What are the available options when developing a decoupled, high scalable web application with server pushed events? - websocket

I would like to see if someone can clarify me some concepts I still don´t get about integration of web applications. Up until now, I´ve been working with CometD and Activemq in a project that´s been there for several years but, for what I´ve seen, there are other options out there much more simpler and supported by the community but I still don´t get the whole picture of options available.
So, for what I understand, at the moment, the most common way of getting server pushed events to a client is using websockets. The implementation is server specific and the most used one seems to be the Jetty one. But, because it requires a websocket compatible browser, there are some frameworks that are able to provide websockets and fall to reverse ajax techniques in case this is not an option, like SockJS, that has an implementation for client and for server side. Based on this, as of spring 4 there are templates that allow you to use SockJS behind the scenes and just provide the client implementation of the code using SockJS and letting the programmer to handle the server side in a more easy way.
Apart from this, brokers can understand the websocket protocol so a broker can receive a message from a web browser and then send a message back directly. There is also the STOMP protocol that brokers also implement that allows the system to send/receive messages through websocket to/from the web browser.
One question I have about this is, is STOMP the protocol always used by the broker to send or receive a message to or from a web browser? Or is just one alternative? What is the difference if it´s the later?
Yet another option I´ve seen is using a framework like camel. In this case, the web browser would talk to the websocket component of camel and from there it could be routed directly to the broker using jms. The benefit I see on this is the possibility of introducing processors as part of the route from the browser to the broker, allowing further security processing and reducing the traffic the broker would have to handle in case of not valid/unauthorized messages. Camel would even be able to listen to messages using the STOMP component what would be yet another routing option.
So, to this point, I don´t know if my understanding is correct or if I miss or misunderstand something. If everything is right, it seems that using a framework like SockJS is the best option available at the moment. The use of Spring 4 to simplify things is an option but not really necessary. If the project requires the integration of different systems using a jms broker, the implementation then falls to use SockJS to send messages to the server side and then just route the messages to the correct system. But at this point, there are the options mentioned before like using camel to route the messages or directly send messages to the broker. What would be the best option, or what would be the differences? If I add STOMP to the problem, what does this protocol give me that I can´t handle just with websockets or camel?
I hope I made myself clear. I think this topic includes several technologies and frameworks and it´s quite difficult to express all my concerns without extending the post to much.
Thanks in advance.

In a nutshell, if you want messaging semantics, you should use a messaging protocol such as STOMP. WebSockets sure can handle communication to browsers just fine, but that's just "any custom communication".
The system design may be cleaner if you design around the convention of topics and messaging. The server backend processes can easily push data to a topic that is propagated to all clients, ideally with no further customization.
Aside from STOMP, there is a similar protocol, MQTT which also can run over websockets. A chat demo is provided by ActiveMQ distribution. MQTT is very hot in the Machine2Machine world "internet of things", but I have used it with success in web-deployments too. MQTT should, at least in theory, run pretty good, with low overhead in phone apps, should you ever consider writing one side by side with your website. Then it can be good to use a single setup to communicate "push" data with your clients. Otherwise, your app may have used MQTT, your browser app would have used plain websocket, your backend would have needed another way to pass async events to clients (via some Camel router or similar) and so forth.


ActiveMQ - Stomp over websockets - Same Origin Policy

I have a process that runs in California that wants to talk to a process in New York, using Stomp over Websockets.
Also note that my process is not a web app, but I implemented a stomp over websocket client in C++, in order to connect things up to my backend. Maybe this was or wasn't a good idea. So, I want my client to talk to the server and subscribe, where their client pushed messages.
I was implementing my own server when I saw that ApacheMQ supported Stomp over Websockets. So, I started reading the docs.
It says with the last line under 'configuration' at
http://activemq.apache.org/websockets :
One thing worth noting is that web sockets (just as Ajax) implements ? > the same origin policy, so you can access only brokers running on the > same host as the web application running the client.
it says it again in several related searches such as http://sensatic.net/activemq/activemq-54-stomp-over-web-sockets.html
Is this a limitation of the server or the web client?
With that limitation, if I understand right, the server is not going to accept websocket connections from a client, of any kind, that is not on the same machine?
I am not sure I see the point of that...
If that is indeed its meaning, then how do I get around it in order to implement my scenario?
I've not found that bit of documentation you are referring to but from what I know of the STOMP implementation on the broker this seems incorrect. There shouldn't be any limit to the transport connector accepting connect requests from an outside host by default and I don't think the browser treats the websocket requests the same as it does other things like an Ajax case in terms of the same origin policy.
This probably a case that is best checked by actually trying it to see if it works, I've connected just fine from outside the same host using AMQP over websockets on ActiveMQ so I'd guess the STOMP stack should also work fine.

What is the relationship between vert.x, sockJS, and websockets?

I'm extremely new to all of this, but from my understanding, websockets allow for a bidirectional transfer of information between browsers. Vert.x is a library that allows for asynchronous I/O. And sockJS is a JavaScript library that attempts to use websockets for communication, and provides fallback options otherwise.
But if I'm writing something in Java using vert.x, I don't quite understand how the pieces fit together. Does vert.x actually support websockets? Or do I need a combination of vert.x and sockJS to make that happen?
HTTP(s) is a stateless protocol, which means that once its job is done it will be idle till the next job is given.
So lets take an example of chat application, assume A is chatting with B using HTTP protocol. B has sent a message which is in server, now until A refreshes the browser, B's message will not appear. That's stateless behavior.
Coming to sockets, which is not stateless. Sockets use ws protocol which is always connected to the server. Taking the same example, now if B sends a message, A's socket will fetch and display to the browser, without the need to refresh. That's how sockets work.
To serve a webpage you need an http server. Similarly to use sockets, sockets server is needed. Which is provided by Vert.x. So Vert.x will start socket server, your browser will listen to that server using clientside sock.js file.

ServiceStack MessageQueue on Moible devices using Xamarin

I'm new to ServiceStack and want some validation on a pattern we're thinking about using.
We want to use ServiceStack with Xamarin and Message Queues. While I understand how REST works under the covers, I'm not sure how the Message Queues on ServiceStack work and if its appropriate for mobile devices.
Specifically we know that all mobile devices are essentially behind a NAT firewall setup by the Telco. Meaning Clients can talk to servers, but servers cant talk directly to clients, without the client talking first.
While the concept of a ServiceBus is designed specifically to handle this case, i'm not sure if its "mobile network friendly".
I would assume that the client side implementation, would need to work in one of two ways: polling, blocking get.
Polling would have the client side frequently runing a Http GET to ask the server if anything is available on a queue. A Blocking Get would, perform a Http GET but have the server return nothing until data is ready. Or is there another technique that i'm missing?
If it is a poll, is there any way to control the Poll frequencies in service stack. If its a blocking get how is this configured..
What happens when the app goes to the background, do we need to cancel the connections manually. etc.etc.
We tool an old version of the ServiceStack client library and ported them to xamarin. We now see that the latest ServiceStack client side library is Xamarin compatible.
So, basically my question is: Had anyone used Message Queues from a Xamarin Mobile to ServiceStack with RedisMQ or other server side message queue.

STOMP or XMPP - Over websocket

I am working on a project which involves real time chat (messaging, including group chats).
I have worked with websockets before, So I started working on this using spring-websockets and I did some reading about what is the best way to implement it. Then I came across STOMP (as a sub-protocol for websockets)and as there is direct support for STOMP in spring it was bit easy to achieve what I was supposed to do.
But my doubt is as far as my understanding STOMP and XMPP are similar protocols(messaging protocols) but I could not find any questions/blogs where the differences are explained and why somebody would prefer one over another?
It will be really helpful if somebody explains how these two protocols differ?
Thank you.
As the successor of Jabber, XMPP is more focused on instant messaging instead of STOMP. XMPP is an extensible protocol and could be used for other purposes, but there are plenty of built-in mechanism and implementations regarding IM. STOMP offers a more general mechanism and "message" here refers a broad meaning.
Let's say you choose STOMP for your project. Then you will probably need to define basic messages for certain scenarios (peer-to-peer, group chat) which are already offered by XMPP.
To compare two protocols;
STOMP message is carried as plain text (as its name indicates) whereas XMPP is structured as XML.
STOMP connections can be established via TCP or WebSockets. XMPP supports TCP or HTTP (WebSocket standard is also propopsed).
In Java world, Spring has the ability to talk STOMP and it's very easy to implement. However, XMPP support can be added by adding 3rd Party APIs (i.e. Smack)

Is there a Socket.IO alternative that is not based on WebSockets?

I built a realtime application that, thanks to Socket.IO, can serve a lot of different client types (C#, Java, Browser, ...)! I know that there are a lot of Socket.IO alternatives, but from my understanding, everything is more or less based on WebSockets. (I know that Socket.IO has fallbacks if WebSockets are not working, but that they are more less "inferior workarounds" so to speak...)
My question is: Is there any comparable real-time engine available that is NOT based on WebSockets, but can still serve all those different clients?
You don't say what your endpoints are. If one of the endpoints is a browser with purely the built-in capabilities of the browser and Javascript, then a webSocket is your only way to get a continuous connection from the browser to some other destination.
If a webSocket is not supported (in an older browser), then the other socket.io fallbacks (such as xhr-long-polling) are the next best alternatives. As the browser has limited communication capabilities, if you can't use a webSocket, then an ajax call is your only other generally supported option without requiring plug-ins on each browser (such as Flash or Java or something like that). socket.io already supports the next-best options that are available in a browser - you can't do better than that if you're talking about a standard browser with no custom plug-ins.
If your endpoints don't necessarily include a browser and you can use any language or library you want, then you can use plain TCP sockets and then use whatever protocol you want over a TCP socket.
The WebSocket protocol establishes a bidirectional communication channel between server and client; they kind of speak more naturally with each other. The server can just send something to the client and the other way around. In http it just goes in one direction, there's a request and a response and everything needs to be initiated with a request from the client.
From my experience, realtime webApps like a multiplayer game or a chat become easier to develop and it apparently creates less overhead than using http - but still you can do the same things more or less elegant with http as well (see e.g. long polling).
Look at gmail or other existing webApps, they all use http (so does Socket.io as a fallback) and it works quite well.
