Creating a loop with curl -F argument - bash

I have this bash script code:
for f in $FILES
curl -F dir="#/home/user/Downloads/asd;$f" -F Match=3 -F "Name=DrKla" \
-F countNo=1 -F outputFormat=json ""
Inside the asd folder there are 6 files and I want them to be uploaded 1 by 1 with this code as an argument of -F "dir=#...."
When I run my code I get the error:
Warning: skip unknown form field: /home/user/Downloads/asd/
curl: (43) A libcurl function was given a bad argument
Here is a working version of the code for a single file:
curl -F dir="#/home/user/Downloads/asd/count.txt" -F Match=3 -F "Name=DrKla" \
-F countNo=1 -F outputFormat=json ""
So I want to have all the files in asd folder to be read and uploaded like this. I don't see what's wrong with my do loop.

The issues appear to be that you only give a path, not a reference to all files in the path * and there is a strange semi-colon ; in your path:
for f in $FILES
curl -F dir="#$f" -F Match=3 -F "Name=DrKla" \
-F countNo=1 -F outputFormat=json ""
I'm not sure what the # is for or if it is needed, but $f should already contain the path.


How to get list of the files in a folder in gitlab-ci

I am trying to create a pipeline in gitlab-ci. my problem is that when I run ls command I can see my files, but when I use for condition, I cannot find same files. any suggestion?
- set -vux
- ls ./dist/*
- |
for file in ./dist/*; do
if [ -f ${file} ]; then
'curl -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api: $ARTIFACTORY_PW" -XPUT "$ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE_TAG" -T dist/$file'
- package-build
my output is like this:
$ ls ./dist/*
ls ./dist/*
++ ls ./dist/ ./dist/my_proj- ./dist/ ./dist/ ./dist/file3.json ./dist/file4.json
echo $'\x1b[32;1m$ for file in ./dist/*; do # collapsed multi-line command\x1b[0;m'
++ echo '$ for file in ./dist/*; do # collapsed multi-line command'
$ for file in ./dist/*; do # collapsed multi-line command
for file in ./dist/*; do
if [ -f ${file} ]; then
export ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE_TAG=${MY_REPO}/$(basename ${file})/$IMAGE_VERSION
'curl -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api: $ARTIFACTORY_PW" -XPUT "$ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE_TAG" -T dist/$file'
++ for file in ./dist/*
++ '[' -f ./dist/ ']'
+++ basename ./dist/
++ 'curl -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api: $ARTIFACTORY_PW" -XPUT "$ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE_TAG" -T dist/$file'
/scripts-11718-6374270/step_script: line 239: curl -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api: $ARTIFACTORY_PW" -XPUT "$ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE_TAG" -T dist/$file: No such file or directory
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
Update 1: according to the error I am receiving, I think in my curl command system cannot file the file. but why I am not sure?
Simple syntax mistake.
The error says there is No such file or directory.
line 239: curl -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api: $ARTIFACTORY_PW" -XPUT "$ARTIFACTORY_IMAGE_TAG" -T dist/$file: No such file or directory
An experiment.
Let's run these three commands in your terminal.
The first one
'touch love and peace'
The result is in bash
-bash: touch love and peace: command not found
The result is in zsh
zsh: command not found: touch love and peace
A terminal recognizes the single-quoted string as a command in the first command.
The second one
'touch /'
The result is in bash
-bash: touch /: No such file or directory
The result is in zsh
zsh: no such file or directory: touch /
A terminal recognizes the single-quoted string with the slash as a file in the second command.
The third one
without a single quote.
touch love and peace
The result is
and love peace
If you intend to run the curl command in every loops,
Just remove the single quotes.
The solution
for file in ./dist/*; do
if [ -f ${file} ]; then
It seems like the problem is that you are not listing the files in your for statement. Try:
for file in `ls ./dist/*`; do
echo "act on $file"

How to expand a filename inside a curl request

I need to do a curl upload with a file where I don't know the exact file name.
-F \"status=2\"
-F \"notify=1\"
-F \"ipa=#${FILE}\"
-F \"teams=${TEAM_ID}\"
-H \"X-HockeyAppToken: ${APITOKEN}\"${APPVERSION}/app_versions/upload"
This is done in gitlab-ci and the FILE variable is set to build/com.test.app_v*.ipa. The file I want to upload has a version number set and has the path build/com.test.app_v1.0.0.0.ipa. The problem I have now is that the * does not get expanded inside this curl call. I've tried it with an export before:
- "curl
-F \"status=2\"
-F \"notify=1\"
-F \"teams=${TEAM_ID}\"
-H \"X-HockeyAppToken: ${APITOKEN}\"${APPVERSION}/app_versions/upload"
Still I'm gettin an error curl: (26) couldn't open file "build/com.test.app_v*.ipa" How can I expand the path to an absolute path before my curl upload?
With realpath command:
-F \"ipa=#$(realpath $FILE)\"

Windows curl Batch file

I want to make a mailgun curl call using windows batch file. Since windows shell doesn't support multiple lines, how can I execute the below curl function in windows batch file?
curl -s --user 'api:key-xxxxxxxxxx' \ \
-F from='user <>' \
-F to='user <>' \
-F subject='Hello' \
-F text='body!' \
-F attachment=#test.txt \
When I tried to execute the command after removing the multiple lines it returned this error:
curl -s --user 'api:key-xxxxxxxxxx' -F from='user -F to='user -F subject='Hello' -F text='body!' -F attachment=#test.txt 0< 1>'
The system cannot find the file specified.
PS: The attachment file is in the same directory
simply on one line and put the <> redirection char between " or escape it with ^:
curl -s --user 'api:key-xxxxxxxxxx' -F from="user <>" -F to="user <>" -F subject='Hello' -F text='body!' -F attachment=#test.txt
You can also create variable for each element :
set "$ApiKey=api:key-xxxxxxxxxx"
set "$Url="
set "$"
and then
curl -s --user '%$ApiKey%' %$Url% -F from="user <%$From%>" -F to= ....

How to get the file size on Unix in a Makefile?

I would like to implement this as a Makefile task:
# step 1:
curl -u username:password -X POST \
-d '{"name": "new_file.jpg","size": 114034,"description": "Latest release","content_type": "text/plain"}' \
# step 2:
curl -u username:password \
-F "key=downloads/octocat/Hello-World/new_file.jpg" \
-F "acl=public-read" \
-F "success_action_status=201" \
-F "Filename=new_file.jpg" \
-F "AWSAccessKeyId=1ABCDEF..." \
-F "Policy=ewogIC..." \
-F "Signature=mwnF..." \
-F "Content-Type=image/jpeg" \
-F "file=#new_file.jpg" \
In the first part however, I need to get the file size (and content type if it's easy, not required though), so some variable:
{"name": "new_file.jpg","size": $(FILE_SIZE),"description": "Latest release","content_type": "text/plain"}
I tried this but it doesn't work (Mac 10.6.7):
$(shell du path/to/file.js | awk '{print $1}')
Any ideas how to accomplish this?
If you have GNU coreutils:
FILE_SIZE=$(stat -L -c %s $filename)
The -L tells it to follow symlinks; without it, if $filename is a symlink it will give you the size of the symlink rather than the size of the target file.
The MacOS stat equivalent appears to be:
FILE_SIZE=$(stat -L -f %z)
but I haven't been able to try it. (I've written this as a shell command, not a make command.) You may also find the -s option useful:
Display information in "shell output", suitable for initializing variables.
For reference, an alternative method is using du with -b bytes output and -s for summary only. Then cut to only keep the first element of the return string
FILE_SIZE=$(du -sb $filename | cut -f1)
This should return the same result in bytes as #Keith Thompson answer, but will also work for full directory sizes.
Extra: I usually use a macro for this.
define sizeof
$$(du -sb \
$(1) \
| cut -f1 )
Which can then be called like,
$(call sizeof,$filename_or_dirname)
I think this is a case where parsing the output of ls is legitimate:
% FILE_SIZE=`ls -l $filename | awk '{print $5}'`
(no it's not: use stat, as noted by Keith Thompson)
For the type, you can use
% FILE_TYPE=`file --mime-type --brief $filename`

How to tell curl to check file existence before download?

I use this command to download a series of images:
curl -O --max-time 10 --retry 3 --retry-delay 1[0-100].jpg
Some images are corrupted, so I delete them.
for i in *.jpg; do jpeginfo -c $i || rm $i; done
How to tell curl to check file existence before download?
I can use this command to prevent curl override existing images:
chmod 000 *.jpg
But I don't want to re-download them.
If the target resource is static, curl has an option -z to only download a newer target copy.
Usage example:
curl -z image0.jpg
An example for your case:
for i in $(seq 0 100); do curl -z image$i.jpg -O --max-time 10 --retry 3 --retry-delay 1$i.jpg; done
No idea about doing it with curl, but you could check it with Bash before you run the curl command.
for FILE in FILE1 FILE2 …
if [[ ! -e $FILE ]]; then
# Curl command to download the image.
