still don't understand, is how it is suppose to communicate with my database. Sorry if my example is not clear, but I'll try to keep going with it :
My messaging system need to store all messages in my API database, to have some kind of historic of the conversation.
But it seems like a websocket must be running separately from the API, I mean it's another program right? Because it's not for HTTP requests
So should the API also listen to this websocket to catch new messages and store them?
You really have not described what the requirements are for your application so it's hard for us to directly advise what your app should do. You really shouldn't start out your analysis by saying that you have a webSocket and you're trying to figure out what to do with it. Instead, lay out the requirements of your app and figure out what technology will best meet those requirements.
Since your requirements are not clear, I'll talk about what a webSocket is best used for and what more traditional http requests are best used for.
Here are some characteristics of a webSocket:
It's designed to be continuously connected over some longer duration of time (much longer than the duration of one exchange between client and server).
The connection is typically made from a client to a server.
Once the connection is established, then data can be sent in either direction from client to server or from server to client at any time. This is a huge difference from a typical http request where data can only be requested by the client - with an http request the server can not initiate the sending of data to the client.
A webSocket is not a request/response architecture by default. In fact to make it work like request/response requires building a layer on top of the webSocket protocol so you can tell which response goes with which request. http is natively request/response.
Because a webSocket is designed to be continuously connected (or at least connected for some duration of time), it works very well (and with lower overhead) for situations where there is frequent communication between the two endpoints. The connection is already established and data can just be sent without any connection establishment overhead. In addition, the overhead per message is typically smaller with a webSocket than with http.
So, here are a couple typical reasons why you might choose one over the other.
If you need to be able to send data from server to client without having the client regular poll for new data, then a webSocket is very well designed for that and http cannot do that.
If you are frequently sending lots of small bits of data (for example, a temperature probe sending the current temperature every 10 seconds), then a webSocket will incur less network and server overhead than initiating a new http request for every new piece of data.
If you don't have either of the above situations, then you may not have any real need for a webSocket and an http request/response model may just be simpler.
If you really need request/response where a specific response is tied to a specific request, then that is built into http and is not a built-in feature of webSockets.
You may also find these other posts useful:
What are the pitfalls of using Websockets in place of RESTful HTTP?
What's the difference between WebSocket and plain socket communication?
Push notification | is websocket mandatory?
How does WebSockets server architecture work?
Response to Your Edit
But it seems like a websocket must be running separately from the API,
I mean it's another program right? Because it's not for HTTP requests
The same process that supports your API can also be serving the webSocket connections. Thus, when you get incoming data on the webSocket, you can just write it directly to the database the same way the API would access the database. So, NO the webSocket server does not have to be a separate program or process.
So should the API also listen to this websocket to catch new messages
and store them?
No, I don't think so. Only one process can be listening to a set of incoming webSocket connections.

JMS / MQ confidentiality between clients

I'm designing a system where one server must send messages to lots of independent clients. The clients doesn't know about each other and should not be able to consume, peek or in any other way acquire knowledge about each others messages.
I therefore wonder if JMS / ActiveMq have the ability to control which clients get which messages?
I want all the clients to connect to the same JSM provider (the 'destination') and consume only messages meant for them. This would be a simple setup from the servers point of view.
An alternative would be to acquire webservice endpoints from all the clients and perform ws-calls every time the server have a message for a client. I think this alternative sound 'wrong' as I think ws calls are bloated. There is a great overhead for each ws call, and this server would have to make 1000's of call each day. In my opinion this would be suboptimal for the server...
Short answer: Use Message selector.
Detail answer:
The question doesn't mention about how conversation is initiated. So here my answers for both scenarios.
a) If client initiates the conversation (i.e. Client sends a message to server and waiting for a reply).
This is a request/reply scenario. Messaging/JMS is a decoupled communication system. But request/reply is a common pattern in JMS. It can be implemented using correlation pattern.
A unique identifier(correlation id) is sent part of the request message.
Server receives the message and sets the correlation id in the reply message.
Client uses Message selector to receive the message with the correct correlation id.
b) If server initiates the conversation (i.e. Server sends messages to the clients without client request).
In this case, similar approach can be used.
A fixed client id is assigned to each client.
Server maintains all client ids and sets client id of the recipient as correlation id of the message.
Client uses Message selector to receive the message which has correlation id equals to its client id.
Update about confidentiality.
Following info extracted from this link useful for you to understand JMS security.
JMS does not specify a security
contract or an API for controlling
message confidentiality and integrity.
Security is considered to be a
JMS-provider-specific feature. It is
controlled by a System Administrator
rather than implemented
programmatically or by the J2EE server
Two major features of JMS security are Authentication and Authorization. According to my knowledge, JMS security for client access is focusing on protecting the JMS destinations (not the individual messages). As long as a client has access to a destination, the security role assigned to the client is applicable for all the messages belongs to the destination.
Based on this,
Solution 1: If the client code is controlled by a trusted party.
Follow my solutions in my original answer.
This will make sure the message is delivered to the right person. But will not protect anything if the client code is purposely modified to receive all messages.
Solution 2: Assign private destination and user account to each client and configure security such that user account of a client can access only its destination.
Note: Found a link about "Restrictions for message selectors to provide message level authorization". But I think it is a vendor specific custom feature.
Hope this will be helpful.

How would I create an asynchronous notification system using RESTful web services?

I have a Java application which I make available via RESTful web services. I want to create a mechanism so clients can register for notifications of events. The rub is that there is no guarantee that the client programs will be Java programs and hence I won't be able to use JMS for this (i.e. if every client was a Java app then we could allow the clients to subscribe to a JMS topic and listen there for notification messages).
The use case is roughly as follows:
A client registers itself with my server application, via a RESTful web service call, indicating that it is interested in getting a notification message anytime a specific object is updated.
When the object of interest is updated then my server application needs to put out a notification to all clients who are interested in being notified of this event.
As I mentioned above I know how I would do this if all clients were Java apps -- set up a topic that clients can listen to for notification messages. However I can't use that approach since it's likely that many clients will not be able to listen to a JMS topic for notification messages.
Can anyone here enlighten me as to how this problem is typically solved? What mechanism can I provide using a RESTful API?
I can think of four approaches:
A Twitter approach: You register the Client and then it calls back periodically with a GET to retrieve any notifications.
The Client describes how it wants to receive the notification when it makes the registration request. That way you could allow JMS for those that can handle it and fall back to email or similar for those that can't.
Take a URL during the registration request and POST back to each Client individually when you have a notification. Hardly Pub/Sub but the effect would be similar. Of course you'd be assuming that the Client was listening for these notifications and had implemented their Client according to your specs.
Buy IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries). Best IBM product ever. Not REST but it's great at multi-platform integration like this.
We have this problem and need low-latency asynchronous updates to relatively few listeners. Our two alternative solutions have been:
Polling: Hammer the list of resources you need with GET requests
Streaming event updates: Provide a monitor resource. The server keeps the connection open. As events occur, the server transmits a stream of event descriptions using multipart content-type or chunked transfer-encoding.
In the response to the RESTful request, you could supply an individualized RESTful URL that the client can monitor for updates.
That is, you have one URL (/Signup.htm, say), that accepts the client's information (id if appropriate, id of object to monitor) and returns a customized url (/Monitor/XYZPDQ), where XYZPDQ is a UUID created for that particular client. The client can poll that customized URL at some interval, and it will receive a notification if the update occurs.
If you don't care about who the client is (and don't want to create so many UUIDs) you could just have separate RESTful URLs for each object that might want to be monitored, and the "signup" URL would just return the correct one.
As John Saunders says, you can't really do a more straightforward publish/subscribe via HTTP.
If polling is not acceptable I would consider using web-sockets (e.g. see here). Though to be honest I like the idea suggested by user189423 of multipart content-type or chunked transfer-encoding as well.
