Launching Sinatra at Terminal stays blank - ruby

I was trying to run Sinatra and Ruby in my MacBook, and all was working fine. Then, suddenly, I tried again and it just stays like this:
I can't access to localhost or anything. I don't know what to do. I've been researching for hours. Please, help me.
This is what my ruby code looks like:
require 'sinatra'
gets '/ejemplo1' do
puts 'Hello World'

Seems to be a typo. Should be get and not gets.
require 'sinatra'
get '/ejemplo1' do
puts 'Hello World'
Additional info:
gets in ruby is a way to get user input:
name = gets
puts "Your name is #{name}"

Like mentioned by #Norly Canarias you should use get for routing in sinatra. Moreover if you use puts statement in get block it will print only in terminal when you run your code not in webpage when you access localhost. Correct way to make it display in webpage is given below
require 'sinatra'
get '/ejemplo1' do
'Hello World'


How do some files not execute when required in irb?

If I have file.rb:
puts "Hello, World"
then in irb type:
require "./file.rb"
the output will be Hello, World.
Why then, if I have a sinatra file, e.g.
require "sinatra"
get "/" do
return "Hi"
and require that, there is no output?
What executing the sinatra file via ruby sinatra_app.rb it will start a rack server, and not stop until CTRL+C is pressed. Why does it not do that when required in irb, but it does do that when it is explicitly run with ruby sinatra_app.rb?
Because the script doesn't output anything. There is nothing in the script you showed that would generate any sort of output, there are no calls to print, puts, or p, no writes to any file, nothing.
The first script prints something when required, because it prints something, the second prints nothing when required because, well, it prints nothing. Remove the call to puts from the first script and it won't print anything either. Add a call to puts to the second script and it will print something.
Workaround is require sinatra before requiring file.
Root file:
require "sinatra"
require "/tmp/ddd.rb"
Required file:
get "/" do
return "Hi"
I guess it's somehow related to Sinatra startup process. They put get method in default namespace, without namespacing it to separate module.

passing arguaments to a system call in Rails, but not plain ruby program

Ubuntu 12.04
Sinatra 1.3.3
Why does passing an argument to a ruby system call (%x[] or ``) give me a 'not found' error in my sinatra app? The same code works fine in a normal ruby script running from the same directory.
I have a file test.rb like this
output = %x["ls"]
p output
When I run it with "ruby test.rb" I get the contents of the current directory in the console, as expected.
If I modify the program to give an argument to the system call like so:
output = %x["ls sub_dir/"]
p output
I get the contents of sub_dir, which sits in the current directory, as expected.
So far so good.
Now if I make a Sintra app with a post method:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'sinatra'
post "/" do
output = x["ls"]
return output
The response to a Post call to "/" returns the contents of the current directory, which includes 'sub_dir', as expected.
If I try to add the argument to the system call to the sinatra app like so:
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'sinatra'
post "/" do
output = x["ls sub_dir/"]
return output
the response is nil and there is an error in the console:
sh: 1: ls sub_dir/: not found
Why does adding a parameter to a system call in my sinatra app cause it to crash, when the same code called from a plain ruby script, run from the same location works perfectly.
By the way, the 'ls' example shown here is not the command I really need to run, so please don't explain a different way to get this information. I have an executable file that takes a file name as a parameter that I need to run, which behaves exactly the same way.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to specify a path in relation to the application, you could use something like this:
post "/" do
path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "sub_dir")
%x[ls #{path}]
However, if you want to list the contents of a directory, why not do it in Ruby?
I rewrote the sinatra app in another file in the same directory.
Everything works as expected.
I did not find the reason and I deleted the original file so that I won't lose anymore time trying to figure it out.

Why this sinatra code is not working

I'm having a hard time figuring out what I'm doing wrong here. The result is empty and I'm looking it to return hello (calling the method testing through the before helper).
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
before do
def testing
return "hello"
There are several problems here. For one thing you have to actually call the output or variable you want in the view, most typically as an instance variable (otherwise every user gets the same output.) Take the modified code below for example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
before do
def testing
#word = "hello"
Check out the Sinatra Book, a free online resource, for information on getting started with Sinatra.
Because you are not calling the output on the Get request, you need to tell your Get Method to return an output. Like thekungfuman suggested. or try the Minimal Hello World Sinatra app as follows:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
#Get Request on Root ("/")
get '/' do
"Hello Sinatra World!"
Also it's useful to put your program under a class, so you can also do :
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra/base'
#My Application Class
class AppName < Sinatra::base
get '/' do
'Hello Sinatra World!'
This way you can also use this as a seperate app file and import it within other files like.
require 'app_name' #replace this with the name of the physical file
#Run Application "AppName"!

how to run capybara sinatra

I was given a sample sinatra project with a hello world for capybara testing in akephalos. I understand the concept by looking at the code, but how do i run it? If I run rackup, and then go to :9292 I just see a hello world. Great, what is that telling me? How do I run the test? The project is bare bones, but below is a file called example_spec.rb. How can I see it fail, for example by looking for "Hi world" and watching it fail? Hope this is enough info. Thought I would check here before I ask the dude that supplied me with the test, thanks!
# describe and context blocks are optional but help organize things
describe 'the index page' do
include x
# :js => true is used to run the test in Firefox. Otherwise it runs headless
# and without JS support
it 'can view the index page', :js => true do
visit '/'
# check to see if the page has the following text (ignoring tags)
page.should have_content('Hello, world!')
# visit to see a complete list of
# assertions
You need to set = <your Sinatra class>. Perhaps something like this:
setup do = Main
bundle exec rspec spec, This means run "bundle exec rspec" on the "spec" directory

very basic ruby/sinatra/heroku/debugging question: how to see output of puts and p?

I'm trying to build a very simple sinatra app deployed on heroku.
our app is not outputting stuff to a web browser, it's communicating with another computer via an API. so my usual trick of just printing a little extra debugging info to the browser while I'm using the app doesnt work.
the sample code I've seen for related apps show multiple 'puts' or 'p' statement used ot sort of see what's going on...
where does the output go that I can see that output as the program executes, or afterwards.
and in general, if you're flailing around with code hosted at Heroku that's just not doing what you want, what IS the easiest way to at various places in the code output messages like "foo equals 123" so you can see that output to figure out what's happening in the code?
p and puts dont output so the logs I can see when I type "heroku logs" for example...
If you use a cedar stack, try to put a line bellow in,
$stdout.sync = true
Original post was in February 2011, and Cedar stack was introduced in May, so this doesn't seem to be help for original question, but some of you may find this could be help.
According to you should be able to have puts and p just go to your log if you add the basic logger (which has apparently been added by default to all apps created after February 2nd, 2011).
For non-Heroku basic log-to-file with Sinatra and Logger:
require 'logger'
Dir.mkdir('logs') unless File.exist?('logs')
$log ='logs/output.log','weekly')
configure :production do
$log.level = Logger::WARN
configure :development do
$log.level = Logger::DEBUG
get "/" do
$log.debug "Hello, World!"
This will work fine. test_logging.rb
require 'sinatra'
require 'logger'
enable :logging
before do
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
get '/' do
logger.debug "Handling 'hello world' request." "Hello world."
return "<h1>Hello World</h1>"
See here for tips on how to write to the Logger:
The example given is:
class HomeController < ActionController::Base
def index 'informational message'
This is the line that works for me:
# On, before run:
enable :logging, :dump_errors, :raise_errors
