Ruby Shoes execute another ruby program - ruby

I've got a small shoes (3.3.3) program and a small ruby console program with selenium (3.4.4).
If I open the selenium console program directly everything works fine, but if I want to open it via "exec("")" through shoes, it breaks and closes.
I thought the error is the webdriver, so I've written a simple console program with some easy "puts" output and shoes displays the console and the output.
The thing is... the selenium program worked yesterday and I can't find the problem, why it doesn't now.
The simplified shoes code looks like this: 200, height: 200, resizable: false){
button("GO", width: 200) do
exec('ruby data/test.rb')
Here comes the simple selenium-webdriver code named "test.rb":
require 'selenium-webdriver'
Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS.driver_path =
browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :phantomjs
wait = => 15)
wetterElement = browser.find_element(:id, "wrap-forecast-feed")
#wetterData = wetterElement.text.gsub(/\n/, ',').split(",")
puts #wetterData[1]
Shoes gives me the following error message for a few msecs before it breaks:
So I looked it up, and found this code snippet:
def assert_file(path)
return if File.file? path
raise Error::WebDriverError, "not a file: #{path.inspect}"
def assert_executable(path)
return if File.executable? path
raise Error::WebDriverError, "not executable: #{path.inspect}"
I really have no idea...
Thank you in advance.

Got it ...
The folder with the shoes app was UTF-8 formatted. Simply changed the name and it worked.


Launching Sinatra at Terminal stays blank

I was trying to run Sinatra and Ruby in my MacBook, and all was working fine. Then, suddenly, I tried again and it just stays like this:
I can't access to localhost or anything. I don't know what to do. I've been researching for hours. Please, help me.
This is what my ruby code looks like:
require 'sinatra'
gets '/ejemplo1' do
puts 'Hello World'
Seems to be a typo. Should be get and not gets.
require 'sinatra'
get '/ejemplo1' do
puts 'Hello World'
Additional info:
gets in ruby is a way to get user input:
name = gets
puts "Your name is #{name}"
Like mentioned by #Norly Canarias you should use get for routing in sinatra. Moreover if you use puts statement in get block it will print only in terminal when you run your code not in webpage when you access localhost. Correct way to make it display in webpage is given below
require 'sinatra'
get '/ejemplo1' do
'Hello World'

'Headless' browser still opening up FireFox in script, which in turn does not work in cron job. Why?

I wrote this bit of code to be called in a script that runs on a cron job, knowing it has to be a headless browser to be ran in a cron job, i found Headless. It sounds like a wonderful gem to do exactly what i want it do to, the only problem is it still opens up FireFox when I run the code.
I thought the whole point of headless was to not have to access the display and run in the background, like :phantomjs. Am I missing something or did I mistake what the headless gem is supposed to accomplish? (P.S. at bottom about when i tried to use :phantomjs)
#encoding: utf-8
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'headless'
#log into admin dashboard
headless =
browser = Watir::Browser.start '' =>'/html/body/div/div/div/div/a')
browser.text_field(:id => 'Email').when_present.set ''
browser.button(:id => 'next').click
browser.text_field(:id => 'Passwd').when_present.set 'password'
browser.button(:id => 'signIn').click
browser.goto ''
#browser is at dashboard to grab yesterday's numbers
code that grabs data
#closes browser after grabbing data
#send timestamp
current_time =
puts "Screen grabbed at " + current_time.inspect + "\n\n"
#puts all data into array then outputs array split on each metric's title
dailyreportdata = [my glorious array of data]
dailyreportdata.each_slice(2) { |x|
puts x.join
My script runs to completion, but the data doesnt appear so I am guessing that it fails over when it tries to load the browser, thus loading no data to grab and send to my file.
My script look like this:
_now=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")
ruby dailyreportscraper.rb > ~/dailyscrape_$_now.txt
if I run it outside of the cron job, it works just fine.
P.S. - I tried phantomjs but every time it got to the "Enter Email" field, it would time out on waiting for the element to appear - it is a google login so maybe there is something to do with that, I even tried using the xpath as well.
Thanks for the help!
Call headless.start after you do headless =
And make sure you are running Xvfb.

Can't get File Tail working

Out of curiosity I tried file-tail ruby library to see how it works with ruby code. But, the code doesn't seem to be working.
Here is what I tired(logger.rb):
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
filename = 'logger.log'
require "file-tail" do |log|
log.interval = 10
log.tail { |line| puts line }
My logger.log file is in the same directory. Now, when I run: $ ruby logger.rb I see the last 10 lines from my log, but when I open logger.log file append some log data to it, the console doesn't show any progress. I mean it doesn't output the new log I appended.
I thought there may be in an issue with this. So, I tried inheriting and including the File::Tail in the inherited class, like this:
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
filename = 'logger.log'
require "file-tail"
class FileTail < File
require "file-tail"
include File::Tail
log =
log.interval = 10
log.tail { |line| print line }
However this behaves the same way!!
Any pointers?
I am running on MAC OC X 10.8.5 with ruby-2.0.0-p353 installed.
Also, please let me know if anybody has implemented web version of tail in Ruby?
My Bad. This works when I closed all streams of my logger file. I'd opened the file in my ruby code but, didn't close the file stream. Maybe that's why I didn't see any log output on my console using the file-tail.
So, make sure you close all streams of the log/text file you're running with file-tail program.

how to write selenium ruby webdriver test results from Ruby terminal to output files

Currently, I'm running all selenium scripts in my test suite (written by Selenium Ruby Webdriver) at one time by using rake gem in "Start Command Prompt with Ruby" terminal.
To do this I have to create a file with name "rakefile.rb" with below content and just call "rake" in my terminal: (I have known this knowledge based on the guide of a person in my previous post how to export results when running selenium ruby webdriver scripts to output files from command prompt ruby window).
task :default do
$stdout ='console.out', 'w')
$stdout.sync = true
FileList['test*.rb'].each { |file|
ruby file
puts "The following tests reported unexpected behavior:"
puts "#{file} \n"
However, I do not know how to modify "rakefile.rb" to be able to export the content of executing each failed tests (that being displayed on my Terminal) to each output file ? It means that I expect the content of executing each my script will be written to output files instead of displaying on my Ruby terminal (ex: when I'm running the test script "test_GI-1.rb", then the content of executing this script will be written to an output file "test_GI-1.rb.out" instead of showing in my Terminal.
I modified my "rakefile.rb" to something like ruby file >> test.rb.out, but it does not work at all (this thing only works when I type directly the thing like ruby test.rb >> output.out on my Ruby Terminal). Anybody please guide me a way. Thanks so much.
I have not tried this out, but I guess this should work
task :default do
FileList['test*.rb'].each { |file|
system("ruby #{file} > #{file}.log")
puts "The following tests reported unexpected behavior:"
puts "#{file} \n"
Based on new requirements -
task :default do"console.out", "w")
FileList['test*.rb'].each { |file|
system("ruby #{file} > #{file}.log")
logfile.puts("The following tests reported unexpected behavior:")
logfile.puts("#{file} \n")

Geektool and TextMate Error

I am giving myself little projects during the winter break, and am trying to write little geektool scripts I can use for my desktop. I wrote this for ruby and it works in terminal, but when I run it in textmate I get a host is down error, and when I place it in geektool it will not run.
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
def fetch_xml()
def parse_xml()
source = Nokogiri::XML(fetch_xml)
location = source.xpath("//yweather:location")
condition = source.xpath("//item//yweather:condition")
forecast = source.xpath("//item//yweather:forecast")
[location[0]['city'], location[0]['region'], condition[0]['temp'].to_i, condition[0]['text'], forecast[0]['high'], forecast[0]['low']]
def display_weather()
result = parse_xml()
print "#{result}\n"
It runs in terminal and gives me the correct output: ["Houston", "TX", 64, "Cloudy", "69", "63"]
But like I mentioned earlier, it will not run within textmate, and nothing shows up in geektool. Thanks in advance for any help.

